Wednesday 9 July 2014

Giving and receiving Love xx

In this world we have "Givers" then we have the "Takers", you will probably find them in any situation through out your life, even within your own family where one person always puts themselves last and makes sure everyone else is okay first with out even giving a second thought to their own welfare especially emotionally..  I know I'm like that with everyone where my own emotional welfare doesn't matter as long as all my family or even anyone around me is okay and happy..It doesn't bother me to do this but I know sometimes it does get to you and you feel as if you are being taken for granted as the only time they notice anything is if you stopped doing what ever it was that you do everyday with out question, you don't seek rewards or even acknowledgement for all the little things you do to make a difference to their lives.. All the little things I do is out of Love for those I care about xx 
This is where sometimes the "Takers" will take advantage of the "Givers" as they ask for nothing in return so not even a little 'Thank you' is exchanged and the taker will continue to take unless the giver stands up or realizes they were only being used by the taker so they could advance themselves.. You can tell how genuine a person is by what they give to others as they will give you something from their heart without expecting anything in return..

So to all those out there in blog land that are "Givers", I'll say Thank You for all you do as I know you make the World a better place with all that you give and remember to take time out for yourselves and if some one wants to give you something in return except it gracefully just to balance all that you give..  
If you are feeling this way let your tears wash your soul..
As a good cry occasionally does wonders to lift your spirits
as it washes away your pent up emotions..

But if you find yourself in a really dark place and not even
tears can wash away your feelings ask your Angels to help
lift the burdens you are feeling and give them to God to deal
with and seek medical help if you can't cope at all and
if you are feeling depressed and nothing anyone does
will lift your spirits. There is light beyond that dark space
you just need a glimmer of hope and you will see it..
Angels will always carry that light you just need to notice
them to see the light that is shining within your own heart..

Another card I made love the saying stamp.

Monica - Angel of mine
Sending Love and Light may it fill your heart as it does mine

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