Wednesday 23 July 2014

Unconditional Love xx

So what is unconditional love?
It is love where you don't need to place conditions on the other persons in order for them to love you and vice versa. It is acceptance of who those you love are and loving everything about them flaws and all as humans we all have faults and no-one is perfect, we all make mistakes in our life time those mistakes are our souls life lessons unfolding so you can learn from them.  If you have kids the love you feel for them should be unconditional as they are brought into our lives for that reason, we should never place conditions on them so they think you will only accept them if they behave in a certain manner you should love them for the little individual souls they are love them when they are good and love them when they are bad and teach them a better way when they make mistakes.
 "Life is our learning curve in the university of life." (children and adults alike).
Unconditional love is not only acceptance of others but it is also acceptance of self and your own flaws or what you perceive as flaws because our creator made us all perfect in his divine wisdom and we are made in his image (our soul is that image).

Unconditional love will provide knowing the other person from the inside out and
understanding them with out any words being spoken as you can feel something is wrong.

If you have to chase someone for love that is not unconditional love as they require you to
change to meet their needs - you should not have to change for someone to love you
remain your true self and real love will find you.
What to look for when seeking unconditional love

With unconditional love the bank account balance and looks will be not needed as they are
only superficial needs true unconditional love will be felt with the heart and remain no matter what..
 Some music about unconditional love
Alicia Keys - When You Really Love Someone

I hope you find  the unconditional love we all need as human beings.
Sending my love and light to you
Open your heart to receive love also to give it.

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