Friday 25 September 2015

The Quest - Finding the house of God, - Twinflames xx

Hi all it is now Friday I have the whole day off with no work so I have been doing housework this is a task I have done all my life so not one I can ever escape from, I used to help my mum with the housework growing up so kept my room tidy I shared it with my sister she was not that much into cleaning so we had a dividing line in the bedroom one my sister made my side was mostly clean but I also helped with dishes, cooking and other stuff around the house when I was old enough, I remember once dad gave us girls a cooking challenge to make some scones, cake or something and he would give the winner $50 I won because I was the only one that done it out of the 3 of us I do however have 3 sisters one was too young or not born at the time of that challenge...
(I have let my mind wander so have come to the topic of Twinflames)
So cleaning is something that most women can never escape from for it comes in under the nurturing banner which is of the female energy so not all men are keen to take up that role the male energy is one of protection and security for the family so the hunters and gathers but not all take that role as all souls are made up of both female and male energy so one energy will dominate in one of those but possess both so all sides come out in you so that energy should be balanced if it is you will be both nurturing and protective of those you love and humanity itself providing your ego doesn't get in the way for it is the cause of a lot of what is wrong in the world for our ego energy is one of fear which has us acting in false ways and have us moving away from our true soul which is the energy of love this is the balance of both male and female energy so the Yin and Yang of life..
Ego energy is a male energy so it comes up in your soul as a protective measure so it will be your defences for protecting your soul but it is also an energy that will have  a negative side to it as your ego is your shadow self so it sometimes shows up and creates darkness in your soul, so it is up to the female energy within your own soul the loving nurturing kind that needs to come to the surface when you find yourself in periods of darkness, your ego has its role but don't let it get a hold of you as it needs to be kept in a box and balanced so you can't get rid of it but you can ignore it in this world of duality it is up to your own soul in which energy you want to feed the negative male energy side or the loving female energy side this is the make up of energy within all souls so a healthy balance of energy is required for your own peace and tranquillity..
Twin flames and the pair will have one of each element the male and female element so it is up to each soul in the pairing to be their true soul one will have the male energy and the other will have the female energy but as an individual soul they will have both so it is a balancing of the two energies within one self that will have them unite when each soul can be both and a mirror of the other soul as in the energy not the ego for the ego doesn't exist within the twin soul relationship for it has to be shed for the couple to unite it will still show up in the way of fears so the soul that has the fears has to look within to release those fears into the light so that souls energy finds the divine love within itself, This is a very emotional rollercoaster ride for the soul going through an awakening to its true self for it is shedding all past and present fears from all incarnations that this soul has had as a human from the time of its creation so most of the time the human and soul within may not even know why they find themselves shrouded in darkness and surrounded by negativity for it comes from in ones own soul but outside forces can also influence what gets connected to the soul body which is energy so the soul and your body that surrounds it has its own "Auric field" this is energy surrounding you and within you this energy does affect your mind and perception of all you see and feel especially when your own energy centres are blocked (Chakra's) if they are all lit up and free flowing your life will be as well for each chakra is responsible for its own roles in our well being and  us staying at peace, balanced and grounded while we are on earth. If our chakras are blocked it shows in how we act, react and how we see ourselves in every situation that comes up in our lives so it effects our freewill choices as well if our energy centres are out of whack it can also affect our physical and mental health..
The god that exists within is the divine love that is your soul the soul you find when you find your Twinsoul for that is the reason you have been searching for that longing that only exists with the whole of your soul that is the feminine and the masculine energy that exists with the separation that came from when souls were created (Adam and Eve) or the Omega/Alpha or the Yin/Yang it is our state our consciousness that unites and becomes whole so we can go on our ascension to the 5th dimension. It is all a state of being and an energy the one of God which is what all our spiritual teachers have been saying all along with the religious texts but they need to be deciphered to the true meaning not the meaning of  a 3d human mindset that has no concept of the soul and its energy everything eventually seems to click when that searching is over and you connect with your true divine nature the one you find when you find your Twinsoul the exact mirror of your divine nature .. the true pure divine love that only they can bring you for it feels like home... You feel whole and complete and just know they are the one you are to return home with when both souls let go and let the universe take care of them and lose the ego self the fear needs to subside in order to unite.. honour all emotions and release them for your soul has done it's work the only mission left is love and what it is that the universe brings us that ignites your passion on earth.. love you always xx

I thought I would draw another Osho card today plus one from my other decks not sure which one yet but I do love to work with Archangel Michael he has such powerful energy and he also helps you to clear yours when you feel the negative energy surrounding you and within you.. if you are a sensitive person you will probably be feeling this energy more so it could be playing with your moods, you could be tired, emotional, you could be waking up in the early hours of the morning as we are downloading this energy as all the portals are opening for those souls that are awakening to their true soul so are questioning themselves and why they are actually here on earth.. I know through out my life every so often I get the feeling to go home (home being where my soul family are) and prayed for it to happen and it didn't instead something else showed up in my life to make me want to stay, most my life I actually had no directions as to what it was I wanted to be not like others who must of had their soul plan already and on leaving school had some idea of what it was they wanted to do.. me I never felt that now I know why for on this journey it has always been my heart that has had to do the navigating however spirit has given me little hints along the way only once have I heard the voice of spirit (clairaudience) it was when I was 17 and one of those times I was calling to go home as I had no direction of what it was I was supposed to do with my life once leaving school because of my shyness I never really put myself out there as I like to not draw attention to myself so I've always been that quiet achiever and done what it was that was expected of me by my parents but they were never pushy just supportive of anything me and my sisters did or didn't do.. It really took me a long time to find my true self and I'm still coming out of my spiritual shell (well that is what I will call it because when ever I spoke up as a child others would say I was coming out of my shell they must of thought I was a turtle) it was more like I came here to observe and to serve others my whole life as I am a nurturing soul that has never hurt another, if I have it wasn't intentionally.... Enough about me now here is the Osho card..
The Quest - finding the house of God..
Gather all courage and take a jump. You will still exist, but in such a way that you cannot connect it with the old. It will be discontinuity. The old was so tiny, so small, so mean and the new so vast. From a small dewdrop slipping from lotus leaf trembles for a moment, tries to hang on a little more, because he can see the ocean ... once he has fallen from the lotus leaf he is gone. Yes, in a way he will not be; as a dewdrop he will be gone. But it is not a loss. He will be oceanic.
And all other oceans are limited.
The ocean of existence is unlimited.
I have talked many times about a beautiful poem of Rabindranath Tagore. The poet has been searching for God for millions of lives. He has seen him sometimes, far away, near a star, and he started moving that way, but by the time he reached that star, God has moved to some other place. But he went on searching and searching - he was determined to find God's home - and the surprise of surprises was, one day he actually reached a house where on the door was written: "God's Home."

You can understand his ecstasy, you can understand his joy. He runs up the steps, and just as he is going to knock on the door, suddenly his hand freezes. An idea arises in him "If by chance this is really the home of God than I am finished, my seeking is finished. I have become identified with my seeking, with my search. I don't know anything else. If the door opens and I face God, I am finished - the search is over. Then what?"
He starts trembling with fear, takes his shoes off his feet, and descends back down the beautiful marble steps. His fear was that God may open the door, although he has knocked. And then he runs fast as he has never run before. He used to think that he had been running after God as fast as he could, but today he runs as he has never run, not looking back.
The poem ends, "I am still searching for God. I know his home, so I avoid it and search everywhere else. The excitement is great, the challenge is great, and in my search I continue to exist. God is danger - I will be annihilated. But now I am not afraid even of God, because I know where he lives. So, leaving his home aside, I go on searching for him all around the universe. And deep down I know my search is not for God: my search is to nourish my ego." Rabindranath Tagore is not ordinarily related with religion. But only a religious man of tremendous experience can write this poem. It is not just ordinary poetry; it contains such a great truth.
This is the situation: blissfulness does not allow you to exist; you have to disappear. That's why you don't see many blissful people in the world. Misery nourishes your ego - that's why you see so many miserable people in the world. The basic, central point is the ego.
For the realization of ultimate truth, you have to pay the price - and the price is nothing but dropping the ego. So when such a moment comes, don't hesitate. Dancingly, disappear .. with great laughter, disappear; with songs on your lips, disappear...

So what is the moral of this parable or your own perception of what it was that Osho was trying to say. I believe it is to look inside your self to find God's house because when you turn away from looking within you are feeding your ego so you are feeding your fears which does make you miserable, for you are missing out on the joys of what it is that God brings because of your fears you aren't living up to your full potential so your soul will continue to search for the house of God until you can stop feeding your ego..
Our souls actually has within it the seed that will have us seeking God as we all know he exists on a soul level because our souls just came from the place we call home into another human form but when in spirit we chose all that will become our life so all the people that come into your life are here to give you your lessons no matter how they leave you, whether they are lifelong (that is a true soul connection and bond) no matter when it was they entered your life they came for the very reason to support you no matter what you've done because that soul connection is based truly on unconditional love, you will still have your disagreements that is just either soul showing their fears or ego as we all do have one. This is where the lessons come from our shadow side so once the lesson is done you need to release the negative emotions this is where the lesson of forgiveness comes in as it is more about the energy in your own soul that will have you realise the lesson and forgive so you can move on to the next lesson by the next person that may enter you life as others show up when your soul is ready to move on to the next part of your journey each person brings you a message from spirit by how they interact with you, some things may be everlasting so your soul will return to that message until it learns what it was supposed to, our ego does sometimes get in the way of the real lesson. I like the saying.  "When the student is ready the teacher or master appears"..  we are both at some stages in our lives..
This is from online.
I've just drawn a card from the "Wisdom of the Hidden Realm" deck "The Swan Queen" was the card that came out this is about transformation, intuition and patience as everything to work itself out for like the swan out souls go through a transformation of finding its true nature so it goes through an emotional process one that will bring us peace, balance and a knowing that everything in life is divinely guided so works out how it is supposed to every second of the day that is if we follow our hearts and the intuition that guides us on our way for synchronicity will have you meet all the souls you intended to along your way so when your dreams are manifesting into reality all it takes is patience for your souls already planned the meeting that will have you where you need to be to unite after the transformation of your life so a lot of changes have or will occur so the need to listen to your heart is essential for your ego will have you doubting and going in the opposite direction of where it is your soul knows to go to meet. All will be well and you will be looked after if you trust and surrender to spirit that is guiding you on your souls journey it will never leave you to go astray it will always bring you to your lessons in life for that is what your soul came here for to complete your mission. let go and let love fill the void in life for you are never alone more so now with the soul transformation for you are loved always so need to call on the angels above to help you clear all negative energy so you become the light the light of love that is your true soul for it overpowers all negative fear based energy just by accepting it self and forgiving and placing trust in all that is for all is one in the house of God that god is your soul Namaste, it is in each of you so find the power of love to become the powerhouse of your soul where no one can hurt you or you hurt no-one for fear can't survive if only love exists for it is the love and light that scares of all fears for the energy can not be retained in your soul if you don't let it.. love and light xx

When I drew this card what came to my mind was the story of the Ugly Duckling who wanted to be accepted so the duck went through a transformation and ended up being the beautiful swan.. this is much like the human story and the evolving soul story as we see ourselves as being ugly and not fitting in with the rest of society because we compare ourselves from the looks of our faces, body shape, our wealth, our jobs  etc so we put ourselves down when in truth we are beautiful like the swan both inside and out for we come here to fulfil a life purpose so we choose the perfect form for what it is we came here for.. it is only our ego that judges others and yourself for it doesn't fit into the perfect picture of how someone should be based on the societies belief of how someone should act, behave and look.. When you judge someone you are picking out your own faults for what you see in others is what you have or do see in yourself.. So what you see in others is your own reflection, you are a mirror of other souls especially those who cross your path as they come here to teach you about yourself, your fears in order for your soul to evolve and to transform your inner beauty that only your soul knows..

My song for tonight because I still love it and feel
a longing to return home to where your soul is..
Home - Michael Buble
Sending love and light
I do miss you so much
I wish we could go home
and be together again
home is where my heart
and soul are, so a longing
to be with you again.
To hold you in my arms
and to feel you close again
it would be as if you never
left to go on a journey.
I would never let you go.
 I would feel whole
and complete and never
alone we would
be loved like we
never left the kingdom
of our origin we would be
one again, the true
divine spirit that
we are and as
we were created to be.
One of divine and
unconditional love.
A love so pure it
brings peace and joy.
love you always.

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