Saturday 12 September 2015

You Are Unique... Questioning Your Beliefs and Healing xx

 Hi all it is now Saturday night I have got my ticket for Dr Brian Weiss now I just have to arrange the rest of the trip over the coming months, I'm excited and scared about going into the city by myself well I will have the angels with me so I'm sure I will be safe and not get myself lost.. Spring is here I love this time of the year such beautiful weather and all the plants come alive and bloom in their splendour Mother Nature provides us with so much to be grateful for..
Releasing of fear based negative energy is for your soul healing call on the Angels to come and transmute those fears and turn them into the light that light is the love within your own heart for it is the energy that then fills that void where the fear based thoughts were..
I have some Osho cards that have a story/parable in the book that accompanies them I have just drawn one to share with you all.. Before I do that here is information on who Osho is a spiritual and philosophy teacher.

This card is about your Uniqueness- Beyond Superiority and Inferiority..
Every human being is unique. There is no question of anybody superior or anybody inferior. Yes people are different. Let me remind you of one thing; otherwise you will misunderstand me. I am not saying that everybody is equal. Nobody is superior, nobody is inferior, but nobody is equal either. People are simply unique, incomparable. You are you, I am I. I have to contribute my potential to life, you have to contribute your potential to life. I have to discover my own being you have to discover your own being.
When inferiority disappears, all feelings of superiority also disappears. They live together, they cannot be separated. The man who feels superior is still feeling inferior somewhere. The man who feels inferior wants to feel superior somewhere. They come in a pair; they are always there together; they cannot be separated.
It happened..
A very proud man, a warrior, a samurai, came to see a Zen master. The samurai was very famous well known all over the country, But looking at the master, looking at the beauty of the master and the grace of the moment, he suddenly felt inferior. Maybe he had come with an unconscious desire to prove his superiority.
He said to the master "Why am I feeling inferior? Just a moment ago, everything was okay. As I entered into your court suddenly I felt inferior. I have never felt like that. My hands are shaking. I am a warrior, I have faced death many times, and I have never felt any fear - why am I feeling frightened?"
The master said "You wait. When everybody has gone, I will answer." People continued coming to visit the master, and the man was getting tired, more and more tired. By the evening the room was empty, there was nobody, and the samurai said, "Now can you answer it?" And the master said, "Now come outside."
A full moon night - the moon was just rising on the horizon ... And he said "Look at these trees, this tree high in the sky and this small tree. They both have existed by the side of my window for years, and there has never been any problem. The smaller tree has never said "Why do I feel inferior before you" to the big tree. How is it possible? this tree is small and that tree is big, and I have never heard any whisper."
The samurai said "Because they can't compare" The master said "Then you need not ask me; you know the answer."
Comparison brings inferiority, superiority. When you don't compare, all inferiority, all superiority disappear. Then you are, you are simply there. A small bush or a big high  tree - it doesn't matter; you are yourself. You are needed. A grass leaf is needed as much as the big star. Without the grass leaf God will be less than he is. The sound of the cuckoo is needed as much as any Buddha; the world will be less, will be less rich if the cuckoo disappears.
Just look around. All is needed, and everything fits together. It is an organic unity; nobody is higher and nobody is lower, nobody superior, nobody inferior. Everybody is incomparably unique.
God is LOVE and sees all souls through those eyes without judgement, he teaches tolerance, compassion and love for all souls even your enemy for it is those souls that still have fear within their soul they are lost for when they find love they truly find god for it comes from within your own soul, Fear is taught by humans for it is not our true soul, our soul our spirit is God and a part of creation nothing is separated we are all part of one creation on earth that works together to bring that peace and that peace starts with each individual soul as it finds out the power of love within itself for that reflects on how they act and behave as a human towards others, if preaching comes from a place of fear it is not what god teaches for their is only one and it is you that carries that seed to find yourself to bring about peace in the rest of the world.. The new age (as it is called) is full of souls that have found the god within it doesn't belong to religion for god is held within your own belief in your own power that is brought to you from spirit for your spirit is the same spirit that belongs to the whole of creation we are joined as one in the name of humanity nothing on earth is ever separated for it is all energy that sticks everything together.. Don't associate god with only being good things for god is everything no one is a sinner just a learner in the lessons of life that is why every soul incarnates on earth to work on the greater kingdom that place we call heaven but it is not separate either for all spirit is with you every second of the day it is only up to the soul to find it and to break through the veil to let the help in without expectations of miracles to happen for miracles are the very tiny things in life not necessarily the large things that get the media attention.. Your soul just living and breathing is a miracle itself for that is your soul/spirit navigating its way on earth which is what it comes to do in each incarnation for life is our soul school and only found on earth.. The hardest lessons are the most painful ones emotionally for they are what make our souls evolve and grow to the true soul self we are seeking to be which is one of love for the other man that walks on their path for in previous incarnations that could of been your lesson one of hard luck and an ego trail for the soul needs to recognise both dark and light side of the soul, so in some incarnations they need to walk on the dark path but it is to awaken their soul to that side for other incarnations they know not to go there and will have an understanding of that other soul this is where compassion comes from understanding we all have our own path or journey in each life, we will have joy we will have pain for in a world of duality we need both for it is a part of the whole of creation nothing is separate in life you need to experience one to see the other life just works that way for all souls. It is up to each soul to work out the path they wish to take on earth for there are lessons in all choices and destiny from those choices this is why we were created to have freewill,  for all lessons are planned well in advance of coming to earth for each soul knows of its lessons and what it comes to achieve in each incarnation. The soul is infinite and eternal so is the love of the true soul it is always there. Our souls work on a conscious and subconscious level most the hard work of our soul is done on the subconscious level though, that is why we have emotions to help us search for the things we need in life and so they are brought to us when we need them we are always looked after according to what it is our soul needs for that to is a part of the lessons we came to learn either one of poverty or one of riches it is a part of our soul plan in our incarnations to experience both our souls are as old as civilization so we have evolved a lot in the centuries, some belief systems have not evolved with the human soul so they are the ones that are rising out of the darkness to break up the fears that are instilled in that belief so everything does have a bigger picture as to our human evolvement.. 

I have just drawn another card especially for this blog and those that will come to visit it doesn't matter at what time you come for the message will be relevant to your soul at that time you read this for in spirit there is no time it is infinite so what is seen is always the now in spirit. The message is "Questioning You Beliefs" this is what this energy is doing it is having all souls questioning what it is they have learnt about God, themselves and society as a whole for at this time the energy is pushing up all fears this is what brings on this questioning and searching within our souls for all souls are evolving with this energy the earth is moving into a higher plane spiritually as it is ascending with that the human soul also has to be at the same place energetically so it will start to question things about life, especially their own we are affected mood wise by all energy so look to the stars and the astrologers for what it is you may be going through as a human for it is your soul and your whole consciousness that is evolving for they go together.. God is our consciousness and the love we feel inside for it is the energy that makes us who we are as a soul nothing is separated in energy for we do hold our own frequency but that is a part of the whole of creation we are but one in heaven and on earth we are always connected with our own frequency and vibration, that energy that is our soul effects the universe as a whole so we guide spirit as much as it guides us it is our consciousness that determines what happens in any part of the world all things are predetermined we only come to earth to play our part in the bigger picture of the universal energy, so death is a part of that for our souls are infinite and eternal our life on earth is minimal to help our soul energy evolve to find the true soul self it is that is one of love and light.. When we come to earth we go through a vortex a vacuum that helps us to forget our true soul so we have a veil of remembrance of who we truly are for it is only on earth we hold fear, so humans have been governed by that fear which has the human soul not acting as its true self but it acts with the ego self the shadow of who we are is what guides a lot of souls that are trying to find themselves for their souls are still lost or not ready to evolve it is always up to those evolved souls to be the guiding light for others to follow or to be inspired by so they to can find the light or the path to their own self worth and the seeking for the meaning of life in a spiritual way for that soul will be drawn to it as the soul always knows the way. So going down the spiritual path is a challenge of your beliefs from what it is society has led you to believe but it is within your own soul you will always find the answers to what it is your soul is ready to reveal for it knows the truth always.. So this energy is about challenging your mind against your soul and getting rid of all fears that are held deep within from things that have happened in this life time but things are also coming up from other incarnations where you still hold fears over things that have happened in your souls memory so write down and release all that comes to you positive or negative just to release what it is your higher soul no longer needs for this does help you evolve and to stop you pushing those feelings deep down in your soul for all fears need to be faced in order to deal with them and also so you do not carry them into your next incarnation for it will be different energy next time your soul comes to earth so your soul is preparing now for the next journey it may take when your soul decides to come to earth for more lessons it needs. So when you question your beliefs search inside for who you are as all answers are held within work with your guides and angels to help bring clarity and love to your mind about who you are, and also who other souls are and why they have entered your life at any particular time and what you have learnt from them or what you might of taught them as it goes both ways with those who enter your life and those that leave with you, your lesson was it one of trust, hope, love or one based on fear it is your soul that knows the lesson you came for take your lesson and forgive yourself and the other person this is the way you move forward in life and not be held back emotionally by others holding power over you by you not getting your lesson and releasing the pain so forgiveness is the key in that lesson learning.. love and light xx
Until our soul gets those lessons and we forgive ourselves and others
 those lessons will keep turning up in our lives.
So release and let go of all past events, as they hold your soul power.
Your soul has passed them markers ready for the next lesson
 the reason for your souls existence on earth.
Let go.
Far away - Nickelback
You know I love you, I've loved you all along
So far away for far too long. I miss you.
Keep believing hold on to me never let me go..
Love your soul baby

Love thy will be done - Martika
This song was on my radio on Tuesday and it is one from my teen years so hadn't taken much notice of the lyrics but now I have seen them and listened again I see they have more meaning..
Love thy will be done
Now I have found it
I know it is my guiding light
and that of others for it is
the energy of creation
it is why we have life on
earth to find that divine love
we feel when in spirit for
that is our true soul.
Our true soul is but one
part of the whole of
who we really are.
I am only half of my
whole soul you are the
other half that is the divine
love I feel inside for you
 and that of humanity that
I strive to teach the way to
finding that divine light within
for it is in the heart and
the emotions that are hidden
all gets revealed as we
reach for our ascension.
That is reached after the
darkness of the soul leaves
so release all negative emotions
to clear the energy and fill that
void with the love and light
I send you as you read this
for all I do is for you and me
to be as one and unite for it
is our destiny whenever
your soul is ready to surrender
the ego self to become one
with the love our soul holds
is unconditional. 
All that has happened in life was
meant to be for your own lessons
and soul evolvement so it doesn't
matter for this mission called life.
I love you always you are my soul
what you see in me is a reflection
of you.. Namaste
Love and Light

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