Friday, 27 February 2015

Daily Guidance - Claircognizance xx

Hi all it is nearly time to go to work I have Friday mornings off so I had a chance to sleep in which was good as I was awoken about 4am in the morning so I got up for a bit then went back to bed and had the strangest dream. Yesterday I got to cuddle my grand daughter she is so sweet with little sweetheart lips a bit like mine and she might have blue eyes, the in-laws (her dads side) all have blue, my dad has blue, Phillip's were blue the rest of my kids are brown eyed and I have hazel coloured eyes, it is interesting seeing your genetics at work and how some things skip a generation than come back again further down the line.. One thing about our eyes is they never change in each incarnation either does our energy which is how we recognise those in our soul group in each incarnation on earth we have so we are always with the same soul group but with different roles,  depending on what capacity your soul wanted them to enter your life for each lesson as some come and go and leave you with some lesson your soul needed, the most painful lessons are the ones that help our soul growth but when back in spirit all ill feelings are lost as you remember what role they had to play in your life so the only thing left when you get to heaven is the intense feeling of love for every soul that is or was part of your life.. Even your enemies are a part of your soul group or sent to you to so you can release your karmic debt to even up your energy which is the aim of your soul when it comes to earth. Our souls never stop learning no matter where we are either on earth or beyond earth in the spiritual realm, after all we are a soul in a body and we are all spiritual beings whether you believe in God (spirit, source, our creator as they are all one in the same and one collective of energy that is within us).
Here is my little Katie I love her to bits
my cuddle time was too short she was
starving when she got here.
Here she is with her mummy she used to be that size once.

This mornings Angel message I left on MSN was:- I left it for Michael and Jason but it goes for everyone as well to be open and ready to receive your guidance of Claircognizance you need to open your heart, open your mind  believe and have trust in yourself and in your angels for giving you the guidance you need for either you or someone that has come to you for help as you might be the deliverer of the message which will trigger the thought processes to get you where you need to go on your souls path.. everything and everyone that enters your life is either a coincidence or an accident as there are none because we are all divinely guided and if we follow that guidance and speak our mind you could be the divine messenger in someone's life.
Today's Angel message is "Claircognizance" from Archangel Uriel so take notice of all thoughts and ideas that come to you and Jase' as they are the answers to your prayers.. Once you get the ideas it is up to you to use your freewill and choice if you wish to act on them, know that all our prayers are answered and what we need is sent to us it will come through other people that enter your life or some things just turn up at the right time and it is just what you needed. Messages also come through other when you are having conversations with them so you will have a thought bubble which may just come out of the blue that is claircognizance it is just a knowing something and not knowing how you know it, you just do. love and light xx
Clairsentience (clear feeling) and Claircognizance (clear knowing) are my 2 strongest clairs as there are 4 Clairaudience (clear hearing) I have experienced this once so I know it is there blocked, Clairvoyance (clear seeing so using your 3rd eye) which I would love to unblock and be able to bring you, your loved ones, we are all born with these but they may of become blocked out when we were kids as we were conditioned to ignore them.. So with my 2 strongest combined I can tell what others are feeling so know what they might say before they say it (it is just a form of reading energy which we all do anyway, as the mood of someone will change your mood when they are close). I always finish people's sentences I'm sure I drove my kids nuts when I done this unconsciously they were a bit shy though.
This is also why you need to open your mind and your heart so all channels are open as spirit is a frequency that comes through your thoughts, fear will also block these frequencies as when you live in fear you are in low vibration energy wise. xx
 Forgiveness is for your own peace of mind so you can let go of old emotions that no longer serve you once someone has hurt you.. let them go from your mind and your emotions so you can move on to better things. 
 How to stay centred and grounded so you aren't stuck in your own negativity from life events that may of hurt you, remember you can't change others actions, thoughts or what they feel you can only control all those things within yourself and react from how they treat you.
I found this quote online and this sounds like me I surround myself and others with unconditional love for life itself and to those that I interact with as I have never harmed anyone as to hurt some one else is to hurt me because I feel what others do as an empath and a very sensitive person to others emotions, I like to see people happy within themselves as it shows on the outside because our thoughts and emotions create our actions and to act out of fear is to use anger, hatred and negative energy and as a Crystal energy it is not in my psyche to do this. I would rather hurt myself then to hurt another human with my words or actions.. I will and do stick up for myself and others if I need to defend my truth and what I believe in and why I am here as I have a purpose in life as we all do and my life purpose is to Love and nurture any soul that crosses my path so I will only see the good in a person and ignore the human ego and fears when it shows up or when they direct it at me and recently I have copped it which does hurt me but not for too long as I can throw the negative energy back with out getting mean or nasty towards them, I do try to get them to look at their own behaviour and so far have used spirit to help me by seeing what it is they fear they probably don't take any notice as some people are just out to hurt and bully others because they don't understand life itself or why they act out in the first place it is because they have internal issues to deal with from their own personal life.
Open your heart and feel my love for you and all of humanity.
Song for tonight  was on the radio as I drove home today.
I like Dreamin' - Kenny Nolan
Sending Love and Light
Only Love is real and eternal
When you find it you feel
like you are home
and whole again
because a part of your
soul was missing
you know when you
have found the other half
of your soul again as you can feel
 them and their energy again in your
heart and soul..
This love is unconditional
Sweet dreams
Love you always

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Angel Message "Peace" xx

G'day well it is now Wednesday night the Angel message from this morning that I posted on Michael Smith News was one of 'Peace' from Archangel Chamuel...
PEACE - from Archangel Chamuel he wants us to remember only love is real in our own lives and to try and focus on that,  when we see this crap/chaos going on around us because it is out of our control for most of us so we just have to observe but if everything is okay in your own little world things won't seem as bad.. Our souls are love and those who don't have it in their hearts are living in fear so will act out accordingly and not always be from a place of integrity and they are the people that will be coming out of the woodwork and be the focus of the news as the news always focuses on the negative so to stay at peace don't let the negative enter into your heart to much, brush it aside and if things are within your control you can change it to bring yourself to a place of peace.. Remember why our soul came here was to love and to be loved so if you feel alone know you are loved always and if you need a partner to help fill that feeling of loneliness call on Archangel Chamuel to bring you your soulmate so that special person to give that love to.. Love and Light xx
When you know who you are (get acquainted with your soul)
you will know who others are inside as you will see their soul
by knowing yours, as all souls strive for the same thing in life
Love, happiness and peace with themselves and others around them.
Every soul may be the same but each journey is individual so
don't judge some one else's life for they are not you and not
following your path for only you can do that. Every choice you
make is the fork in the road which you get to decide the path that
will lead you home, so no matter what choice you make you
will end up home one way may be more difficult to handle but
the destination will always be the same no matter who you
meet along the way.
xxx Love you always xxx
Sending Love and Light
find your inner peace
by knowing you are loved
much more than you know.

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Michael Smith News and Angel messages xx

G'day it is now Sunday afternoon this morning before I drew a card and left a message on Michael Smith News (MSN) as I sometimes do because I haunt the place, I've been there since the blog was started so I've been helping out with research my main focus has always been on the people within our political system and fighting corruption it has mainly focused on the Unions and ALP as that was were it began with corruption hanging around our ex Prime Ministers head.. We are all about Truth, Justice and looking for answers from the systems that  govern us and all it not what it seems in any of our systems this is a very political blog, it also has fun stuff as well between the MSN family as I call them as they have been there as long as I have and we all work together towards justice and we all come from different walks of life, different jobs and have differing opinions but the one thing we all have in common finding the 'Truth' (a few have a different out look on what truth is though) no matter what political party.. The card and message this morning I will cut and paste.. It is now Tuesday so the messages are from Sunday up until today they all sort of come together being about your Life Purpose, living for the moment and letting go of negativity so you are no longer living in fear of what might happen because everything is always under control as we are divinely guided no matter what choices we make as our higher self and everyone else's always work together in the Universal energy so the energy of our higher self and our oversoul are in the heavens working with our souls on earth to take us to the places we are meant to be always.. our minds (our fears and negative thoughts) try and move our soul from where it should be centred and grounded in each moment as the world goes on around us because not every thing is within our control so you have to make do with what you have and be grateful and happy and not get to caught up in the material world and focus on what it is we don't have but want badly..
LIFE PURPOSE - On the card "The purpose of your life is to serve in a way that brings great joy to yourself and others. Don't worry about finding your purpose. Instead focus upon serving a purpose, and then your purpose will serve you".. 
"Life Purpose" you are fulfilling your life purpose if you are just being you and living in joy with the choices you have made, following your heart will be filling your purpose so stay happy within every situation, ground and centre yourself and you will be where you are meant to be all the time.. Carry love in your heart for what you do as it will fulfill you and when you know it is time for a change your soul will let you know it is time to move on as it will happen to us anyway by chance or from something unexpected that happens to us.. If you have negative thoughts all the time it means there is something within your own soul that needs to be worked on so do some soul searching to see what it is in your life that is missing and set your mind on achieving what it is you desire that way your life purpose will come to you..Listen to your heart so follow your feelings and let your emotions guide you to where it is you need to and light xx have a super Sunday while you are still in the Riverina it is another beautiful day I just took pictures of the sun coming up over the hill so enjoy it as it means new life and energy for another day..xx 
** I will just add to this about negative thoughts they come from fear so your ego, which means that you still have soul work to do to get rid of your ego which does show negative thought patterns, your job as a soul is to work out what you fear and fix that so you are at peace and fear has no place only love which will determine your actions and emotions and how you interact with others..

 Here comes the sun this morning as I watched it peak its head over the hill
Waiting for the sun to make an appearance as you can just see it rising.
 The Sun a part of our universal energy system 
 Look at all the Energy that greets us on a daily basis
Try to get out as often as you can to greet the sun to give you energy
and to recharge, mind your skin though as it is very powerful if we had no
sun we would have no other life force energy because the plants need it to grow
to feed us and all the animals that makes the world go around.. 
If you want to find out exactly who you are you need to search your soul 
as all you ever need to know is within you all the answers, guidance to know
where you should be lies within, quiet your mind and listen to your heart your
emotions  will help guide you where you need to be or to where it is you are going.
 MONDAY MESSAGE - EMBRACE THE MOMENT - On the card " Embrace this day, this very moment! Think positively today and repel those negative thoughts. Try not to judge yourself or others. This may be harder than you think. What is actually happening is that you're changing your energy". Today's Angel message is to "Embrace the moment", so don't look to far ahead or make plans just enjoy and embrace every moment doing what ever you are doing even if it working, when negative thoughts enter your head in any given moment change thoughts in that moment to a positive thought instead, you do this all the time and you will be optimistic about what goes on around you all the time. Don't judge yourself or others which is what usually happens when negative thoughts enter your head, so be gentle on you as you are doing the best you can with what you have.. When you change negative to positive you are also changing your energy and thought patterns so you are tuning in to a higher frequency of the universal energy. When you are being negative all the time you are of a low vibration that is when fear and your ego will step in and take advantage.. Love, positivity, compassion, empathy all those positive emotions are high frequency so that is why you can more easily tune into your angels and any guidance that you seek from God so that is why you need to keep positive and carry love in your heart so you are more likely to make the right choices in life because you can more clearly hear your own soul and know the path in which has already been determined before you were born.. Our souls already have our lessons set out before we enter the earth realm, freewill and choice can always change those plans we now need to know the difference between fear and love so our souls evolve with the new energy and we won't be persuaded by our negative thoughts and ego to do the wrong thing and do things to our detriment and make us travel a more difficult path than our soul set out to do.. So be optimistic every moment of the day when your mind wanders into negative territory especially if it about yourself because you are awesome and very loved all the time by the angels and those that know who your true soul is..Love and light xx
**I did also want to add that when you come from a place of love (positive) not fear(negative) you will be of integrity as they go together. When you can recognize the difference of love and fear thoughts within your self you will also recognise it in other people. Those living in fear will be running on their ego and be self-serving against those that run from the heart they will be humble and not accept help even when needed, they will also think of others first before their own welfare.**
TUESDAY MESSAGE - SELF-LOVE - On card "Now is the time to love, nurture, and heal yourself!. Self-love is not simply a state of mind about feeling good - it's a state of appreciation for yourself that grows and matures from actions you take to support your body, mind and soul."
So again this about looking after yourself and appreciating all your soul has gone through to learn the lessons in this life some have not been easy so you tend to use that to beat your self up and use negative thoughts against yourself for what has happened and the choices you have made which you think were failures.. There are no failures in life only lessons from every choice we make or made. Our lives are all apart of the universal energy so everything we have ever done has always been in divine order of how we planned it. So soul search and love you for what you have been through or are going through now if you are having a difficult time, if you are having a bit of a rough trot at the moment it is because we are downloading more energy and the need to shed old emotions from our akash is vital so all souls can evolve to a better place for currently the planet earth is running on fear which is why we are seeing so much chaos about the place when those live in fear are fighting back, because they are being faced with the truth and the light and they don't like it.. This all falls back to you and each individual to find their spiritual base which has got lost in all the fear and others ego, we start with our self and to see how far we have come and to start to nurture who we are that includes our mind, body and soul we have to love ourself enough to cut out what is no longer working for us, so cutting ties with toxic people that drag us down, cutting out toxic food, drink or substances that lead us to fear based abuse and make our bodies sick you need to love your self enough to do what is best for you. For when you are at your best you can fulfill your life purpose, be at peace with who you are and come from a place of integrity in everything you do, when you are at your best others will notice how together you are and you will inspire them to be the best they can be also.. So nurture your soul and the rest will follow you deserve it as you are loved by those around you that have been in your life in the past or in the now the present whoever is in your life is meant to be there for you and your soul evolvement.. Love your self and others will love you to as your light is radiant and bright for others to see it also changes your own energy vibration.. 
 Only the light from love will drive out the darkness that is within our own soul, but it also drives out the evil in the world as the dark cannot survive once the light is shone in all the dark places, when the forces of light and dark collide there will be chaos as the dark souls are fighting for survival as those light warriors shine the light and they scuttle for cover and fight back, be on guard but don't give in to fear for the light will win. God is love so the power we have will shine through love, compassion, empathy, integrity and tolerance were god's word Jesus did not fear his enemies he showed all that God wanted as it shone through him, Jesus had many followers because he carried the light of God's love and it gave him the power to face the forces of evil that wanted him dead, he did not fear them he obeyed the rules of the time and paid for all our sins so we could keep the battle going in the name of humanity and out of love for our creator his father in heaven and ours.. All our souls carry this same power Jesus had we have to look inside our self and rise above the negativity to find it..
Only LOVE is real whether it is self-love or the love that comes from others every one's life purpose is LOVE and it is the reason we are on earth it is eternal so it comes with us when we die and go home where all there is, is the intense love we feel for everyone as our human fear emotion disappears once we greet our soul family again and work on our next lessons for another incarnation to help our soul evolve to where all we come here to do is teach others and serve them for humanities sake. Love is energy as is every other emotion, word, number every single thing that keeps us alive is energy that is how it gets recorded in our akashic record as a frequency so LOVE with all your heart as I do and use it to serve and help others. Love is such an intense energy which is why when I download this divine energy it has me feeling as I do today for I love so much it hurts and my heart feels like it is expanding I feel it early hours of the morning some times it wakes me up, other times it has me feeling so elated and loved depending on my dreams which I quiet often don't remember just the feeling when I wake up. 
Sarah McLachlan - Ordinary Miracle
Sending Love and Light 
Call on your Angels when you
need them as they are 
always there. 
Learn to love your self for all
you have been through
all you are currently going
through and look forward
to where it is you're going
even if you aren't there yet.
Love you always 

Saturday, 21 February 2015

Angel message for this weekend xx

G'day all I've been a bit slack with my blog and messages lately no excuses from me just the daily grind and trying to fit everything in I'd love to do, sometimes we just need to 'Stop, Breathe and just Be' living in the moment and not look to far ahead as all that we need comes to us just at the right time in our life when we need it.. This happens because spirit sees and feels all our thoughts and emotions so when other people are supposed to enter our life to teach our soul lessons to help us evolve they will come and they will again leave if they are not meant to be a life long lesson.. Our soul always knows what we need and not everything will be good as spirit (which includes our higher self, source, God, Angels and guides it is all mixed up as one and a part of our own life force energy nothing is ever separated from who we are). If you want to hear your soul you listen to your heart, you need to quiet your mind and push your ego aside and any messages you get from your soul which is the mixture of energy from all sources will enter your thoughts and emotions so that is your guidance nothing we ever get from spirit is for nothing as it is up to our own freewill if we want to take the guidance we hear through our heart, sometimes our emotions get pushed aside and we make choices from ego this is why we are given free choice to help our soul evolve because what ever choice we make there is always a lesson for our soul also a consequence of what ever choice we have made.. I have always through out my life never planned or made choices against my better judgement so maybe I have followed my heart without taking much notice of why or where those choices came from I guess I have always put others before myself all my life as well so I have made life choices unconsciously and just followed my heart and my life has just happened, and destiny still awaits me what ever that holds in stall I know God will bring me all I need and the people I need to help me cope with what comes up or will come up as we can never plan our future to far ahead as that only brings disappointment when things don't plan out as you expected. I have been experiencing some net problems lately I'm not sure what is wrong if I have picked up a virus or if I'm on dial up speed as when loading some pages it times out and won't load so it is a bit frustrating as it affects me getting onto my facebook account so hang in there I hope things improve..
The messages for today were from 3 cards
 GIVE BACK - This is a message about giving something with out expecting anything in return so it it about being compassionate towards others and doing something nice 'Just because' it makes you feel good and it might brighten and make someone else's day a little bit better. You don't have to give a great deal even a smile or a hello can make someone's day a bit brighter if they look a bit lonely and need someone to talk to. This card is also about being grateful for what you have as someone is also worse off then you are at the moment for all your self pity and misfortunes you can be sure someone is in worse pain or be in a more dire situation then you are, so in offering a bit of kindness towards them you might improve their day as well as your own as you aren't thinking about you and your problems so it lifts your energy and makes you feel good to help some one less fortunate then you on that day. Some times our offers of help get rejected out of fear from the other person or because they are independent and don't like to bother others with their problems don't let that deter you from helping some one else that doesn't reject your kindness.. To reject someones kindness can hurt the one that wants to help also because we all need to balance our giving and receiving energies for abundance to flow into our life we need to accept help when offered as well as give help when needed..
The next 2 cards I drew earlier are 1 "New Beginnings" - (1 in Angel numbers from 101 Angel numbers by Doreen Virtue means 'Stay positive, everything you're thinking about right now is coming true, so be sure that you're only thinking about what you desire. Give any fears to God and the Angels,).. NEW BEGINNINGS - Time to start afresh with love in your heart and all fears and worries gone as to what will happen in your destiny because destiny will take care of itself, stay positive that things will always work out how you dream they will or even better because God and Angels, spirit are always by our side and know what we need when we need it in our lives. We are given guidance all the time, we are also given freewill and choice so we choose to follow any guidance. If you have worries or fears that things aren't going to go the way you hoped that is when you can guarantee they won't because our actions, thoughts and feelings will always be our reality because that is the way the universal energy works.. Stay positive and strive to be your best in all situations in life when times get difficult that is when our soul lessons are taking place and our attitude will always determine our emotions and how things do seem to turn out.  If you are in a negative place call on your angels to take away all negative energy going through your mind as that is your ego trying to put you off and discourage you from going ahead with what it is your soul needs. Negativity comes from fear which is our ego playing with our minds. Positivity comes from our heart and is our guidance and our soul speaking to us to try and bring our minds out of the negative darkness..So quieten your mind to hear your soul listen to your feelings and emotions.
 TENDERNESS - A message from Mother Mary to still remain gentle but firm so just because you are kind and tender at heart it doesn't mean you have to give away your power to please people, so when others need help offer it but be prepared to say 'No' if it is to your own detriment as sometimes when we are kind hearted a lot of guilt is felt by saying you can't help someone in need. We all need to set boundaries as to how we should be treated by others because the kind hearted are usually the ones that get taken advantage of because they have trouble saying no when some one is in need.. This comes back to giving and receiving an equal balance of energy as the kind hearted will always be offering to help when they do it too much they will become off balanced and feel taken for granted by those that could probably be able to do the task on their own or from those that always ask for advice and never follow it so they keep returning to you for more advice and then ignore that advice given anyway.. It is a matter of setting your own boundaries so you don't feel used all the time but still be there to help when needed so as to keep your own peace of mind and to feel you needed in someone's life, there does come a point in someone's life when the hassle of trying to keep a friendship together is all one sided that is the time to be tender in cutting the cords of a one sided friendship as one can't be on the take all the time, friendship is about balance and be support for each other not all about 'me' if it is one sided.. The all about 'me' is the fear and 'ego' of the person in question so they need to be released from your energy so their soul can grow, you are holding them back from their life lessons if you continually hold onto them just so you feel needed yourself so that sort of relationship can be draining on both your energies. Call on Archangel Michael if you have any relationships whether romantic or mates it is obviously time your souls both got the lessons you both came to learn, the only way to do that is to cut cords and let go of the toxic energy between you both. Release and let go, forgive and forget so your ego doesn't play mind games with you over what happened, this is your souls way of telling you that it is time to move on to your next lesson, your soul always knows when the lesson is finished and people are sent into our lives at certain points to help our souls grow. Don't hold on to the emotions and let it play over in your mind that it was your fault as it never is as universal energy and spirit are always a part of who comes in and out of our lives at certain points when our soul needs to evolve. Tenderness comes from love, compassion, tolerance of all in the name of humanity so it should never be abused by any of us so set boundaries for your self as our souls are all about balancing energy and being kind and tender to our self as much as to others.. Thank you Mother Mary and other angels xx love and light xx
Unconditional love is to love a person for who they are without having 
to change them to suit your needs or fears - so seeing their true soul.
To do anything else is to put a mask and mould them to suit who you want them to be so it is a form of control of their minds to manipulate the person into your ego, you are not permitting the other person to be who they are if you wish to change the way they look, feel or if they don't act the way you want them to.. There are always warning signs when in relationships if it isn't based on true love as with unconditional love you will love and support your partner in both good and bad times, if the relationship is meant to be it will be so don't cut yourself up if it didn't last as neither of you should place blame on each other or your self, just cut your losses thank each other for the soul lessons and wish each other a nice life so you can both let go and move on to the next lesson for when one door closes another better opportunity is waiting for you at the right time in your life.
I have to work in the morning so no sleep in for me after work I will go for my walk, my son is also off for an adventure tomorrow he has a new job one he has always wanted using an excavator in a mine site at Mudgee so it is about 7 hours away he said so I hope this job lasts as Michael can't seem to settle in a job, I think his ego gets in the way I can see that ego of his on show all the time it drives me nuts but he needs to learn his own lessons in life at 19, he has big dreams and boasts a lot about them but his dream has always been to work with the diggers like his pop, so I hope he can hang in there this time and follow that dream as it is hard work trying to find work for a 19 year old at the best of times.. I hope to be back tomorrow with the Indigo messages after I finished work.. Always have love in your heart for it is a positive energy and raises your vibration, joy and laughter are also high vibrational energies that not only lift your spirit but those around you as well.
**This heart image I got online so thanks to who ever made it
I just added the text.** 
Music tonight is Celine Dion I haven't put any of hers up for a while..
I want you to need me.
Sending Love and Light
GIVE BACK to balance your
energy to both giving and receiving.
Let go of the old emotions
and friendships that no longer
serve your needs so you can
let fear go and let love in.
TENDERNESS be both gentle 
and powerful and set your 
boundaries so you aren't
taken advantage of and be
gentle on yourself..
Love you always.

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Angel message Tuesday xx

Hi all I just got back from Tuesday night craft where I get together with like minded friends and we play with pretty papers and photo's or I make cards and colour images what ever I feel like doing and if I'm organised, tonight I was putting together the baby girl album for Kaitlen I need to print up some photo's.. These one's I took on Sunday of my sweet little grand daughter I  love her to bits..

Kaitlen with my niece Ashley
These were the Indigo message cards I drew on Sunday night I won't go into the full meanings but a quick version of what you have to do SELF-REFLECTION so do some soul searching into what has happened in your life and work out the lessons of each event and tie it into the now and how those past lessons have helped your soul evolve to make you who you are today.. ENVY reversed means your focus has shifted to a place of joy and gratitude so this may have already happened after you have been doing a lot of soul searching lately but you still may have more work to do on your self to release old emotions. TRUST that your dreams are being manifested also trust in yourself to do the job your soul has set out to do before you entered earth, trust you are being guided everyday and the answers you seek can be found in your dreams which is the Archangel Michael card PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR DREAMS call on the angels to help you remember your dreams if you tend to forget them on waking dreams can also be in symbolism so you may need to decipher the symbols within the dream google may help with that. SHEILDING you must shield yourself from all negative energies as Indigo's you are very sensitive to all energy especially the negative types you come into contact with on a regular basis Archangel Michael offers shielding you call on him to surround and shield you from negative energy you should do this daily so make it a routine when you wake up to say "Archangel Michael as I get about my day can you shield me with your divine white light of protection to guard against any unwanted negative energies..Thank you love and light".. you can make your own words up.. LET GO OF FEAR NOW - this has come up a lot lately so this is a message to let go of all fears now in order to receive the new energy of love. Fears could be from past emotions or past life fears your soul still carries around preventing you from moving ahead with your life purpose. Call on Archangel Michael to help release these fears by asking them to take away all past emotions that you no longer want to be burdened with, you could also write down all feelings and emotions you no want to harbour in your soul then burn or freeze the list as you ask your angels to take care of them, just by writing them down you are letting go of them, tears also wash away those emotions to cleanse your soul..
 I've just drawn a card from the Angel Therapy deck
 INTEGRITY- This is a message about always be in true to our self and our value systems and to always be truthful not only when you deal with others, but when we deal with our own emotions and not lying to our self when in our hearts we know something is wrong and needs fixing so we can be at peace with who we are. This lying to our self may be based on our fears and letting our ego's control what is in our minds so there fore not letting our true intentions of what it is our heart needs and to be at peace with who we are as a human. If we can't be true to who we are internally it will show to those we interact with as they are not seeing all of you or who you really are as you are masking your soul to hide the real you and when people discover the real you they may not like you but the mask you had over your true self.. The people that can see your true soul/self will hang around and want to know you be with you and love you for who you are, the people that only experienced the masked soul will turn their back on you once they discover they loved the masked you. On the card it says "Align your actions so that they match your values and inner knowingness of what is right for you"..
So what that is saying is your actions will be determined and lined up with the person and the values of who you purport to be, so your true actions will be determined by what is in your heart and if you are true to yourself you will always come from a place of integrity, but if you are coming from the masked soul you, your actions will come from a place of ego and you will be lying not only to yourself but also to those you interact with.
Let go of what was to make way for what will be in your destiny.
If you are holding on to something you don't need you block the path
and burden your soul with unnecessary energy.
An Affirmation for today from a Facebook page..
We use affirmations as a positive energy to help our soul and spirit
be who we really are and how we need to treat our self for every
thought we have will be our reality.
The second card was from the Indigo Angels seen as I didn't get around to putting the Indigo message up this week as I spent all Sunday working then cuddling Kaitlen.
PRAY - What ever you need, want, desire to come to you as an Indigo you have the power  God, Angels and spirit wish to fulfil your prayers for what ever it is you need to help you on your path as an Indigo anything that will make your life easier you can have it is up to you to ask and then be patient as it manifests the angels and god always want to see you happy, at peace and are  only to willing to help make your dreams your reality so you can get to work on the life purpose you came to work on. Things may not always come to you instantly have patience, trust and faith your prayers are being worked on you are being guided to make it happen listen to your soul and any ideas that come to you as those thoughts and feelings are part of your prayer being answered, we have to work with our angels and guides and take action when in your heart you know what you need to do. When we do put our prayers in we have to wait for divine time for it to be answered we should never set specific rules in our prayers as the Angels, God and spirit can already see, feel and hear all thoughts so when spirit knows every thing is in divine order and your soul is ready that is when your prayers are answered. If there are other people involved in your prayers you also have to wait until all aspects of both lives are in order that is when you will meet or come into contact with that other person (say if you have called on Archangel Chamuel to find your soulmate). If the prayer only involves yourself spirit knows when you are ready to receive the help and guidance you need to make that prayer your reality. It is always up to you to accept that guidance and act on it.
Robbie Williams - Angels
Sending love and light
Imagine your self wrapped up in
the warm embrace of love and light
it will give you protection from fear.
No-one can hurt you if you come
from a place of Love and Light
as you are fully protected by God
and the Angels that are by your side
every step of the way as you
fulfil your life purpose and walk
your soul through the karmic energy
of the human life you have chosen
to be with all the lessons you have
had to learn to balance your
souls energy, I love you for it always
as I know it has not been easy for you.
I know why you have done it and I'm
eternally grateful.
Love you always 

Saturday, 14 February 2015

Valentines day messages xx

Happy Valentines day to everyone I hope you are spreading the love to light up someone's world today and tonight,  however you should spread love and light everyday of your life not just on this one special day of the year.. My grandmother was born on this day she is now in heaven though so I send her all my love and light she was just like me in nature very gentle and a great nanna that spoilt us, she loved her grandkids but did have a special place in her heart for her favourites me one of those as she wanted to make sure I got her rocking chair when she had to pass it on, my cousin did want it as well but because it was near the time I had one of my babies I was the lucky recipient it was a chair my pop mended and fixed and made it special it sits in the corner of our lounge room with the granny rug she made still on it..
Yesterday (Friday) we had a big storm with hail, thunder and lightning it wiped out our power for about 3 hours and it was also playing with the mobile phone reception as well for a little while.. I hope it hasn't damaged the local fruit crops.
I did draw some cards yesterday they are below. I worked this morning ad my cousin is having a wedding today for her son the one's I had to make the cards for which I will show you..
The 2 wedding cards I made for his grandmothers to give.

BLESSING IN DISGUISE - Some times in our lives things happen that are out of our control like loss of job, loss of relationship even the death of someone you may not think these things a blessing in disguise especially death but these things all happen to help our souls evolve and grow both emotionally and spiritually especially with the death of a loved one as the pain is so great we turn to god to help and give us guidance or the angels are just there to help protect and carry us through the bad times. When a death occurs it does change us depending on who passes away and how much we loved them some times we miss them so much we want to join them but that is never possible until our own time is up if it was a partner that dies we change in that we are now alone so have to depend on our self and look after our own needs without having the other half of you there your soul mate whom you did everything with you may end up being alone as you feel as if no-one could ever replace what is missing in your life.. If you were meant to find another partner it will happen as your lost soul mate will never be forgotten as the love you still have exists as it will always tie your souls together, but your partner on the other side only wants for you to be happy and loved again. If it is a loss of job/career it could just mean your soul was ready to move on to the next lesson in your life as you learnt all you needed to from that part of your life things like this can happen out of the blue so don't feel sad that it has happened or that your life is over, it just means in the divine order of things your souls needs to move on for when one door closes another one opens we will always end up where we are meant to be where ever we are in life, so try and keep a positive outlook don't put yourself down or fear change because what you have coming might be a blessing in disguise though you may not see it at the time something better is probably on its way always ask for Angel assistance to help pull you through the rough times as they will pass once your soul gets back to where it is taking you. Never let fear of the unknown get you down as that is when you are vulnerable and your ego will try and beat you down more with doubts. On the card "What appears to be a problem is actually part of your answered prayer. You'll understand the reasons behind your present situation as everything resolves. Trust in heaven's protection and infinite wisdom to answer your prayer in the best way."
CLEAR CLUTTER - If your life is in a bit of a mess it may be because you need to clear up and clean up the energy surrounding you which may be all the clutter you gather in your life wheather it be people that no longer serve you or are no longer on the same wavelength as you so instead of helping you they drain your energy with their demands there comes a time when you need to cut the ties that bind you or they will be forever taking advantage of your kind nature. Your house might need a spring clean to clear the energy that may be blocking other parts of your life, every now and again we need to clean the clutter up and refresh the place we need to do this with our emotions and other parts of our life as well clear the old energy to make way for the new.. on the card "Archangel Jophiel: Get rid of clutter clear the energy around you, and use feng shi" so call on Archangel Jophiel to help you clear that old energy as well after the clutter is gone.

Now some fresh cards I've just drawn for Valentine's day the day of Love.
LEAN ON GOD AND THE ANGELS FOR SUPPORT - If you are feeling alone and can't be with the one you love call on god and your angels to pull you through the emotions you may be feeling and know that you are loved as you are always connected to your beloved through your soul connection love it is eternal and can never be separated no matter how far you are apart.. You only have to think about that person and send your love to them and the energy of your souls will still connect whether they are still on earth or have joined spirit you are never really separated maybe only the physical touch is missing but the energy of love is so strong it can be sensed and felt within your own heart and you may even feel it opening up or fluttering in your chest.  Love is eternal like our souls and the two will always be as one. On the card "My Prayer: Dear God and Angels, I give you this [briefly describe the situation] now and completely. I step out of the way, and allow Divine miracles to shine through everyone and everything involved."
BECOME YOUR TRUE SELF - (Waratah) - It is time to take off the mask and reveal the real you to the world if you are of a spiritual nature it is time for you to shine the LOVE and the LIGHT that is within you as the world need your light and love to change the energy of the planet to a positive and more compassionate one to bring about peace and integrity to all of humanity, we have to change one person at a time to be the best they can be and take off all masks we use to hide the real soul that is behind the person you think others want to see. This card might come from the last one of coming out of the closet and letting the world know you, for you are awesome just the way you are we all are born as a child of god there fore we are perfect always in the eyes of god, angels and all of those in spirit they are proud of all we have gone through to learn our life lessons and all the emotional pain that has helped our souls grow and evolve into who we are today.. Love your self and those that can see the god in you will love you for being you, those who want to change you don't really know you and want to mask the soul that is you, so you are not really the person they thought you were or expected more from you than you could give them, for our true soul will eventually come out as we can't hide from it only mask it by pretending to be something we are not.
Michael Buble - Home
 Still one of favourites for I so want to come home
to you, home is where my heart and soul live.
I Love you always xx
Another RUMI poem to leave you with on Valentine's day
Sending extra love and light tonight
Remember to always look for
every situation and CLEAR your
life of everything that is CLUTTERING
up the new energy from entering your life
including any old emotions that still
burden your soul.
always when clearing that old energy.
and shine the love and light that is
within your soul for others
to be inspired by.
love you always

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Indigo Angel Message xx

Hi all I've just drawn the Indigo cards again I am determined tonight to get this reading done before I fall asleep I didn't get to bed until after 1.30 last night so I had about 5hrs sleep, I was feeling it this afternoon but now I've cooked dinner and cleaned up I am a bit more awake.. **(I didn't quite make it I was typing out the message last night and my eyes just closed so it was time to give it up for the night so I did do most of it I put up the photo's and drew the focus card at lunchtime today before finishing off the post just in the nick of time as I had to start work,)**
So the cards are..
 PATIENCE - have patience with your self as things will work out how you are manifesting them, your dreams and prayers are in and when the time is right things will start happening but first you need to look after yourself and heal old wounds that are blocking your progress of your divine life purpose. Don't rush things if you have a lot of old wounds to heal from your past or past life experiences that you are still carrying around on your soul. This new energy we are experiencing is bringing all these things up for our soul to deal with now because for our souls to evolve and ascend we need to shed the old fears and blocks we have in order to shed the old or let go of the old energy and emotions that come with it so we can receive the new energy which will help us esoterically so we can communicate directly to source or God and the Angels , our spirit guides and ascended masters.
HEALER OF THE AGES - (51) - to help you shed your old emotions and fears that no longer serve your soul call on the healer of the ages and Archangel Michael to help you let go and release those feelings so you can move forward spiritually. This powerful being will heal you and bring you much wisdom and power to carry out your Indigo plans as there is a lot of work to do for humanity and to better the systems that govern us and rule our lives. He is with you now so feel the divine love and light that envelopes you to help heal your soul so you have an inner peace and contentment to carry out your duties. 51 in Angel numbers mean "Keep positive thoughts about the changes you're desiring and experiencing.  The affirmation that comes with the card is "The powerful healing of eternal love is with me now ad always. Divine consciousness fills every cell. I am whole, healthy, vital and at peace.

COME OUT OF THE CLOSET - it is time you came out of the spiritual closet and let everyone know of your belief's and feelings it is a hard thing to do because you fear rejection if you were to reveal the real you, first before you reveal to others you have to make sure you admit to your self that you are spiritually connected to others and your soul is one with our creator so nothing is ever separate as we are all connected as one through the energy that is our life force we are connected by love. What prevents us as old souls coming out of the closet is the fact that in previous incarnations we were crucified and ridiculed for this belief and we were burnt at the stake or put to death by hanging because we were witches and warlocks because what we knew then is now coming back to us as we cleanse our souls so our fear of being rejected or faced with ridicule so it is a ingrown fear. this is why we need to let go of old emotions that are preventing us from advancing spiritually. Be
ASK ARCHANGEL MICHAEL TO HELP YOU WITH THIS SITUATION - call on Archangel Michael to help you shed those emotions that keep haunting you take back your power from ego that will prevent you from moving ahead on your spiritual path. Your soul is calling for you to admit to yourself that you are a spiritual being and you know your power. Your power, wisdom and love all live within your soul, your soul is the god that is within. Your soul communicates to you through your emotions so quiet your mind and listen and trust your feelings when  ever you have decisions to make.
LET GO OF FEAR - NOW!! - It is time you released those emotional habits which are fear based but keep playing over and over again in your mind. Let the fear go in any situation and surround yourself with LOVE. Fear brings doubt and negativity and your ego will take advantage of that and take your own power and inner strength from you. To have inner peace you need to not fear anything that happens in your life for what has happened in the past will not happen again trust in your self and be optimistic of your future and the destiny that awaits you. If you are listening to your soul and following your heart you will always end up where you are supposed to be in life, for when your soul knows it is time to take a different path it will let you know and you will want change or change will be thrust upon you as you will get the divine intervention your soul needed. Sometimes you will feel this is a setback to where you thought you were going, but in the end and upon reflection it will be a blessing in disguise and things were meant to happen in that way as it has lessons attached your soul needed to evolve and bring you your life purpose.
APOLOGIZE - To help you let go of past and past emotional pain that your soul is carrying around it is essential to apologize to those you think you have hurt. Once apologies are out of the way that is the time you forgive first of all your self for reacting in a way that might of hurt someone, but they might of treated you in a way to make you react that way so you need to forgive them as well as you are just reflecting off each other with react and attack mode. Forgive and forget all the human behaviours that you carry around on your soul and beat your self up about, know everything happens for a reason and we are always where we are meant to be. Whether you parted ways with someone over an argument and you have regrets know that it was meant to happen because both your souls knew it was time for change and to move on to your next lesson or to keep going on your path.

FOCUS POINT for the Indigo this week was ASK FOR A SIGN - You have been getting signs but are missing them keep on asking until you get clarification that it was your message, but once you get that message and guidance be sure to act on it as you will be led to where your soul knows to take you on your divine path and to reach your mission.. Trust and have faith in your own intuition and listen to your heart try and quiet your mind (meditation is good for this)listen to your emotions and feelings as that is your soul talking, with a quiet mind you can hear your soul talking through feelings.
Music today Maroon5 - Sugar
Love this song and clip
Sending love and light
PATIENCE every thing will
fall into place in divine time.
be true to your self
and doubts about failure.
forgive and forget all
human behaviour from
yourself and others.
trust and believe
you are getting them and
your dreams are being manifested..
Love you always