Sunday 27 September 2015

Intentions - This is your life purpose xx

Hi all it is now Saturday what have I done today well first I had to do the grocery shopping but I also brought myself another colouring book and pens for I just can't help myself for colouring is a passion when I'm not too tired of course this week I have been really feeling an energy drain so have been going to bed early on about 3 nights which isn't always me as I have mostly been a night owl but some times my eyes just can't stay open also feelings of being over emotional over what I'm not sure maybe just feelings of soul changes as my spirit opens up to what spirit wants me to pass on so a downloading of information as I sleep I do keep bringing up thoughts of a dream I had a while back I think I was home and with my soul family as it was a building with a lot of doors and the people inside were all dressed in white garbs (like robes with a sash) it felt like a cave sort of building but it had plenty of stairs and I was with my beloved and sitting at a long table with a lot of other females around he went off dancing with others as I went off alone down stairs to be by myself for I believe he was going on a different journey then me at some point he came up behind me and asked will I be okay and I said yes and at another point he was washing my feet that might of been in another dream but it was the same feeling and soul. I'm not sure why this dream has been entering my thoughts it must have something to do with my life now so revisiting the plan in my dream to help me recall my own soul as I have asked that of spirit at different points of my soul awakening..
I have these cards that are called "Crazy Sexy Love Notes" and I drew one earlier on my FB page so I decided to put it here as well also ... A love note for you to remember to count your blessing focus on your heart and send gratitude to "all that is" that you have now and don't worry what the future will bring as the angels and spirit are working on your dreams now so when your soul is ready it will come to you for change is in the air. Xx love and light xx I am grateful that I work and can buy things for myself and others. I am also grateful for the people in my life that love me without question or expectations of what I can do for them. I am also grateful for all my kids as they are my life and a major part of who I am.. I love them all with every part of my being.. Xx

In my book of signs and symbols I've just read what the symbol of the
butterfly means "Symbol of the soul and resurrection as far apart as
Congo, Mexico and Polynesia. Also a symbol of life and its cycle;
in Western art Christ is sometimes depicted as holding a butterfly"..
The Back of the card has the message..
Here are the colouring book and pens I brought this morning with the first picture started..
 I do love Millie Marotta's artwork such intricate pattern so grateful
for her talent and her sharing it with the world for others like me that
love to colour and are not so good at drawing, I will attempt it one
day as I used to doodle and attempt to draw in my younger days, I loved
drawing eyes but not so good on the rest of the facial features..
It looks like a pineapple I will put up the finished picture later
as I have done some more since taking this photo..

"Intention" - a card and a message that I have just drawn after mentioning your dreams in my last post now it is time to set your intentions as to what it is you would like in your life so have your thoughts, feelings and intentions all aligned and focus all your energy on what it is you want in your life whether it be your spiritual aspirations, your love life, your relationships with others. You could make a list and even write them down so all your soul power can remember and direct that energy into bringing those things to you,  so you are your own creator by the energy you are willing to focus on for spirit works with that energy and ideas, thoughts and guidance will come to help you achieve what is best for your higher good so don't make exact stipulations to spirit just let them and your own soul know of the intentions of what it is you want for your life, release the old and negative ego thoughts and focus that energy in what it is you want out of life and when guided go forth with action of course when your soul is ready for change it will happen for you will get a yearning in your heart so you know it will be time to enact those intentions into your reality.. All in divine time those dreams will come true for spirit and your own soul always has your back and wants you to create your own magic in life.. love and light xx
 I like the explanations of the picture in the guidebook so I will add that to the message.. "This card shows a woman holding a vessel of water. Her gaze is directed and purposeful as she steadily pours the contents into the ether. She hovers on a starlight background of blue and aqua, the colours of the throat chakra, which represent communication and clarity of thought.
Water has the capacity to shape-shift form, into liquid, vapour or solid, depending on which atmospheric conditions are present. Just as the atmosphere shapes the form of water, so too the power of intention activates and shapes your reality. Indeed, all creation is driven by the power of intention.. ends"
So really your intentions are a state of mind and consciousness to bring your soul what it needs in life but it is also in how we act towards others by what we think so if our intention is to hurt someone out of revenge our thoughts are actually focused on causing someone pain because that is how you were treated maybe by them. So you can change that intention to forgiveness instead and focus that energy on your own soul and internalise why the other person wanted to hurt you first was it something you did probably not as it was more like fear and pain inside the other person that wanted to hurt you. So if your intentions in life are about hurting others it will actually turn back on you for it will be your own fears that are also showing up so you will dance in circles with the other person until your intention and energy focus changes.. that was only an example but in your own mind/heart you will most likely think of other things that have happened in your life to do with your own intentions and what it has brought you. xx
I love Archangel Michael well I love all angels and spirit but AA Michael has such powerful energy I will seek some guidance from him to add to this post..
THIS IS YOUR LIFE PURPOSE - the message from Archangel Michael is this is your life purpose so what ever it is you feel in your heart and you are drawn to either by your own passions or it is something that was thrust upon you so something landed in your lap that changed your whole course of action so change was brought upon you out of no-where know that it was divinely guided and it happened for a reason, one you may not realise now but given time you know it was meant to be just because it feels right and it was your souls plan and intentions before you came down to earth for all plans are made in spirit with our creative source, but we are however the ones in charge always of our souls and all the actions and choices in life and in spirit are of our own making for it is our souls that hold the ultimate power of all of creations for it is only a part of the whole of all that is our life on earth and that is spirit for it is bigger and brighter then you know and a part of the whole of the universe for all is connected even that of your soul to others in your life for they are a part of your soul group or family if you like no one is separated from your own spirit all the people that have come into your life have also been divinely guided to help you reach your full potential as a soul so when ever hard times are upon you think in a more positive tone change your perspective over what it is life has thrown you for it is nothing your own soul could not handle for you are a lot stronger then you know and your guides, angels and all ascended masters are with you helping to guide you where ever you go so you are never alone and so loved in this world just by being you, and taking your lessons as your soul intended to, in this life time and all other incarnations our lives have always been with purpose however elusive they may seem if you are following your heart and making all your freewill choices you are and will always be where you are meant to be in life for that is your destiny, try not to worry so much about the future for you are to be living in the now and taking care of today's problems and coming up with solutions or for just revealing all truths for this energy is one that is helping us release all fears to take us to the next dimension of the energy so our consciousness will change as the energy and frequency increases as the planet ascends the soul has to come with it so to lift the vibration of your own soul look to the energy of love for it is the power of the creator that is inside you for it is your true soul where nothing is ever separated from spirit find your divinity and open the door to all that is spirit so you are a part of both heaven and earth so also keep your self grounded by taking yourself out in nature or call on the angels and have them help clear all your chakras for they also help you grounded especially when the base chakra is free flowing with your whole body of energy. If you are not sure of your divine life purpose call on me and the other Archangels help you reveal what is your soul already knows is the purpose of your being on this planet search within your own soul for all answers can and will be found if you follow and trust all it is your mind tells you so if you are filtering your thoughts through your heart all the secrets of your existence will be revealed along with why it is others have entered you life for they may hold the key to what it is you have always been searching for.. Love and light xx
My Prayer: Archangel Michael, you know the details of my Divine life purpose, and I ask you to help me be aligned with my goals. Please clearly guide my actions so that I'm taking the best steps to fully manifest my wonderful and meaningful career.
Archangel is watching over you, guiding you, protecting you and keeping you safe call on Archangel Michael when ever you need his presence for he comes in and clears all negative energy that surrounds you or your loved ones, all you need do is ask for his assistance whenever you are doubting your self and why it is you have come down here to earth. Archangel Michael with his sword of light transforms and transmutes all energy within your soul body and that energy that is in your auric field he also helps you to clean up relationships with others by cutting all cords of attachment that you have with others when the relationship sours, so if someone is causing you grief whether it be family or friends call on AA Michael to come clean up all negativity in that relationship or to cut ties so that person drifts out of your life so you can be at peace with your self and the other person can find their path and someone of a similar frequency for as our energy vibrations lift some of our relationships with friends or family may change as you are seeing things from a higher consciousness and from a different viewpoint so you may clash, this would be a lesson also in tolerance and compassion for the other person's point of view if you can't see eye to eye on many occasions sometimes it is best to walk away for both your souls to find another way so severing ties with Archangel Michaels help should make the relationship bearable... Your own soul is always in charge of how you are treated but also in how you treat others with your own intent of what it is you want out of any relationship you have with others..

I'm addicted to you - more then you know xx love you always xx
I have chosen 2 songs tonight this is an upbeat tune I do love
some of Avicii songs they have great music and lyrics. It is
generally the lyrics that draw me to a song as most the time they
say how I'm feeling at the time this is probably why angels use songs
to send messages you do have to however use your intuition to now when
it is a message for you from spirit or just a song playing as it generally comes
after you ask angels/spirit a question or if you are feeling low they
will come on the radio, your loved ones that have crossed over to spirit also
send you messages through songs so be mindful of the signs and your thoughts
 at the same time and trust in your own senses .
Sending love and light
Remember you are never alone
as your soul goes through
an awakening or just changes
in this energy for with it
your biological body
will feel it as much as our emotional body
You may even take up a fitness
regime as your body needs
to be able to contain this energy
so you may be guided to change
your eating patterns and your exercise
habits so some of your old ways
will need to break away..
Your sleep patterns
may be disrupted so a
mixed up body clock as
spirit and energy works with
you from all of that which
you have been in each
incarnation so things
may come up for you
to work through your
fears so let your ego
go as it will bring to
you a lot of doubts about
who you are, and why
you are on earth for you
did come here to fulfil
a bigger life purpose and
balancing your own
male and female energy
is a must for it will bring
peace and tranquillity to
your life by just being
who you are for your
soul can stop searching
for all is revealed  and
can be located within you
for your soul knows all
the answers to what it is
you seek in life and with
all the lessons that have happened to
you in every incarnation.
LOVE is the energy
and power of your soul
that will see you through
all challenges for love just
flows through your body and
radiates the light for others to
follow for you are a beacon
of HOPE..
love always

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