Saturday, 9 May 2015

Your Shadow Self xx

G'day it is now Saturday and it is raining here so just doing some housework and cleaning things up I should really de-clutter my craft room here where I sit and it may help me be uncluttered with my time or at least help me be a bit more organised as one never seems to have enough hours in a day before your eyes want to close at night and I don't get any reading in and I have so much to learn and lots of books to catch up on so maybe sometimes feel a bit overwhelmed with what I have to do. Priorities is a word that just popped in my head so one needs to work out what is important in your life at this very moment for what you do now will decide on your future.

 I have just drawn a card this morning and I am to talk about our "SHADOW SELF" I touched on that last night with the mask we wear in front of others which is the deep dark emotions that we keep to ourselves so our shadow self in one that is also called our ego and it likes to keep our fears in check and talk us down or out of things we want to achieve but it is also that little lurker that makes us react in fear when we are faced with our soul truths of what it is we need to work on for our souls to evolve. Our soul is made up of many energies that come to us from spirit so in our humanness our ego gets a ride it is our dark side as we live in a world of duality and each soul has a dark and a light side like the sun and moon earth does too for when the dark side of our soul appears it will make us most likely turn to addictions, or treat others with contempt for only our soul appears kind, compassionate, full of love and  integrity when it is emerged in the light so we really need to face all fears and let the dark side of our soul disappear, it does show its self on occasion in our life when we are faced with soul growth emotions brought on by events like grief, and break up of relationships or shattered dreams our shadow side of our soul will have us turning to addictions such as alcohol or drugs something to mask the light side of your soul.. The only solution to ridding or limiting your shadow side of the soul is to show more light, love and compassion towards others but mainly towards yourself for all you have been through was for a reason one to balance your soul energy and growth as that is why we came to earth for our lessons as it is only as a human our soul will grow and eventually evolve so all that shows is our light our love and that part of the divine that created our souls.. We often go into dark nights of our souls without even realising for those are the days you just want to be alone and shed all the emotions over past or present emotional events that have happened in our lives some things get buried so deep in our souls we like to pretend it isn't there but it stays and feeds your fears and your ego as it rears its ugly head when you least expect it that is why it is essential to forgive your self and others  as well as to let those emotions go out to the universe for they do your soul no good, your soul needs to have your heart open so you can hear your direct guidance from above when you are in doubt your guidance is blocked so your conscience may start to make your freewill  choices  have you travel a harder road and create more karmic debt which is a balance of energy that will have you pushed and pulled in life as your soul is trying to make amends for the choices you made in a past lives with how you treated others for out of fear we treat others like crap for it is our shadow self that really needs working on to release the fears we show others, for everyone is a mirror of your soul and it will be the fears you see in each other so will react accordingly.. If you always come from a place of love you will only ever see the good in others and if you can't find anything good you will simply walk away for you know they have plenty of soul growth and fears to fix within themselves. So take a conscious look at yourself with how you interact with others and see if you notice your shadow side make an appearance if you do go look at your self internally and get rid of the fears you have release them to heaven to bring you peace of mind and know that your soul has just grown from the lesson you gave or got from others. Our soul is made up of energy and is always looking to have a balance of dark and light so we can be at peace with who we are and start to appreciate why we came to have life lessons for we all came for different reasons depending on our past lives and what it is we need to fix in the way of energy whether we came from a place of darkness in dealing with others in another life cycle you will want to create more light in how you treat others, so you may be a more compassionate person then you were in a previous life but it will be shown to that soul you showed darkness to in another time and place of your souls akashic record..Our souls are never static they are always moving and evolving that is the energy in us that comes from above that moves our actions and reactions which how as a human we evolve and have evolved since the start of creation.. xx Love and light xx
Your Shadow self finds your fears to make your soul stronger if you face them then learn from the lessons provided some fears are present in this life from previous soul life cycles you have had so they will be phobia's or some sort of pet hate that you don't know why it exists. Fear like Love are both energies one dark and one light each soul has decide which one you wish to live by I chose light even when I go into dark times my light of love has always shone through it has  been through soul searching and letting things go that always brings me back up to the true soul self I am and have always been time on my own for reflection always has helped so I speak to my soul and it speaks to me in rationalising my emotions to bring me peace.
So the next card I pulled out from another new set of cards called the Romance Angels by Doreen Virtue.. This deck is about finding romance or your soul mate in life but before that happens we need to find our passions for what makes us happy and excited and our heart full and open are the things we love to do it could be our hobbies or being outside in the garden and open air the things we strive for and the things that bring us joy are the way to reignite a relationship with others is to share our passions with them or it is a great way to look after yourself and to come away from your fears so what ever you are passionate about will be a part of the light side of your soul so it will raise your vibration if you are filling that void with what it is you love it could also be music something that soothes your soul and ignites something in you that will drown out the dark side of your soul the more you do what you love the more true soul self you will be for your soul has long held passions you've brought in from other life times for you could be a renaissance men/women and levitate towards the arts of that era in this your current life time.. When you are passionate about something it will continue to come up in your life even if you have a break from it you will return for it is a part of your soul and it makes you feel whole which in turn will strengthen your relationships for you will come from a place of happiness and joy. It's great if you can find work in the field that raises your passion for you will forever be fulfilled with your work as it was most likely a part of your soul plan rather then just a job you are doing something that excites you. Doing things you love is a part of self care which causes the domino effect in all your relationships.

Love this song when Life's Challenges have us going down a road we know we
don't belong ask Jesus, God or your Angels for a bit of guidance and be open to
receive the blessings that will be sent to you...
The road hard travelled is the one you get your soul growth and lessons from.
One more song I do love Lady Antebellum and this
song - Need you now...
Sending love and light
Drop the shadow side of
your persona and let others
see your true soul.
If you are not sure who
that true soul self is.
Work hard at self reflection
on your life journey and how
far you have come.
Search for the lessons
you have learnt along the way.
Release all the emotions buried
deep for it will give your
soul a sense of peace.
Loving your self
for who you are is
your souls life goal
in any life cycle that
you promised to undertake.
To love always is the
energy a soul needs to
be in love with humanity
and to be of service to all
that you meet on your life
path for to have love and
compassion in your heart will
shine the light and bring a
sense of hope and peace to
those that you meet.
Love you always
no matter where you
are for you are a part of
my soul energy.

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