Saturday 21 February 2015

Angel message for this weekend xx

G'day all I've been a bit slack with my blog and messages lately no excuses from me just the daily grind and trying to fit everything in I'd love to do, sometimes we just need to 'Stop, Breathe and just Be' living in the moment and not look to far ahead as all that we need comes to us just at the right time in our life when we need it.. This happens because spirit sees and feels all our thoughts and emotions so when other people are supposed to enter our life to teach our soul lessons to help us evolve they will come and they will again leave if they are not meant to be a life long lesson.. Our soul always knows what we need and not everything will be good as spirit (which includes our higher self, source, God, Angels and guides it is all mixed up as one and a part of our own life force energy nothing is ever separated from who we are). If you want to hear your soul you listen to your heart, you need to quiet your mind and push your ego aside and any messages you get from your soul which is the mixture of energy from all sources will enter your thoughts and emotions so that is your guidance nothing we ever get from spirit is for nothing as it is up to our own freewill if we want to take the guidance we hear through our heart, sometimes our emotions get pushed aside and we make choices from ego this is why we are given free choice to help our soul evolve because what ever choice we make there is always a lesson for our soul also a consequence of what ever choice we have made.. I have always through out my life never planned or made choices against my better judgement so maybe I have followed my heart without taking much notice of why or where those choices came from I guess I have always put others before myself all my life as well so I have made life choices unconsciously and just followed my heart and my life has just happened, and destiny still awaits me what ever that holds in stall I know God will bring me all I need and the people I need to help me cope with what comes up or will come up as we can never plan our future to far ahead as that only brings disappointment when things don't plan out as you expected. I have been experiencing some net problems lately I'm not sure what is wrong if I have picked up a virus or if I'm on dial up speed as when loading some pages it times out and won't load so it is a bit frustrating as it affects me getting onto my facebook account so hang in there I hope things improve..
The messages for today were from 3 cards
 GIVE BACK - This is a message about giving something with out expecting anything in return so it it about being compassionate towards others and doing something nice 'Just because' it makes you feel good and it might brighten and make someone else's day a little bit better. You don't have to give a great deal even a smile or a hello can make someone's day a bit brighter if they look a bit lonely and need someone to talk to. This card is also about being grateful for what you have as someone is also worse off then you are at the moment for all your self pity and misfortunes you can be sure someone is in worse pain or be in a more dire situation then you are, so in offering a bit of kindness towards them you might improve their day as well as your own as you aren't thinking about you and your problems so it lifts your energy and makes you feel good to help some one less fortunate then you on that day. Some times our offers of help get rejected out of fear from the other person or because they are independent and don't like to bother others with their problems don't let that deter you from helping some one else that doesn't reject your kindness.. To reject someones kindness can hurt the one that wants to help also because we all need to balance our giving and receiving energies for abundance to flow into our life we need to accept help when offered as well as give help when needed..
The next 2 cards I drew earlier are 1 "New Beginnings" - (1 in Angel numbers from 101 Angel numbers by Doreen Virtue means 'Stay positive, everything you're thinking about right now is coming true, so be sure that you're only thinking about what you desire. Give any fears to God and the Angels,).. NEW BEGINNINGS - Time to start afresh with love in your heart and all fears and worries gone as to what will happen in your destiny because destiny will take care of itself, stay positive that things will always work out how you dream they will or even better because God and Angels, spirit are always by our side and know what we need when we need it in our lives. We are given guidance all the time, we are also given freewill and choice so we choose to follow any guidance. If you have worries or fears that things aren't going to go the way you hoped that is when you can guarantee they won't because our actions, thoughts and feelings will always be our reality because that is the way the universal energy works.. Stay positive and strive to be your best in all situations in life when times get difficult that is when our soul lessons are taking place and our attitude will always determine our emotions and how things do seem to turn out.  If you are in a negative place call on your angels to take away all negative energy going through your mind as that is your ego trying to put you off and discourage you from going ahead with what it is your soul needs. Negativity comes from fear which is our ego playing with our minds. Positivity comes from our heart and is our guidance and our soul speaking to us to try and bring our minds out of the negative darkness..So quieten your mind to hear your soul listen to your feelings and emotions.
 TENDERNESS - A message from Mother Mary to still remain gentle but firm so just because you are kind and tender at heart it doesn't mean you have to give away your power to please people, so when others need help offer it but be prepared to say 'No' if it is to your own detriment as sometimes when we are kind hearted a lot of guilt is felt by saying you can't help someone in need. We all need to set boundaries as to how we should be treated by others because the kind hearted are usually the ones that get taken advantage of because they have trouble saying no when some one is in need.. This comes back to giving and receiving an equal balance of energy as the kind hearted will always be offering to help when they do it too much they will become off balanced and feel taken for granted by those that could probably be able to do the task on their own or from those that always ask for advice and never follow it so they keep returning to you for more advice and then ignore that advice given anyway.. It is a matter of setting your own boundaries so you don't feel used all the time but still be there to help when needed so as to keep your own peace of mind and to feel you needed in someone's life, there does come a point in someone's life when the hassle of trying to keep a friendship together is all one sided that is the time to be tender in cutting the cords of a one sided friendship as one can't be on the take all the time, friendship is about balance and be support for each other not all about 'me' if it is one sided.. The all about 'me' is the fear and 'ego' of the person in question so they need to be released from your energy so their soul can grow, you are holding them back from their life lessons if you continually hold onto them just so you feel needed yourself so that sort of relationship can be draining on both your energies. Call on Archangel Michael if you have any relationships whether romantic or mates it is obviously time your souls both got the lessons you both came to learn, the only way to do that is to cut cords and let go of the toxic energy between you both. Release and let go, forgive and forget so your ego doesn't play mind games with you over what happened, this is your souls way of telling you that it is time to move on to your next lesson, your soul always knows when the lesson is finished and people are sent into our lives at certain points to help our souls grow. Don't hold on to the emotions and let it play over in your mind that it was your fault as it never is as universal energy and spirit are always a part of who comes in and out of our lives at certain points when our soul needs to evolve. Tenderness comes from love, compassion, tolerance of all in the name of humanity so it should never be abused by any of us so set boundaries for your self as our souls are all about balancing energy and being kind and tender to our self as much as to others.. Thank you Mother Mary and other angels xx love and light xx
Unconditional love is to love a person for who they are without having 
to change them to suit your needs or fears - so seeing their true soul.
To do anything else is to put a mask and mould them to suit who you want them to be so it is a form of control of their minds to manipulate the person into your ego, you are not permitting the other person to be who they are if you wish to change the way they look, feel or if they don't act the way you want them to.. There are always warning signs when in relationships if it isn't based on true love as with unconditional love you will love and support your partner in both good and bad times, if the relationship is meant to be it will be so don't cut yourself up if it didn't last as neither of you should place blame on each other or your self, just cut your losses thank each other for the soul lessons and wish each other a nice life so you can both let go and move on to the next lesson for when one door closes another better opportunity is waiting for you at the right time in your life.
I have to work in the morning so no sleep in for me after work I will go for my walk, my son is also off for an adventure tomorrow he has a new job one he has always wanted using an excavator in a mine site at Mudgee so it is about 7 hours away he said so I hope this job lasts as Michael can't seem to settle in a job, I think his ego gets in the way I can see that ego of his on show all the time it drives me nuts but he needs to learn his own lessons in life at 19, he has big dreams and boasts a lot about them but his dream has always been to work with the diggers like his pop, so I hope he can hang in there this time and follow that dream as it is hard work trying to find work for a 19 year old at the best of times.. I hope to be back tomorrow with the Indigo messages after I finished work.. Always have love in your heart for it is a positive energy and raises your vibration, joy and laughter are also high vibrational energies that not only lift your spirit but those around you as well.
**This heart image I got online so thanks to who ever made it
I just added the text.** 
Music tonight is Celine Dion I haven't put any of hers up for a while..
I want you to need me.
Sending Love and Light
GIVE BACK to balance your
energy to both giving and receiving.
Let go of the old emotions
and friendships that no longer
serve your needs so you can
let fear go and let love in.
TENDERNESS be both gentle 
and powerful and set your 
boundaries so you aren't
taken advantage of and be
gentle on yourself..
Love you always.

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