Thursday 12 February 2015

Indigo Angel Message xx

Hi all I've just drawn the Indigo cards again I am determined tonight to get this reading done before I fall asleep I didn't get to bed until after 1.30 last night so I had about 5hrs sleep, I was feeling it this afternoon but now I've cooked dinner and cleaned up I am a bit more awake.. **(I didn't quite make it I was typing out the message last night and my eyes just closed so it was time to give it up for the night so I did do most of it I put up the photo's and drew the focus card at lunchtime today before finishing off the post just in the nick of time as I had to start work,)**
So the cards are..
 PATIENCE - have patience with your self as things will work out how you are manifesting them, your dreams and prayers are in and when the time is right things will start happening but first you need to look after yourself and heal old wounds that are blocking your progress of your divine life purpose. Don't rush things if you have a lot of old wounds to heal from your past or past life experiences that you are still carrying around on your soul. This new energy we are experiencing is bringing all these things up for our soul to deal with now because for our souls to evolve and ascend we need to shed the old fears and blocks we have in order to shed the old or let go of the old energy and emotions that come with it so we can receive the new energy which will help us esoterically so we can communicate directly to source or God and the Angels , our spirit guides and ascended masters.
HEALER OF THE AGES - (51) - to help you shed your old emotions and fears that no longer serve your soul call on the healer of the ages and Archangel Michael to help you let go and release those feelings so you can move forward spiritually. This powerful being will heal you and bring you much wisdom and power to carry out your Indigo plans as there is a lot of work to do for humanity and to better the systems that govern us and rule our lives. He is with you now so feel the divine love and light that envelopes you to help heal your soul so you have an inner peace and contentment to carry out your duties. 51 in Angel numbers mean "Keep positive thoughts about the changes you're desiring and experiencing.  The affirmation that comes with the card is "The powerful healing of eternal love is with me now ad always. Divine consciousness fills every cell. I am whole, healthy, vital and at peace.

COME OUT OF THE CLOSET - it is time you came out of the spiritual closet and let everyone know of your belief's and feelings it is a hard thing to do because you fear rejection if you were to reveal the real you, first before you reveal to others you have to make sure you admit to your self that you are spiritually connected to others and your soul is one with our creator so nothing is ever separate as we are all connected as one through the energy that is our life force we are connected by love. What prevents us as old souls coming out of the closet is the fact that in previous incarnations we were crucified and ridiculed for this belief and we were burnt at the stake or put to death by hanging because we were witches and warlocks because what we knew then is now coming back to us as we cleanse our souls so our fear of being rejected or faced with ridicule so it is a ingrown fear. this is why we need to let go of old emotions that are preventing us from advancing spiritually. Be
ASK ARCHANGEL MICHAEL TO HELP YOU WITH THIS SITUATION - call on Archangel Michael to help you shed those emotions that keep haunting you take back your power from ego that will prevent you from moving ahead on your spiritual path. Your soul is calling for you to admit to yourself that you are a spiritual being and you know your power. Your power, wisdom and love all live within your soul, your soul is the god that is within. Your soul communicates to you through your emotions so quiet your mind and listen and trust your feelings when  ever you have decisions to make.
LET GO OF FEAR - NOW!! - It is time you released those emotional habits which are fear based but keep playing over and over again in your mind. Let the fear go in any situation and surround yourself with LOVE. Fear brings doubt and negativity and your ego will take advantage of that and take your own power and inner strength from you. To have inner peace you need to not fear anything that happens in your life for what has happened in the past will not happen again trust in your self and be optimistic of your future and the destiny that awaits you. If you are listening to your soul and following your heart you will always end up where you are supposed to be in life, for when your soul knows it is time to take a different path it will let you know and you will want change or change will be thrust upon you as you will get the divine intervention your soul needed. Sometimes you will feel this is a setback to where you thought you were going, but in the end and upon reflection it will be a blessing in disguise and things were meant to happen in that way as it has lessons attached your soul needed to evolve and bring you your life purpose.
APOLOGIZE - To help you let go of past and past emotional pain that your soul is carrying around it is essential to apologize to those you think you have hurt. Once apologies are out of the way that is the time you forgive first of all your self for reacting in a way that might of hurt someone, but they might of treated you in a way to make you react that way so you need to forgive them as well as you are just reflecting off each other with react and attack mode. Forgive and forget all the human behaviours that you carry around on your soul and beat your self up about, know everything happens for a reason and we are always where we are meant to be. Whether you parted ways with someone over an argument and you have regrets know that it was meant to happen because both your souls knew it was time for change and to move on to your next lesson or to keep going on your path.

FOCUS POINT for the Indigo this week was ASK FOR A SIGN - You have been getting signs but are missing them keep on asking until you get clarification that it was your message, but once you get that message and guidance be sure to act on it as you will be led to where your soul knows to take you on your divine path and to reach your mission.. Trust and have faith in your own intuition and listen to your heart try and quiet your mind (meditation is good for this)listen to your emotions and feelings as that is your soul talking, with a quiet mind you can hear your soul talking through feelings.
Music today Maroon5 - Sugar
Love this song and clip
Sending love and light
PATIENCE every thing will
fall into place in divine time.
be true to your self
and doubts about failure.
forgive and forget all
human behaviour from
yourself and others.
trust and believe
you are getting them and
your dreams are being manifested..
Love you always

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