Saturday 7 February 2015

Daily Guidance - Healing xx

Hi all what a beautiful day here today summer has showed up again and the temps should start to warm up again after last week we had to pull a jumper out in the evenings.. Still no Baby news I am predicting the 8th so Sunday if she hasn't had bub by Tuesday that is the day of eviction by inducing baby out so next week I will be a first time Nanna (be prepared for photo's).
This morning I drew 2 cards for guidance today.

LET FEAR GO NOW - This card came out again last night as it is time to release the energy of FEAR in your life and replace it with the energy of LOVE to raise your vibration and to be in tune with the new energy that is entering the universe, when you do replace fear for love you will become more sensitive to the other energy around you.  So you will become more emotional and shed tears over nothing that is when your ego will step in and cause doubts about yourself and about others that may be a part of you. To rid yourself of this fear call on Archangel Michael to SHIELD you against negative attacks that may enter your souls energy field. When Archangel Michael puts his shield up around you with his brilliant white light of love the negative energy has a less likely chance of getting to you because the energy field around you will repel it so you don't have to carry others feelings around in your mind.
HEALING was the last card in letting go of all fear and replacing it with love this is a part of your healing for when you open your heart and let love in you are raising your own frequency to that of a higher energy. Also at this time the energy that is entering our lives will bring up a lot of past and past life issues that you need to deal with some of those emotions you may have to deal with were based on your past life fears so it may hurt as you are faced with your truth so cry away because your tears are washing your soul and releasing the toxins and negative energies you have stored away in your akash and those negative energy from recent events.. We are changing our akashic records so all karmic debt will be paid back now as part of our soul evolvement, we are aiming as a human race to live  a life of integrity, compassion, love and  so all systems and self-serving people will stand out to those with integrity.
Music for you Joe Cocker with let the healing begin because all those fear based emotions you carry around will be like the weight of stones your soul does carry around and it is time for you to release them to God and the Angels.
They were last nights cards I was going to put them up this morning but my daughter came to visit for the day so I was waylaid. Here she is with the baby still in one piece I'm predicting the baby will make an appearance on the 8th so Sunday if that isn't the case she will be induced on Tuesday afternoon so I will be a Nanna next week sometime so watch for the baby photo's. Hehe!!
Next time I see her she should be in two pieces.. How miraculous is it to have babies enter your life.. formed from nothing but love, out of love and the result unconditional love in return, our souls choose our parents from within our soul group so our souls are eternal and always connected by love our souls are the life force energy that is us, the little piece of  God our creator that is within.. god is Love  our souls are love and should come from a place of Love, our ego's are a part of our humanness that help give us the freewill and choice to make decisions. So to follow your heart you are listening to your soul, to follow your mind you are listening from your ego so you need to mix both up to come to a logical decision for what it is your soul needs.
SUPPORT - You are supported by God, the Angels and Ascended masters at this time of your life as you fulfil your life purpose, anything you need just call on the spirit realm to help you manifest what ever it is you need, you will be given guidance, love and support by the spirit team that is guiding your progress.
CHAKRA CLEARING - Our chakra's are our energy centres  to hear our guidance and to stay balanced your charkra's should all be clear and illuminated so we are at our peak energy wise, centred, grounded and our hearts and minds are all open ready to receive our guidance and messages from spirit. Our bodies are made up of energy from what we eat to our exercise regime, the fitter and healthier we are the clearer our chakras are and the more energy we will have so everything counts to our inner peace when our mind, body and spirit are all tended to it also goes towards loving your self enough to look after you in all ways. Archangel Metatron is here to help keep your chakra's balanced and in working order. On card "Archangel Metatron: 'Call upon me to clear and open your chakras, using sacred geometry shapes'"..  Our Third eye or 6th sense and intuition is a part of our chakra centres so they need to be fine tuned if you want to connect direct to spirit these can be opened so you can directly get your messages through your pineal gland and your crown chakra's.
COURAGE - Have the courage to stand by your convictions and stand up for what it is you believe in be true to yourself so everybody can see the real you not some mask you put on so they approve of who you are in their world, if you can't be your true self and let your soul be seen for who it is you will never be accepted for who you truly are a awesome human with capable powers more than you could imagine, don't judge yourself because you don't stand up to others expectations of who they think you are because relationships based on expectations will never last they will only be lesson for your soul that will bring you to a place of self love. On card "Archangel Ariel: Be courageous and stand up for your beliefs." .. So if you believe in integrity stand up for those belief's and act with integrity yourself show others how honest and truthful you are and stand by your own convictions, show others the real honest, compassionate and lovable you.
I better go and make some wedding cards commissioned ones as my Aunt rang last weekend and she can't buy any decent cards around town so I have two to make for the Grandmothers of my 2nd cousin who is getting married on Valentines day so next weekend and I have to work because my co-worker is a barman as well as the cleaner and general handyman so he has to work  in the bar that night so he has the cleaning duties off for Saturday and Sunday so I get to do them. I will try and get back into routine and do my daily card, the trouble is I've been getting tired at nights and just can't concentrate to do the readings after work as I am awfully busy then as well getting dinner ready and catching up on house work and home duties so I work for another hour or two with domestic chores between checking out all my online haunts.. Maybe it is me that needs to prioritise my time more affectively (the card that came out on Sunday). I will do my Indigo Angel reading tomorrow and weekly, enjoy your weekend and don't forget to call on your Angels to help you through your struggles and to help bring you peace within your own mind as you are loved always unconditionally no matter what choices in life you make or the choices you have made, you are perfect just the way you are so never judge yourself but rather love yourself for everything you have been through and survived. You are so loved by me always xx
My soul knew I loved you before I met you.
What if she is an Angel - Brad Paisley
Sending Love and Light
Open your heart clear your energy
centres so you get clear guidance on
what to do next in your life listen
to your heart as your soul always
knows the way home to a place
of unconditional love.
Let go of FEAR to allow LOVE in
to raise your energy vibration.
SHIELD yourself against negative energy.
HEAL your old wounds and have
COURAGE to stand up for what you believe.
Know your soul truth and live by it.
I believe in LOVE for God is Love and
is within our souls.
Love you always.

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