Saturday, 9 May 2015

Freedom and Perception xx

Hi all I had a great weekend I attended a Mind, Body and Spirit expo that was held for the first time in Tumut and I had a lot of messages given to me from Spirit through some of the Psychic Mediums that attended the show it was great being around like minded people I felt at ease for most crowded places I don't always feel comfortable but I was talking to one of my old school friends that was helping with a stall at the expo she does aromatherapy and massages so they had a stall with all the aromatic oils on it.. I did have a wax art painting done and a reading from John Paul Sutton that was interesting I will put a picture up of it and explain it a bit more.. To do the painting John gets you to pick some wax colours you I chose 5 but you can have a max up to 7 it goes up in price with the bigger size art pages I chose a 4x6 one and got a lifetime reading.. He puts the wax on a hot iron in the order he choses and puts it onto the photo paper some of the art works on display are awesome if he is there again next time I will get a bigger one done.. he did talk very fast so what he said has had to come back to me at least the important bits..
 To do the life time reading the picture is divided into 3 so the bottom 1/3 represents my past so my childhood and he said that something must of happened at about the age of 8 or 9 the only thing I could recall around that age was nearly being picked up by a stranger in a yellow car that was circling around the oval where I walk now I was with my sister and the kids from next door I recall having a bike with me and this man stopping  and asking for directions or something the kids with me were playing and seeing what this man would do so they hid behind a building and they all were watching for they left me out there on my own to see what he was going to do and just after he stopped to talk to me they appeared and he took off so they scared him as they didn't even talk to him he thought I was on my own.. The other thing I remember is being teased on the way home by 2 girls up the road from us they were younger then me and my sister but they used to throw stones, call us names and the usual bully tactics we ignored them but they went home and told their parents that we were teasing them the younger one was worse then the older sister for she wasn't the instigator and they said "we are going to get our dad to come and get you with the axe" or something similar and he did they not only done it to us but other kids in the street so we all used to walk around the back way so we didn't have to go past their house this could of been going up into my teens as well because one of there cousins actually got so close to me on his bike my hands went into the spokes as I tried to push him away as they were teasing again I think my hand was swollen for days I didn't tell my mum (I'm like that battle things out on my own)..  The next 1/3rd the middle bit from about the second line that goes across is the present so he said I was going through a growth period meaning my spirituality and soul which it is he also said "your psychic" I said "yeh!!".. Most of it was about communication because I chose a lot of blue shades and pink was for love, compassion etc. I do have communication issues due to my shyness and past again about being teased about my voice which probably has affected me in some ways but that was not what he was saying it sounded like he was saying the opposite but maybe he was referring to my online presence where I do talk a lot, in person most the time I can't get my voice heard as I am usually talked over or by the time they finish what I had to say was part of the last topic that happened today or yesterday at work by the time I get my voice heard they are onto the next subject so most the time I just listen it doesn't worry me they just wonder why I am so quiet all the time.. The next part of the picture was my future which was free flowing so that is all the lines going up in the pretty pattern so that is after my growth period so that to means all this learning and other courses I'm doing or wish to do in the near future to do with spirituality and what direction I'm heading in which I haven't planned so just go with the flow and where my heart leads me. There is an image in the picture that looks like a dog which means loyalty which I am when I know in my heart that a person needs me or I trust them if you betray my trust I will disappear from your life no worries about that if someone hurts me I will have nothing to do with them lucky I haven't been hurt to often but then again I am guarded before I let anyone into my heart or space any way.. My future looks promising but that is to far away I don't think about it for I do like to live in the present moment. Thinking now on what John said there might be more to what happened when I was younger going on what I've read since writing this up I need to do more soul searching for the answers will come up in my mind as they always do and always have for I know my own truths of who I am.
Here I am at about age 8/9 in my school photo.
Look for the good in everyone and bring it out in them not the negativity for it will affect you.
 I had some other readings done last weekend so my mind has been going over all that was said I will go into that further as my Pop I never met came through and has been protecting me all my life he died before I was born, the psychic medium that done this reading had a lot to pass onto me now my soul is working on those messages I came across a message from Tobias and some of his channels on the Crimson Circle so I have found more info on who I am when I read the free download on Crimson Circle about the Lost Children of Christ and as I read it I was thinking this is me so I have some soul searching to do to find all the answers for they do lie within my soul. I just read some more of Tobias messages and I really feel it is me and also why I am the way I am with my shyness and all for I had to keep things quiet until it was time to reveal or to find my inner soul to help people bring this new energy in for in my life I have always felt protected not by those just in my family but an unseen force as I was going through life I always knew there was more, going back before my job came to me I was searching for life's meaning and knowing there was more to it then just having a husband and the boys to look after as my daughter had left home by then.. I have done a lot of soul searching over the last couple of years knowing all the answers lie within but being pointed by my guides to where it is I need to find information that will wake me up spiritually in this life for I now have found my life purpose and so much more it is just a matter of patience and letting divine timing let it all fall into place for I know I have a lot more learning and love to give to those that have my soul, I really want to go get some past life memories dug up and who should pop on my wall this morning after reading about the Lost Children of Christ none other then Dr Brian Weiss announcing he is having a workshop in Melbourne in November so I will now have to pray and let God know my intentions for I really want or need to go and I would love to have the experience of seeing Dr Weiss in action I also wish to do another workshop in Sydney at some stage a Tobias "Journey of the Angels" as soon as I seen that is the Crimson Circle leaflet I knew it was something I was drawn to as our soul always knows what direction to take my heart has always led the way for me.
 I decided to draw a card for those who visit my blog I really must get my time sorted so I can get back to blogging more often for I have much to say and spirit does to for I have messages I know I must pass on to help be of service and to help others through this new energy or for future reference for those also on a spiritual journey.
 FREEDOM - "I possess the power and the freewill to create my own happiness"..  You are the creator of your own happiness it does not lie with others though they can make you feel bliss to be around them for you are getting their energy with how they behave or act towards you, but no-one can make you feel any emotions in life for it is only up to you to have the freewill and attitude of how to react or feel in any situation and if you let negative emotions affect your mood at any given time, if you let things go emotionally you are bound to feel more at peace and come from a place of happiness for you will see things in a different light when your mind is freed of what others expect of you and to be the true soul self you are, you also need to be true to who you are and let others see that person for you should never change to suit others if they don't like you they will move on out of your life as they are not needed by you or vice versa they will go to the next place/person where their soul will grow with more lessons that they came to learn. So it is up to you to feel happiness for it is your own state of mind which will put you in a certain mood.. love and light xx
Stand in your own soul power and with your freewill chose how you want to feel or how you want others to treat you for you always have a choice to walk away or change the situation by your own reactions to things that come up in your life use this advice from Eckhart Tolle. Your choices will be your destiny for everything has a cause and an effect on you and those around you for we are all connected.
I also purchased some new cards last weekend at the Mind, Body and Spirit expo.. I love them as they are of vintage pictures and have great messages within this one is about PERCEPTION for that is what life really is what we perceive from our own experiences of what we think life is and what is the truth for us as we all have our own from what life has dealt us but also from past life experiences for things our soul will recall so our intuition will tell us that things won't work out but some times we still need to get those lessons again for we don't trust what our gut instincts say so we mask the truth instead for we are a race that has a logical thought process so the need to analyse things are always great we as a race do always over analyse a lot of things that come up in our life because based on the other persons perception of who you are and you being the person you are will put on a mask of your ego and only show them what you want them to know about you, our ego is really our mask as it shows up our fears, negative emotions and our ego also sets up our own self serving persona if we let it where you will put others feelings aside and do what you please even if it hurts another, our conscience will let us know when our ego appears for we will feel guilt if our soul knows it has done or made the wrong choice.. It is not so much a wrong choice but rather a valuable soul lesson you needed to take to bring you to another place. Our perception also comes with our belief or what it is that our parents, teachers and other personal friendship have taught us since we came to earth. Our perception of things also come from what the media portray as reality where most of it is based on the journalists perception of what is real to him/her based on their own biases, for not everyone has that same thought as you are seeing things through your own eyes and your own realities in life, and our reality is what we believe to be so by our own life experiences and those we can pull up from our soul that we know is the truth based on past life experiences we have had for some of our fears are based on deep soul stuff we don't or didn't know existed as it just comes out of the blue in your life but your soul always knows what is real and what is a perception of someone else's reality..  We can also have a perception of who we think we are so being judgemental of our own actions and choices in life and how we think others will see us and maybe reject us, but in reality we hide behind the mask of our true soul self for our feeling are buried deep within for our fears are that great we don't want to show others but those are things we need to work on our real soul growth starts to take place when we do drop our mask and lay our soul bare.
I feel like spreading lots of love tonight for I feel I've neglected you, or maybe that is just how I feel inside and need to show you I am pure love and light and wish to send it to the universe for it will be returned to me by spirit if no one else is around.. Awakening spiritually can be a lonely place even when others are around as you awaken to who your soul really is and why you came here and most your life you've really done it alone as you are dependant on no-one for how you feel and as you are being of service to others you sort of neglect your own needs well the emotional ones at least.. Next weekend I can't wait for as it will be another spiritual one I hope it helps awaken and heal more in me as I will be in Wagga all weekend doing my first workshop in Reiki where I will learn to tap into the Universal life force energy even more and learn another modem in spiritual healing to help others not sure how far I will take it for my heart will lead the way to my future and the message I also keep getting is all about change..

Home by Michael Buble
Some times I really get the urge to go home
 a great wave of emotion just washed over me
now as I was looking at something online..
12:12 is the time and in Angel numbers
that means "Keep positive thoughts about
your future as what you are thinking
influences your future. This is a message
to keep your faith and hope strong because
these are strong determining factors right now."
That was for one 12 as it is doubled here
is a website that says more click here.
Sending love and light to all
that read this for now I just
feel alone I must be shedding
some old energy as I type this.
Love you always,

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