Thursday 5 February 2015

Daily Guidance - Clear Yourself xx

Hi all well it is late Tuesday night my daughter and bub are still in one piece, sounds like bubba is in no hurry to come yet she is due on Thursday fingers crossed baby makes an appearance soon if not the baby might be induced.. All bar one of mine were induced on the exact day due because of my hypertension which was brought on by pregnancy.. I texted my daughter about my dream I mentioned in the last post and the other grandmother also dreamt they had a baby boy on the Friday. I have just pulled the cards for the daily guidance but you can use these angel messages at any time because in heaven it is always the now moment, there is no past, present or future only now.
I started this last night but got so tired I couldn't keep my eyes open so I will finish it now and also draw some new cards. (so still no baby Wed night).
CLEAR YOURSELF - I's time to clear yourself of negative energy that you may of picked up from others as it affects your own psyche to hold on to other people's energy as it comes out in your own emotions so can drag you down and when you are down your ego creeps in and has a field day with your let down emotions, you will start to see everything as bad and have doubts about yourself and where you are going in your life it may even feel as if you are stuck in the present position you are in. Nothing is ever permanent so we are never stuck it is just our soul wants to move faster then the divine timing of when things are meant to happen, because everything has to be in its divine place before your soul allows your next challenge  to appear. So to clear these negative emotions is essential for your own well being and inner peace. Call on your Angels to come and release you from these emotions if they no longer serve you because some of these negative emotions might be coming up from past issues or past life issues for the energy at this time is bringing all this stuff up for us to deal with so you are more sensitive to the negative energy around you. Another way to help you get rid of these negative emotions is to write them down and burn the paper (in a fireproof container) and asking the angels to take them feelings away as you no longer need them as they serve you no purpose at this time. On the card "Ask the angels to release any toxic energies that you may have absorbed." RELEASE and CLEAR all toxic energy from your mind, body and soul surround yourself in the divine white light of love from spirit as they want to see you happy and serve your divine purpose and be free from pain, hurt and anger.
BREATHE - Archangel Raphael wants us to focus on releasing this toxic energy by taking deep breathes and as you exhale say "I no longer need these negative feelings as I want to live a life of peace, joy and happiness, I know I am loved nurtured and protected and that every need I have is met by God, I  need never go without. Thank you Angels". On the card it says "Archangel Raphael: "Take several deep breaths and exhale slowly to awaken your energy and to release old patterns" ..So RELEASE, CLEAR and BREATHE in the new energy as you let go of past emotions and patterns that ego takes  advantage of.
 The new cards I just drew are:-
TRUST - Trust that your prayers are being answered and when the time is right they will appear, don't ask how or when as you cannot control divine energy if other people are involved as everything has to be just right in every bodies lives before things fall into place. Trust in yourself as well because you are awesome and more powerful than you think your dreams are always answered sometimes a bit of patience is required the fear of  your dreams not happening will block them and your need to control is also blocking the energy needed for things to work out. Things always turn out how you dreamt or even better then you imagined as spirit always knows what is right for us at the right time, spirit does like us to have the lessons of life before any miracles happen.
LET GO OF FEAR ... NOW - Archangel Michael wants us to drop all fear now as the energy of fear is dark and will block all that is good in your life from appearing. You deserve to feel love and to give love in return fear will block your heart from opening fully, if you fear love you are blocking your higher energy, if you fear being rejected you won't attempt to even try things because you have already set yourself up for failure, fear is a negative energy that your ego takes advantage of as it doesn't want to see you succeed in any part of your life so you will lack confidence and let the negative energy of others get to you if you are sensitive in nature this negative energy will get to you without even knowing because that energy will just soak into your aura so you need to shield yourself with Archangel Michaels brilliant divine light to stop those negative energies getting to you. Prayer on card " Archangel Michael please help me feel safe and deserving of your guidance. Thank you for clearing me of heavy, toxic or ego-based thoughts or feelings."

Music my new favourite song
I so much want to come home but I know I can't yet as it is not the
right time but one day when you and I are ready we can go home
all in Divine Time because I love you so much it hurts.
Michael Buble - Home
Some more Angelic sounds for you to enjoy
Sending Love and Light
Release old emotions and patterns
Breathe in to bring in the new energy
Exhale to release the old
Trust your dreams will be answered
in Divine Time.
Let go of 'fear' replace it with 'LOVE'
open your heart because
I love you always.

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