Sunday 13 September 2015

"I am Blessed" and "The Journey" card readings xx

Hi all it is now Sunday afternoon I've just been doing housework and chilling out today catching up on some reading and not much really it is another beautiful day outside.. I decided to draw a card again today to see what spirit wants us to know to help guide our souls on their way.. I have chosen the Wisdom of the Golden Path deck again I love the artwork in this deck they are by Toni Carmine Salerno.. the illustrations are by Yuehui Tang..
 I AM BLESSED a message to look at how blessed you are in life for things might not of turned out how you expected but they turned out how they were meant to, change your perspective on how you see things and your outlook will be different instead of focussing on what has gone wrong in your life count the blessings instead for in life some doors close on us with out reason or warning but then once closed we are put on a different path in life one that is for a higher purpose, this can be frustrating at times and make us feel lost as to what direction life is taking us. Our higher soul never leaves us in the lurch it is just our perception of how things turned out and the choices we made to make things turn out that way or the way things have panned out in your life.. Instead of seeing yourself as a victim of your circumstance it is a chance for you to see it more as an opportunity to wait and see what life and the direction it takes now, for things always turn up at the perfect time if you allow it and don't focus your energy on things you wish you still had but instead put all your focus on things you desire or wish to come into your life whether it be a new love relationship for they will happen when the 2 souls are ready to collide so with synchronicity that special person will arrive but before that happens both souls may have other lessons to receive first so patience is in order so always keep your heart open to receive love and love yourself how you would love another, for a closed heart and no hope is focussing your energy of not getting your wish or manifesting your dream partner for your partner or future partner has already been pre-planned in the spirit world before ever arriving on earth so when the two souls have had other lessons and paid any karmic debts they had all souls will be united for destiny had been planned that way for you to find each other at the right time in both your life's.. So have faith in the universal system and spirit to bring your dreams to you by law of attraction this could also include job and career aspects or the ideas and funds to start your own business or project call on spirit to bring these things to you and try to have faith and believe your dreams are already in progress and they will soon be delivered you also have to work with spirit and take action when the guidance is given so watch for all the signs and take note of all the thoughts and emotions that come to you and write everything down for later reference as you watch the dreams come true, remember time is infinite so things turn up in the perfect time for your soul to complete the mission it come to earth to accomplish.. So if you are feeling stuck or frustrated about where you are in life at the moment stop and let spirit and the universe take care of you for a while and call in what you need then relax and go with the flow of life don't fight it release and let go of all worry so those things you need come to you without the energy blocking the portal of manifestation call on the angels to help move things along but don't give specific instructions for spirit knows you and the potential and all your dreams so are working for your higher good so hold no expectations for things could turn out better than you expected.. Listen to your heart let it lead the way to the illuminated path that has already been set out by your soul and that of others that were destined to show up in your life to help guide you or give you the lessons that you need.. So when one door closes see it as a blessing while you patiently wait for the next door to open for you for change means that you were meant to walk a different path in life only you may of not found it, search within and your soul will reveal all plans. There is a lesson in patience as you wait for your dream to appear. xx love and light xx 
All is unfolding in the most perfect way for me and others.
All unfolds at the most perfect time.
I am blessed with eternal love and abundance.
I just drew another card from the Mythic Oracle deck it is a Hero card and ODYSSEUS "The Journey" this is a message about your own journey and how challenging you might find things as you go on your path  in life we are faced with many challenges, changes, temptations and lots of choices and distractions over what way do we want to go in the future and not focussing on the end game. For we all have battles to fight along our way things that do pop up unexpectedly, so we have a few hurdles to step over a few dragons to slay those dragons are usually the battle of our own wits and what it is we set out to achieve in life, we sometimes get too caught up in the drama of things within our life but also with the things that are surrounding us, we need to let those things go for they are outside controlling forces and things we cannot change or do anything about in the short term for they usually involve other people and in life we can only control and focus on the things in our life and what it is within us we need to change or control.. Control is a big word for no-one has total control in life we do only of our emotions and how we react to the temptations and situations we are faced with we can rush in like a bull to a rag and not see all the consequences to our actions the same when we do things on impulse we may later regret those moves for we didn't think with our hearts, impulsive actions are more to do with our ego and doing things on the spur of the moment without really considering the bigger picture or wider implications over what we have done, it is never to late though to change tack and think more carefully on what it is you need to do next on your journey always weigh up the pro's and con's then decide on what it is in your heart you know what to do, usually our first thoughts and emotions are the correct decision for they are usually made with our instincts and intuition but we some times let our ego talk us out of the first thoughts so we talk our selves out of the first instincts we have this would be our ego coming in with doubts and negativity as to why you can't proceed on your journey so it is really our ego and our mind stopping us from doing the things we know in our hearts is the right thing to do.. Our souls have a yearning so this would be the first instincts you have and when you push them aside your mind will actually keep you returning to that first thought/feeling  you had so take note and listen to those first yearnings and follow your intuition then you know you made the right choice in life for it is the direction your soul had planned on going without the ego detour which will probably bring you lessons, but those lessons will keep returning if you don't follow your soul yearnings for your soul truly has a GPS of where it is in life you are meant to be at any given time, even while waiting for your dreams is your lesson in patience so everything has a reason and a purpose for your soul you just need to be in tune with all your feelings and emotions to help get you to where the soul knows it is meant to be and with whom it is meant to be with for there are no accidents or coincidences in life only lessons for we are all guided by the same divine spirit and Ascended Masters teams so those in spirit are always with you bringing in your soul requests you just need to learn to listen to your soul speak and not your ego..  This card also means victory if you follow your heart so you will always be a winner for you are following the right path your life purpose that will make your soul happy and at peace with itself.. xx love and light xx
Odysseus - The Myth
Odysseus is a hero of great wit and intelligence. It was his idea to give a large wooden horse to the Trojans as a gift that carried within it the Greek soldiers that were finally able to penetrate the walls to defend Troy.
After the Trojan war, Odysseus made his way home. While stopping over at an Island, he managed to outsmart Polyphemus, a Cyclops who was the son of Poseidon. Polyphemus, full of rage, asked his father to never allow Odysseus to reach his home of Ithaca and Poseidon did all he could to prevent Odysseus' safe arrival home. This long and arduous journey became the story chronicled in Homer's Odyssey..

With both these cards together it means be blessed with what you have now because you were put on this path for a reason one that may not be clear to you at this time and to have patience as the things your soul desires on this journey will come to you but you may face a few challenges first these are challenges within your own soul so when you find the battle of darkness overtaking your will step back look for the light and the love sent to you for it is there to help guide you out of the dark times so slay the dragons, avoid temptations and always follow your heart and instincts to get you where you need to go for it is your souls own knowing that has got you this far, don't give up now for the good times will come and is there amongst your challenges in life, look for the blessings that have been brought into your life through those changes and the chances you have been given so far by already following your intuition your soul has worked hard to be where it now is and you have had many soul lessons on this journey, keep going and never give in - hang in there and have the courage to keep marching forward to your dreams...... destiny awaits you, patience and trust in the universal system to bring you what you need always,  don't let the challenges you face get in the way, battle on and you will find the way home. xx love and light xx
43 in Angel numbers means "Both the angels and the ascended masters (such as Jesus, Quan Yin or a Saint) are helping you right now, spend time connecting with them in quiet meditation, and be calmed by their reassuring presence, which tells you that everything is fine." (DV angel numbers 101)
Keep fighting the inner battle let love be the winner.
Open your heart and let in the love sent to you
surrender to it and let your ego/dark side go.
All will be fine and your dreams will
come true for the battle will be won and
we can then finish the journey home as one.
Celine Dion
I love you
Sending love and light

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