Wednesday 16 July 2014

Optimism or Pessimism xx

Today at school while at work sitting on one of the desks was this quote by Winston Churchill he was a wise old soul in his time as he has many great quotes..

 I am the eternal optimist as I put in another post why do I think that way because I usually operate from my heart and I see pessimism as coming from your mind (ego) so it will always cause doubts, fears and worries it will always try to get you to see things in a bad light - Your actions are dictated by your thoughts so if you always think something is going to turn out bad you can guarantee that is what will happen as that was the way you were thinking and what you expected. My way of thinking has always been one of optimism as I know things will always turn out how they are supposed to and if a problem arises you deal with it then. In spiritual reality you manifest your own destiny so if you see your situation as dire that is how it will end up as that is the way you imagined it and expected it.
 If you want to manifest good things into your life imagine yourself as doing whatever it is you dream of doing and it will be achievable as you are the creator of your own destiny.
(Spiritual reality = just the way it is, as we are all divinely guided but we do have freewill and choices, so your choices will also create your destiny). You can choose to go with your heart or your mind (ego) - Optimism is going with your heart, pessimism is going with your ego..
Another quote that was on my FB wall this morning
I love any Angel song here is one by Lionel Richie and Andrea Burg
Sending love and light
Let LOVE always be your guide and open your heart to receive
and to give love as what you give gets returned to you.

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