Wednesday 25 February 2015

Angel Message "Peace" xx

G'day well it is now Wednesday night the Angel message from this morning that I posted on Michael Smith News was one of 'Peace' from Archangel Chamuel...
PEACE - from Archangel Chamuel he wants us to remember only love is real in our own lives and to try and focus on that,  when we see this crap/chaos going on around us because it is out of our control for most of us so we just have to observe but if everything is okay in your own little world things won't seem as bad.. Our souls are love and those who don't have it in their hearts are living in fear so will act out accordingly and not always be from a place of integrity and they are the people that will be coming out of the woodwork and be the focus of the news as the news always focuses on the negative so to stay at peace don't let the negative enter into your heart to much, brush it aside and if things are within your control you can change it to bring yourself to a place of peace.. Remember why our soul came here was to love and to be loved so if you feel alone know you are loved always and if you need a partner to help fill that feeling of loneliness call on Archangel Chamuel to bring you your soulmate so that special person to give that love to.. Love and Light xx
When you know who you are (get acquainted with your soul)
you will know who others are inside as you will see their soul
by knowing yours, as all souls strive for the same thing in life
Love, happiness and peace with themselves and others around them.
Every soul may be the same but each journey is individual so
don't judge some one else's life for they are not you and not
following your path for only you can do that. Every choice you
make is the fork in the road which you get to decide the path that
will lead you home, so no matter what choice you make you
will end up home one way may be more difficult to handle but
the destination will always be the same no matter who you
meet along the way.
xxx Love you always xxx
Sending Love and Light
find your inner peace
by knowing you are loved
much more than you know.

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