Tuesday 10 February 2015

My own little Angel to love xx

Hi all I started this post on Sunday night but again got tired so I will do the Indigo Angel card reading tonight after I draw some fresh cards as I did draw some on Sunday but got tired again and things were moving on the baby front so I didn't get around to it. 
Some good news I am a Nanna now to a healthy baby girl she came into the world at 8.18am Monday while I was at work when the news came in. My daughter and son-in-law had a long night of labour 24hrs all up so they were asleep when we arrived but I got a little cuddle probably see them again on the weekend as we have to work and she lives about 40 mins from us so weekends I will have to venture down for more bubba cuddles.. Her name is Kaitlen Bailey. My heart is  so full of love for them and my precious grand daughter I just love babies and new babies smell so good, I did give a bit of motherly advice while there and showed daddy how to wrap her up in a bunny rug, he did change the nappy so that was a good sign..
Kaitlen is awfully cute but still a bit puffed up from the birthing experience, she was very tired, but I checked her out and woke her for a cuddle she was very long at 55cm she will be tall and lanky like her parents I am thinking. I shall put up other photo's later as they change so much from the first days after being born, even after they have their first bath.. Can't wait to watch her grow and give her some loving like only a Nanny can. She likes to surprise her parents already they were so convinced they were having a boy and were even buying blue clothes and my dreams of a baby boy (as well as the other grandmother also dreaming it was a boy) sort of convinced me they were having a boy as well, so when the nurse said it's a girl it took them by surprise and everyone else.

 She is in a private hospital and it has some beautiful statues of our patron saints here is Saint Joseph out in a little courtyard at the hospital, she was in the St Gerard ward (St Gerard is the patron saint for expectant mothers).
This is the beautiful Mother Mary Queen of Angel

 I will go and visit my grandbaby and daughter on the weekend for more cuddles and photo's so keep your eye out as babies change so much even after the first week. Kaitlen already looks like one of the clan and like our other babies in the family.

The best feeling in the world is the love you feel when you first hold your newborn baby in your arms after nine months of carrying it inside you and having to go through the pain of childbirth (that pain goes away as soon as you hold that baby). Pure unconditional love that lasts for a life time is what you feel when you have a baby and it is the same feeling for every child you have there after where you are willing to give everything you have to protect, keep safe and warm that child as you watch them grow into an adult and to see one of your babies having the same experiences is just magical I can't wait to be a part of my grand daughters life as I get to have the same feeling of unconditional love for her offspring..
Here is Celine Dion with a touching song about her Mama
when she had to say the final goodbye so in honour of new mums
and the mums that are in heaven that we still cherish, love and
are still connected to. I'm fortunate as to still have my mum around she
is the nurturing type just like me so would do anything for us to
make sure we are happy, safe and looked after she has always been
there for my sisters and I love you mum I'm glad I chose you to nurture
and protect me from harm.
Sending Love and Light
love you always

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