Sunday, 6 July 2014

Answers to your prayers xx

 If you have been asking your Angels or God for help with anything be patient as sometimes it can take a while for those prayers to be answered, also they may come in a different form or in a different way than you were expecting ( I don't generally expect things to turn out a certain way I just let things turn out how they were meant to). All prayers are generally answered in Divine Timing so trust your feeling and intuition when they come in and watch for the messages or signs given to you, if you were unsure if it was a sign ask your Angels again for clarification that it was a sign..
My prayers or requests have always been answered and it has taken years sometimes like the request for another baby (I wanted before Phillip passing) then after losing Phillip I was requesting that a baby be born around the same time he was so it would fill that void of not having a birthday in October so when I did get pregnant the baby was due on the 5 Dec or there abouts my prayers were answered as my baby came prematurely by about 8 weeks so my waters broke a few days after Phillip's birthday and I was in the hospital for about 4 days being monitored before Sam came into the world so his birthday is exactly one week after when Phillip's was Sam was born about 2.30am early morning hours on the 13th October. (It took so long to get pregnant because my husband wasn't ready to have another child when I was ready so we didn't even try as I withheld wifely services lol!).
There have been many prayers that have been answered all through my life so always keep the faith that your prayer is being manifested as you read this and your destiny awaits for divine timing..
Signs are thoughts feelings, symbols like feathers being placed in the least unexpected places where no birds would have likely dropped them, coins on ground, butterflies, dragonflies something that will have a meaning to you personally,  also messages/signs can come in ways of songs, conversations around you to do with the subject you asked about it will generally be a repeated subject that seems to come up around you, numbers can also be a symbol from Heaven Doreen has a book on those numbers and their meanings..
My cousin just shared this on Facebook
very true what your soul will remember is the love or fear
that you felt in this lifetime so remember to keep love in your heart
every where you go..
xx Always remember xx
xx I'll always be with you in spirit everyday xx
Music another Taylor Dayne
Sending love and light
Enjoy your Sunday

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