Friday, 22 May 2015

Reiki Jin Kei Do xx

Hello I've had a very spiritual weekend where all my chakra's have had a recharge and my energy vibration has been lifted up a notch so I can be attuned into healing with my hands which is Reiki. So my body has had four empowerments over the weekend and also some Reiki treatment as I had to give a couple and I received them back in return I was the only student so it was done at Louise's house but we were joined by a friend of Louise's that came for a review for her Reiki (I think she was at second stage) she was a beautiful soul so I was grateful to Bernadette for joining in this weekend as I did get to practice on her and she returned the favour and she is very psychic so when she gave me my Reiki she seen in her minds eye my son Phillip playing in my aura as she sees a lot of colours when giving or receiving Reiki. When having Reiki you can get a range of feelings no-one is ever the same for it is your own body that is receiving this energy to it will let you know what is wrong it can be something physical or emotional that needs healing it will be you that has to work it out for it may not happen straight away I myself have a 21 day period after my empowerment  for anything to happen. My workshop started on Friday night so I had my first session then and it finished at 10 o'clock and when I went back to my accommodation I couldn't sleep from the noise down below but more because I had cramps in my ankles and feet, also my right ear has been aching since so hopefully it means my clairaudience is on its way back in so I can hear spirit as I was asking that while having my treatment, also so I can see, feel, hear and know everything from spirit to pass onto other people in order to help them grow or be aware of this new energy and in how it may make them feel.. I shall let you know how I go I was feeling good today however I just looked at the clock and it is midnight so I better finish this post quickly and read some of the Reiki manual I was given.. With the first stage I can do self treatments and family or friends, pets so I may do 2nd stage another year I will see where this will take me as I have a lot more I want to do..
JIN KEI DO is the linage of the Reiki that I'm doing .. here is an online webpage if you want to see..
Dr Ranga Premaratna is going to be in Wagga this weekend but I have been rostered on to work both this weekend and the next so the timing for my first stage workshop was great as was the position of the accommodation I chose as it was only a walk away.. so spirit will always guide you to where it is you need to be we just need to listen to our intuition and follow our hearts as it will lead the way to where it is you need to go..

Here is the card I drew at lunch time from the Vintage Wisdom Oracle  "Reflection" of our life and how far we have come in this life time with all our struggles whether financially with relationships, family or friends each person or event has helped your soul grow that little bit more for when we enter life that is why we came to learn, to make amends with other souls from past life times that we may of not treated right or we had some other karmic debt to pay back. Karmic debt is a universal pay back system so your own soul energy is the trading term it is in each life we have to balance that debt so our soul energy needs to be even to do this we must consider how we treat people as we always have choices to make which way to go, the road of compassion, empathy and loving kindness or the choice of fear so showing anger or judgements of how others walk on their path. Our karmic debt is not always in the negative for all love and kindness is also repaid in your life and if your light shines it is sure to shine in any future  life you may plan. So in your quiet time of reflection look at all the memorable parts of your life and work out what soul lessons you think you might of gained and if those experiences or the people that have come and gone in your life have left you with lasting emotions if they have left you in a position that hasn't strengthened you it is time to let them go so all the emotion they still carry over you will no longer affect your soul forgive them and also yourself for what ever happened was meant to be and the lesson is now over. If you keep holding on to those emotions it means your lesson has not been learnt so you will most likely keep repeating them or your trapped emotions will show up in other ways and make you act out in fear so all emotions need to be released and lessons learned in order for you to move on to the next soul lesson you came here to learn. So reflect and release that which no longer serves you and replace all feelings with love and positivity that you are in a safe place and you are where you are meant to be right here and now where ever you are your own soul knows when it is time to move or bring about change for it will happen anyway when the timing is right. Love and light xx ❤
This song was chosen as the closing one of my Stage one Reiki session
Don't be afraid to love again to give or receive  from any source
as it will open your heart to hear the divine source it self for Love is
the highest frequency and energy and one that is your direct link to God and all of
the spirit realm including that of your higher self as well as your lower self for you
are connected in the centre of both or at least your energy and consciousness is.
It is now Thursday I keep getting so tired I don't finish my post as I started this on Monday I have been sending a lot of love energy to those I think need some of my energy as I am pure love and light in the eyes of spirit I know they can see my crystal light shining as I feel the divine love inside of me. It is coming up to the anniversary of when Phillip had to return home that is on Sunday so I might take him up some new flowers that I have had sitting on my table for about a month so they have plenty of home energy on them for him, he already knows they are for him as when you return to spirit you are never far from your soul family for you are always connected through your heart and soul with love and only a thought will bring them closer to you and they do leave signs, you may not always notice them though you may sense them from smells, butterflies, birds, dragonflies, songs what ever you associate your loved one with some times they may even brush near you or touch your hair, you personally always sense this but may brush it aside.
It is now Friday I had a busy morning I got up early and went to work then I had to go see the Optometrist about my contact lenses as I've been having a 2 week trial I do like using them and got the hang of installing them the first day was a bit tricky but by the end of the week it was easy only I didn't have the correct strength as one eye is worse then the other I am myopic so need them to see long distance I don't need them to read a book up close but with contact lenses I may need to use weak reading glasses a bit of trial and error to come I think I will pick up my subscription next week . After that I had a doctors appointment nothing drastic just a new script to be written for my hypertension all my blood tests were great from the last test which was earlier in the year also a referral to another doctor for  woman bits to be tested, not nice but a part of being a woman and I have had lots of reminder letters to have it done so I thought I better be safe then sorry later if any thing was to be picked up I will need an operation at some point though for I know of a little problem that needs to be fixed. Then groceries and when I got home the silly dog was out, he is a real Houdini and goes down to a house down the road and gets in their cats door the lady is not too impressed it isn't the small dog I've put up pictures of but my sons dog who is rather large (a kelpie cross) he is well behaved apart from escaping and being an unwanted guest. So the lady came up just as I was heading to work I didn't have time to go catch him and I ended up walking to work for my car also got hot and wouldn't start so the dog ended up following me to school as I walked past him and he really did enjoy that walk but when I got to school I had to find my son to walk the dog back home they were having lunch and I had to start work and the dog was in the school yard he loves kids as well but he stunk as he was rolling in something smelly all ended well only the son said he should of stayed home for he only had art in the afternoon.. So my morning was a bit hectic but all is well just one of those days you are glad to get home and put your PJ's on and relax.. Up early again tomorrow for work..
I have just drawn a couple of cards to add to this blog.. after seeing a few toadstools on my walk yesterday at the golf course I thought of fairies so wanted to use that deck..
Mother Nature puts on some beautiful displays you can just imagine the fairies and
elves playing under these little toadstools..
I have drawn 2 cards from the Healing with the Fairies deck and they would like you to take a bit of time away on a "Vacation"  it doesn't have to be far just a bit of time out for yourself away from any pressures you may have in life even if it is just for a day or afternoon out in the fresh air amongst nature having a picnic in the park or a walk on the beach what ever you enjoy doing to have a bit of alone time or family time, for we get so caught up in work, family matters and the daily grind we forget to take in a bit of fresh air and to get out of the house or it may be time to start planning a bigger get away if you love to travel .. The second card is "To be honest with yourself" so you know what it is you need to do for our feelings and our body always let us know when we are not being true to who we are or why it is we came here to have a life. We will constantly have a nagging voice come from within us to let us know we need change or when something just isn't working out any more, our soul usually knows first it is just our ego and fears which stop us from facing the inevitable whether it be from relationships, jobs or career moves our gut will know it is time to move on to the next stage of our life, we may not know what that is straight away so we delay any progress being made as we go into denial and tell ourselves it will be right and in steps that ego to say yes! you must be right but you still have that urging or feeling within your gut that what you are doing  needs to come to an end.. Also to speak and express your own truth for we all have one and that is who we are at a soul level not the masked person of how we want others to see us or how we think they expect us to  be.. xx love and light xx
Nickelback - Far Away
Yay!! finished this post it has only taken me all week
I will work on a post for Phillip next for he brought
me to this place of spirituality that I am in if it wasn't for
him and wanting to know where his spirit went when he
left to go back home at such a young age.
You are so Far Away
but close to my heart and soul
You know I love you
because our souls are
so connected in a spiritual
way we are the half of
a whole and that soul is
universally big and a
part of the creative source.
Where divine and unconditional
love is the only thing that is
real, for it feels so intense
sometimes I just have to fill
you up with it if you have lost
your way, I know it will
bring you back around as
it has always been there
through every life time for
we are never far apart for our
Golden hearts are so connected
even when we are apart.
For I am only half of the whole of
who we are..
love you always

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