Monday, 30 March 2015

Spirituality xx

Hi it is now lunch time and it's another one of those emotionally draining  days I feel so tired and my tears just won't stop, I don't feel like eating but I really should because it is lunchtime and I do have to go back to work soon.. My soul is in shut down I think as it feels like I'm going through grief and feel so alone because I can't help you as you go through this pain and because your not there I feel so alone.. I went for my walk and the tears didn't stop as I came to a fork along my path and thought what a great metaphor for how I feel today so pretty sure it was a message from spirit just for me to say it will be okay it is just a little hiccup he will find his way, but I picked the fork up and threw it away, there is also a message in that I just wrote by throwing the fork away it means release the emotions of what is making you feel this way.. I was listening to Kryon as I walked around the oval Lee Carroll has been at Ullaru so in Australia, I'm pretty sure he was talking to me as he mentioned sharing tunes from your iPod (at 16.50) and about feeling alone right near the end I think what Kryon was saying only made me cry more.. Here is the channelling I was listening too..  I do love Kryon for I get what he means for I have the inner knowing and he has backed a lot of things for me and he gives me spiritual logic and answers a lot of things I question but also teaches me a lot to pass on as I make my discoveries.. So when I looked at my phone and FB all the messages I was getting was LOVE and you are loved from the songs on the radio as I turned the key the radio was singing about love I feel the angels were talking to me to keep going to shine my light but my light goes a bit dim when you are not around.. I know you need to take time off to help your soul grow and my time to will come to do the same for I'm not sure of my path or how things are going to go for I never plan my future just go with the flow, it is in God I always place my trust for he has so far in my life brought me all I need..
Here was the fork on my path as I walked around the oval this morning the photo was taken after I tossed it as I thought about things while I was doing another lap. Here is what I wrote on FB later.
When you get to a fork on your path pick it up and throw it away and keep on heading in the direction your soul knows to go. The fork I came across on my walk this morning a sign to keep on going. Thanks kyron and spirit for sending all these messages. Love and light xx you are never alone and always loved xx I just wondered what would you do with the fork? "The fork being a metaphor for when you come to a difficulty in your life".. Stand stagnant with the same worries while you decide which way to go or toss it aside and keep on going in the direction your heart is telling you to go.?? ** I also mention Kyron because in his book the Journey the man named Michael is going on a journey and after every house he comes to a fork in the road he has a map (the map is blank and he is  to use his intuition) on which way to take to get to the next house as he goes to each house he is equipped with everything he needs to go on his journey he always has freewill to make his choices but if he listen to his intuition he is following his heart. All through his journey there is a dark shadow following him which represents his ego (fear) it is trying to catch up to him and trick him and stop his journey..  Michael's journey is a his life it is a great little book with hidden meanings in it with Kyron's metaphors.. xx

 The card I drew this morning was about "SPIRITUALITY" so this is a card to remind us all to look at who we are and find the God that is within us for all our souls are the same a creation of God so we are all the same, once you find out who you are, you will see you have the power of god within you to help each other and be a compassionate soul and look after your fellow man for we are all here to achieve the lessons for our soul energy, the energy is changing for it is time for all souls to see the wisdom and mastery that is inside you, you don't need outside sources to make you feel a certain way because you are the master or hero of ascertaining into your life all that you need by just believing in yourself and loving who you are for you are like Jesus and can manifest into your life all the love and abundance that you need. LOVE and not FEAR is the base of spirituality for God is love and all that we need for that is the souls aim when it comes here from spirit  to look for what it is we had in heaven that is unconditional love, for with that comes integrity, compassion and empathy so peace..
With spirituality it is all about you not getting others to believe what you say but to help them to discover for themselves that they to have had the miracles in life and angels around for we are all guided by the same spirits with our own special team that guide our soul where we promised to go when we came here to earth to fulfil a mission, and to discover our life purpose it is not easy as there are a lot of emotional roller coasters to ride as you make these discoveries for you may find people that are connected to your soul through current relationship or new ones might be found but in reality we are all connected and really one for the universal energy is something we all are a part of.. To start you on the path of spirituality you have to start with "Who am I".. and go from there your guides and angels will help you find the answers you need so trust in them, trust in yourself and enjoy the journey start that soul searching for you hold all the answers to everything inside for your soul always knows, follow your heart for your true path and never give up when you hit a fork in the road, keep on going for you are never alone.. 77 in Angel numbers means "keep up the great work!  Everything you're doing right now has the midas touch!."
Spirituality is about discovering your soul so your true self so you have power, truth and knowledge of knowing why you are here, spirituality is never about anyone but you for we all have our own truth's of what it is our soul has been through all of the incarnations we have lived through my soul is an old soul so do often feel alone even though I have family and loved one's around but  for these last couple of years I have been about finding out who I was but I was being pushed to discover these things because I do have a higher calling of why I'm here and my soul mission is only love and helping others awaken to find them self as well I was feeling pretty lost as I sat alone up at the cemetery that day crying my little heart out because I knew there was more, I have found it and it has not been easy for I have had many days of how I feel today and things go over in my mind of who I am and why I feel so different to others for in my blue print of life I have a soul energy but I am only half of the whole for we all have a twinflame and when you find them you go through a transformation yourself to do a bigger duty to help lift the energy of the planet so that is the shift we are going through and  a lot of twinflames are finding each other so have to go through a lot of soul growth and finish off with karmic debt from previous life times for this is the final incarnation for them if they connect but they have to connect with themselves first and find the god within before they physically unite so god won't let that happen until both souls are in harmony with them self and god for the love is that intense when they unite they need to be at peace with their own life and who they are for they carry the same blueprint and soul energy so they feel each others pain, they know each other for they are the same so they won't be able to hide a thing from each other in the way of feelings for they are spiritually connected in everyway.. They feel complete as one but when separated they feel disconnected from the other so they are probably going through soul growth or further lesson.. More can be found on the web about the Twinflame relationships google it.. 

Thinking out loud - Ed Sheeran
So today is one of those days
Sending love and light
I am feeling better for writing
that out but not much.
Have a great afternoon
love you always

Sunday, 29 March 2015

Indigo messages xx

Hi all it is now Sunday and I'm feeling peaceful today maybe I needed a bit of optimism thrown at me from the last messages as well for I know everything will be alright and things will turn out and in divine time all the things we want will come to us.. I've just put a roast and a cake in the oven for dinner tonight so being a bit domesticated today but that is everyday for that is what my soul chose me to be this time around, here to look after others welfare but must take time out to also take care of me which is a job we all must do in the hustle and bustle of life just take a little break from it all and take the time to do the things you enjoy either by yourself or with loved one's.. because if you look after you first, don't forget to have some fun for it helps keep your energy reserved to look after others in return it also raises your vibration..
Don't be pulled into others darkness instead show them your light so they can find their way out of that darkness alone,  but beware when they start to drag you down to their level it is time to let them go and find your light again and hope they can find there way one day, for what is meant to be will be. So stand up for others but also stand up for yourself to remain strong.
After yesterday's message a bit of positivity for today keep looking up, for when you look down you are bound to trip over your negativity for your eyes are closed to all the potential of what it is you could be doing, it's not what you can't do but rather what you can even if you think you have nothing, for all things start with a dream or a little thought and grows for you have planted that seed of hope.
The Indigo cards and message for this week..

AUTHORITY - Just a reminder of why the Indigo's are here they are here to challenge the authority figures that may not always be truthful or be in a position to enforce other rules on people because they do not come from a place of integrity, so you are here to go where others fear to tread in dealing with the authority figures for you have the instincts to root out any problems within any system that seems to be no longer working in society to you are shining the light in the dark places where others fear to go.. Also Indigo's don't like being controlled by others especially those in authority so they may some times hit out in anger when they feel they are being controlled by others which in turn gives the Indigo grief for acting out in anger so they start having self doubts about what happened when faced with situations that challenge those in authority for no-one likes being faced with the truth and some react in hurtful or hateful ways towards the messenger which is most likely an Indigo for they do challenge others with the truth all the time.. so just be wary of your own sensitive nature when having to deal with others try and come in with a less aggressive approach for the answers you seek will come easier if you don't put the authority figures back against the wall..
EMOTIONAL SENSITIVITY - "Honour and respect your deep sensitivity, as it is a gift to us all". So don't be scared off by your sensitive nature as well are your hard exterior for it is our sensitivities that can detect how others are feeling so it is where our intuition and sixth senses come in for you can feel others so can anticipate their reactions when you challenge them and be wary of those that might not be coming from a place of trust. Know yourself and what it is you allow others to get away with in how they treat you.. Open up your empathic heart and you will see others through a compassionate eye even if they seem to be doing the wrong thing, remember they have their own path to walk so will make choices you wouldn't you can mention it but in the end you have to let them face their own consequences because our choices do create our destiny for we either learn from them or do it again so next time we might make a different choice if faced with the same situation.
WRITE ABOUT YOUR THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS - Start a journal or blog and start expressing all the thoughts and feelings you have for you never know what wisdom lies within your soul until you start writing about everything that runs through your heart and mind for that is where our creativity starts and where our messages from our guides and higher self come from, you could try automatic writing where you start of with you or a question you need to ask of your soul and in the beginning it will be you writing but slowly the pen transforms and just flows without you doing much thinking at all, you do filter what is coming through your heart but it will be your pure heart and thought that speaks so your higher self will begin to take over once the flow starts on the page.. You may eventually use these thoughts and feelings for you can refer back to them as you never know what will come through until it lands on the page. Besides that it helps you to release all those pent up emotions so you don't have to burden your soul with them for you can then ask your angels to help let the negativity of your feelings go so all that you are left with are those peaceful ones that are for your higher good so the loving feelings if any will remain with you but the hateful, hurtful ones will be released whether they are about yourself or others for we need to let them go to find our inner peace. My Prayer: Thank you for helping me tap into my God-given creativity and wisdom so I clearly express myself and glean insight, blessing, and healing."
You may also get your guidance and other ideas from writing down all your thoughts for our guides and angels do send us things from time to time to help guide the way to where it is our soul needs to go so they will plant the seeds for you and your freewill can help to make them grow..
ASK FOR A SIGN - Always ask for signs from your guides and angels for they do give them and if you are uncertain ask again to clarify and if the same messages seem to be coming up all the time rest assured it was heaven sent and the answer you had been looking for.
MANIFESTATION POWERS - "Use your spiritual gifts and natural abilities to attract your desired outcome." God equipped us all with the powers to make our dreams come true so we manifest into our life what it is we want or need Indigo's are great at doing this as they are great movers and shakers and know how to get things done that is why they are usually leaders or are able to lead others into doing things as well so they cause a chain reaction by the very actions they do as th ey are very inspiring to others. Jesus was a great at manifesting what it was he needed we are no different for we are also the son or child of God, Jesus was the leader to all men to show them their own power to get what it is they need so if you can dream it you can have it you only have to believe in yourself and being able to manifest and achieve all it is you need. Take it step by step and all will fall into place have faith for doubts cancel out the energy of faith for what you believe is what will happen that is how you manifest by your thoughts then actions and asking for assistance from your spiritual team for they make it happen if you are serious and have great intent on doing what it is you trying to achieve.
BE PROUD - So it is time to stop and celebrate all that you are for you have been through so much all the trials and tribulations, all the ups and down were all meant for a purpose to help your spiritual growth to make you into a strong person that can with stand all life throws at you for the hardest times are meant to make you strong once you get over the other side of all the emotional hurt. So be proud of all you've done for things can only get better after you have a fall for the only way is up once you have been down, so keep your thoughts positive for there is nothing you cannot achieve once you put your mind to it for you are always loved and supported by spirit to fulfil those dreams. On card "It's time to celebrate all that you've achieved, all that you are, and all that you will become!. Every once in a while it's important to stop and acknowledge what you've achieved and to be proud."
Remember in life there are no mistakes, accidents or coincidences for everything is meant to be to teach our soul a lesson for that is why we came here to learn and to balance our karmic energy. You've made it this far keep going for the best times might still be ahead and it will turn out what your soul planned it to be, your struggles might be over now so you can have a life of peace if that is what you chose it to be. So be proud of who you are and be proud of who you are yet to be, be proud to be just the person god made you to be. Love and Light xx
FOCUS CARD - Is the same one that came out last night so you may have a spiritual career ahead of you maybe you just can't picture it yet maybe that is why Archangel Michael wants you to start writing all your thoughts and feelings down for you may start channelling messages in the future to share your wisdom for you may not know your psychic powers just yet, you as an Indigo have a lot of wisdom to share so your spirit team wants you to start recording or writing down all you know bring it up from your soul without much thought for that is how the new energy is working for us, and bringing old souls Akashic record up to explore for every light worker or spiritual person has something different to add for they have their own unique record of all the lives they have lived so a lot of knowledge is to be shared to help all souls reach soul maturity and to help them cope with this new energy for old souls have seen lots of things in all there life times but it is only now we get to share them just to be of service to all of mankind..  So what ever ideas you have been getting lately are what you are meant to be doing whether writing a book, blog or motivational speaking all that you need in the way of finances to help you get the project off the ground will come to you, don't ask how or worry for the spirit team will get them to you by either giving you more ideas or someone will come into your life to assist.. Use your instincts to know who to trust and if this person is heaven sent remember to ask for signs.  78 in angel numbers means "your present focus and actions have tapped into the universal financial flow of abundance. Stick with your current plans, as they're on the money".
Some quotes today to share the love and to
uplift your spirit and soul.

I feel like sharing the love tonight so here is Elton John
and another just because I love you and Celine Dion
Sending love and light
Remember to stay positive
and come from a place of Love
for you are loved and never
alone in life you just
need to believe in your
own self-worth and love
you like you would
love another for you
deserve that in your
Sweet dreams when you
go to sleep tonight
remember your dreams for
you might get some further
insight into the guidance
you need to help your
soul grow and go where
it needs..
Love you always

Saturday, 28 March 2015

Supported and loved always xx

Hi all it is Saturday night and I've just done a card reading for my blog and anyone that comes to read it I hope you get the messages you need from the Angels to help guide your soul for that is why we have angels within us and surrounding us to support our soul to where it is we need to go, our freewill will always win over so we need to listen to our inner voice and follow our hearts for we will always be on track to where it is our soul knows to go for the lessons we came to learn, however what ever choices we make are not a mistakes just a chance for us to look at and within our self for the answers we need to help us on our way for some of the things that do happen maybe just karmic debt from a prior life time so we came to even up that energy to help our soul growth, for in this world of duality we are to experience all kinds of things and the emotions that come with it that is how our soul grows and evolves otherwise we would be stagnant and always in the same place as a soul and that is not what God or our soul is about or why we chose life..  Today I haven't done a great deal I went and voted then done some housework and reading, it has turned a bit chilly now Autumn is here so we lit the fireplace to take the chill out of the air in the house there is nothing like the warmth of natural wood heating love it.. Today I have been emotionally up and down this energy is also playing havoc with my emotions so the tears have flowed a few times today so I have been feeling a bit melancholy and doing some more soul searching today and sending love energy out to those I feel need it today and everyday.. for we all need some love energy in our life or we do feel alone in this world.. You are loved always xx
We are all connected by the energy that gives us all life so be kind to one another and to yourself for you are perfect in every way and made to be the person you are for a reason, others will judge you or hate you but that is not your problem it is theirs for not seeing the real you only assuming they know the true self or the spirit or the soul of who you really are for only you know who that person is and the journey you have had to walk as you get your life lessons..

The angels, guides and your spirit team want you to know you are fully supported with what ever you decide to do with your life if you are looking at changing jobs or starting fresh in this new energy they are standing by to love and support you as you decide what it is your soul needs.. Our Angels and guides love us unconditionally and see the struggles we go through but they also know it is for a bigger purpose and are always ready to support you in any way all you need to do is ask and have faith they have your back and all your dreams, desires and intentions will be met in divine time we don't ask for specific things for they may even deliver something better then you expect for they know your soul and what it is you came here to learn so they will send messages to us through our thoughts, emotions help with ideas to get us started in where it is we need to go, we do have to put in the effort and do our part but if you believe all things do come to you for a reason even people for they are also messengers of God with the angels and guides within them to help you out when you need it, so accept anything that comes your way for it may be heaven sent to help support you in your time of need..
The next card is #78 spiritual career so if you are looking into starting a career in the mind, body and soul area you will be fully supported and all that you need to start up your business will come to you if you state your intentions and stay positive as to where it is you want to go in life for our spirit team always supports us you only need to ask for help and keep the faith and in divine time all you need will come to you by the law of attraction even your clients are drawn to you by external forces of spirit. 78 in angel numbers means "your present focus and actions have tapped into the universal financial flow of abundance. Stick with your current plans, as they're on the money". So what ever ideas you have been getting whether they are in the spiritual field or not maybe you haven't even thought about going into that field yet with motivational speaking or life coaching for whatever wisdom you have you need to share it with the world as you have been through a lot of struggles maybe so have a lot to share with the world for how you climbed your way back up when you were knocked down, but hidden deep within all our souls in an unknown wisdom just waiting for you to explore and to share your discoveries with the divine for they will help and support you all the way it might even be writing a book for all our creativity comes through our soul and lifts our vibration so we can hear and feel our guidance to help us.. If you have any ideas and don't have the financials just yet try not to worry for all things start with just a dream and then you ask the angels to help you gather the funds and before you know it your dream is up and running. Don't forget to thank all the angels for the blessings they give you in your life, for the more blessed you feel the more things will come to you when you need them..
The final card is from Archangel Michael decide to be happy now. With this new energy and change we are experiencing at the moment a lot of emotional stuff is coming up for us to deal with but it is always up to us and an internal thing to stay happy with who we are and our current circumstances as nothing is ever final so the situation you are in won't last but you need to let go of those negative emotions in order to find you inner peace and happiness if you are having trouble with letting go of that which doesn't serve you call on Archangel Michael to clear the decks and replace them with joy, for negativity will block the positive energy you need to succeed and follow your dreams. Negativity will see your ego have the power so your dreams and desires will be stopped in their tracks until you can see things from a different perspective in your life and the circumstances you have found yourself in at the moment. Change perspective and you will see things just fall into place as spirit is ready to support what it is your soul needs. The prayer on the card "Thank you for helping me open my heart to happiness, joy and bliss. I am now willing to see all of the goodness in my life."
Happiness always comes from within so no matter how you are feeling try and look at things from a different perspective at least for a day, for it only takes one day to change your whole outlook on life if that one day turns into everyday along will come your inner peace. Positivity brings a peace of mind so if when all you feel is a negative energy look for something to be positive about in your life for it only takes one thought to change the way you think.. Optimism brings success for you see yourself out of a difficult situation or you just know everything will be okay because it always is, you just might need to take a detour or a different route to get to where it is you are going..
So many quotes online here are just 3

 When one door closes or something happens in our life it happens for a reason that reason is the universal forces pushing us to where it is we need to go or to change the way we were doing things for it might of taken off our true path, sometimes we get a little nudge from spirit to help wake us up to face who we are and to bring us back to where it  is our soul promised to be in life at any given time.. Our soul is bigger than you think our soul is a part of the universal energy that does push and pull us around sometimes and the lessons we get are hard on us emotionally but that doesn't last as god gave us all the power to overcome the hard times.. and we do get help from spirit if we only learn again to communicate and ask for what it is we need to help us on this journey called life..
Negativity stops our soul from hearing the guidance that comes from within.
The song playing now on my iPod is
Cold Chisel - All for you
Another song Goo Goo Dolls -Iris
From my favourite movie City of Angels for they
are really around us in life guiding us for a bigger
purpose if only you could see. I know you have run
away for it scares you so, but that is okay for I will go
it alone if I must for you always have the freewill to
change your mind and I'm not ready anyway for I
still have spiritual growth to go through it is in God
I trust to lead the way for all our dreams to come
true, I am probably talking to myself as I am
often alone for I am an independent soul with
good intentions and it is only love I need to give and receive.
My love is what brings my light in wanting to help
and nurture your soul for I want to protect it from any
more hurt for I also feel that pain for you see we
carry the same soul energy..
Sending Love and Light
I hope everything is alright for I have faith in you
and fulfilling all your dreams for they will come
true if you have a little faith in who you are and know
nothing in your past matters anymore for you are a new
person with a lot stronger disposition for all you
have learnt is far behind you it is time to put a smile back
on your face for the spirit team is your support in
whatever it is you are destined to do for it
is your soul that has already chosen the plan
and Wendy was your #1 fan she is still standing by
our side as she watches over the world she left behind
she now has a better place to see that everything is as it should be
for you will remain her honeybun forever if you remain having fun.
For love is the only thing she now sees in everything we do and love is
the only thing that matters in the end. So keep on living and loving
for only you know how the  dreams you have will be
fulfilled so hang in there and you will see the angels
are standing by to support you in everyway the only thing
that is stopping you is what goes on in your mind so turn a negative in to
a positive for the best things are waiting for you yet to see.
love always

Friday, 27 March 2015

Soul searching and why we chose life xx

Hi all well it is Thursday evening and there is a Autumn chill in the air we had to light up the fireplace I'm in a another room where my computer is and all my craft gear (my office). Today has been one of those days when I just want to cry I was okay this morning until I started soul searching as I some times do about my life and all that has happened I've been going to do a post on how to 'search your soul' for that is where my journey with the angels started not that long ago last year I found out a lot about myself and others connected to my soul it started with a book ("Saved by an Angel" by Doreen Virtue)  that was a suggestion in an email on the day Phillip would of turned 21 I did blog about it here as I was soul searching and asking lots of questions which I was always led to the answers for our Angels, guides and spirit love to feed our curiousity of their side of the veil as it is called by Kryon who I discovered on my quest to learn about souls and where we go when we die for when I lost Phillip I knew about psychics and sensed when my son was around by the clock so I just delved further into our souls and mine working out the times the I was saved by Angels it has been many some I don't remember. Our Angels and guides live within us but it is up to us to awaken them and to invite them into our life to help with our journey that is our freewill god granted us but God is also within us as we are his creation, so we are a part of the whole of creation we aren't separate from God or each other for we are all connected by the same life forces that is our soul.. Each soul is different and each soul has it's own lessons and karmic debt from other life times which we came to even up the energy with our life lessons so we all have different energy and different paths we need to take but we are all the same really emotionally it is only our thoughts and beliefs that set us apart..

To go inside yourself all you do is look at all the emotional turmoils and the events you have had in this life time and see what lessons you learnt from those times for they were for your soul growth and karmic energy that needed to be evened out which was to teach your soul something else so you wouldn't repeat the same pattern. If  you had a lot of work to do in this incarnation you might have a lot of different jobs or past relationships for everyone comes into teach our soul lessons that we wanted them to come in and help us with only you will know about those if you search your own soul now or when we return to spirit we get to review every thought, action and reaction we had for it is all recorded in our Akashic record that we have carried over in every life time.. When I started searching my soul I started off with "Who am I" so why did I have certain character traits my main one why was I so shy I now know why it was for my own protection but also because that is what my soul chose to do this life time because I had a bigger purpose which I am still discovering but I also have an inner knowing what it is, but still have to take it day by day as I don't know my future or my destiny only my dreams that I have put in and I trust they will come to me, as they always have in divine time. I also looked back on every major event in my life or how I came to meet the people I have in my life but also I have been reading a lot on our souls and other books I have been guided to when I had questions which triggered other memories within me and a lot of new emotions since I shut down my heart because of the grief of losing Phillip, something opened it again an intense love I've never felt before so I invited the divine and angels into my life but this has all been in timing with the new energy shift that all humans are experience but lightworkers (or those that are spiritually aware and here to help others) and those more sensitive will be feeling the energy shifts for they started a while ago so it stirs up your emotions, may make you tired, feeling drained and even waking you up early hours of the mornings or keeping you awake especially if you have a lot running through your mind like bringing up things in your past that you still hold emotions over even things from your past life that you may not even know about, your dreams might be bringing in these past life events so you can deal with your souls emotions.. So my emotions and tears have been all over the place so having up's and down and a lot of tears shed some from others energy, sometimes over my own negativity and other stuff that is being dragged up out of my soul most the time I have no idea or things will just set me off with the tears flowing I have been feeling like this from yesterday in the morning when I was thinking about my own journey and how I feel so alone sometimes mainly because I am independent and don't let others in on what I'm feeling so haven't let many people get that close to me so I feel I have pretty much walked alone as I think independently as well so others probably don't really understand me, they don't even try most the time as I'm generally ignored or was most the time, maybe having a soft voice contributed to that... My soul only required love, support and security in this world and that is what I have got with my family around, the rest of the journey is up to me so I put my trust in God to bring me what else I need for I have found it only can't reach it just yet.
So to sum it up to go soul searching look at..
Who you are?
Where you've been?
Who has been in your life?
How did any relationships end?
Do you have any remaining emotions attached to that ending?
Would you do anything differently?
What have you learnt from any experiences?
Any other question you have of yourself such as character traits and why you think you are like that?
The further you delve into your soul the more you will understand who you are and where it is you are heading for our soul does know what it came to learn and why you have certain traits, ask your angels or guides for they will point you to where it is you will find the answers but most of them lie within you for you are a lot wiser and know a lot more then your human self.
A song break love this song.

James Bay - Hold back the River
So on Tuesday I was doing some soul searching at work and thanking the angels for always being around me and pulling me up when I was feeling down and I have many times when growing up, and lots after I lost Phillip as I so desperately wanted to join him as the pain was that great all grieving parents feel the same what stopped me was love, love of my family and not wanting to put my mum through that same pain I was feeling at the time, love of my kids and not wanting them to find me and not having anyone there to watch them grow and make sure they were looked after in everyway with a mothers love although looking back I know I wasn't there completely because I had closed my heart to feeling anything else so went into auto pilot and just got up and done what I had to, to make sure everyone was looked after meanwhile hiding my own pain I tucked that neatly away where I didn't have to deal with it for I cried until I could cry no more at the time for how many years I don't know for looking back I can't remember some of the things the kids done growing up, so when it comes to telling stories of what the kids said and done I come up with blanks maybe because that was how I was feeling so nothing stuck in my memory.. So looking back I should of been there fully for my kids as they were probably feeling the pain of losing a brother as well but I just couldn't,  I think I may of been pushing all feelings away from everyone just so I would never have to feel pain again I did eventually pull myself out of it but not until my heart opened could I do that fully and release all that pain. Anyway just after thanking the Angels when I finished work and hoped in my car it was 11:11 so I knew the angels were around me and others I had been thinking about.. The message that came out at work I put onto Facebook through my phone as it came and added a bit more when I got home for lunch.. I should also mention other times in my life I have also wanted to go home so I didn't think I could cope with life and the changes in it but then things would just happen to convince me to stay so I had a reason to stick around I never had depression or anything like that just an urge to go home but most the time things have just fallen in my lap at the right time so I do know I have been looked after with some effort from me but not much.
We don't come to earth to change other souls we chose life to change our own soul on the path of life that is our journey we all have our own soul lessons some good some very emotional, soul growth comes through the most painful lessons that change who we are and our outlook on life in general. When you learn one lesson you move onto the next, if you don't learn the lesson the first time your soul will continue with that lesson until your soul growth has... taken place that won't be until you surrender to the emotions and let them out to the universe if you keep holding onto the old emotions they will only drag your soul down letting your ego have the power over you so you can't see your self worth and the love and light within. Lesson - Let go and let god have that which doesn't serve your higher good so your journey in life is a lot smoother always search for the light within for it is your power. **Other souls are on our journey by our choice as we asked them in spirit to be there and to act a certain way into helping with our soul growth so everyone that has entered your life at some point was asked by you out of love to help your soul grow and to help you balance your karmic debt that your own soul decided it needed in order to learn the lessons it came here for, but while we are on the earth plain we are given freewill and choices in how we react to those lessons and if our soul is where it wants to be, our soul talk comes through dreams, ideas and thoughts so when you look within and quiet your mind of all the daily clutter your soul will reveal what it wants to learn next or where it is you need to go in life.. The soul always knows what you had pre-planned as your lessons it is only a matter of quieting your mind enough to hear your inner voice and guidance as long as negativity and your ego has the power your soul will be taken on detours to get you to your predestined plan, that is why it is essential to keep your ego in line and to only use it to weigh up the pros and con's of all the choices you make. Nothing is ever a mistake, accident or coincidence everyone and every choice you make was meant to be to help with that soul growth and the evolution of mankind itself**.. Keep smiling because you are loved and not alone through this journey of life the angels and spirit have your back and will envelope you in the energy of love for mankind and humanity. love and light xx
Today I went and had my haircut and brought a few presents for myself I'm watching the movie now my son Sammy is in the room and is asking me how can you type and watch a movie at the same time Heaven is for Real the son is just in the hospital now and the dad is praying not to take his son I done that when Phillip went into hospital when he was limp and lifeless as a 20 day old because he had a hernia blocking off his bowel so was rushed to Melbourne hospital I remember praying to God not to take my son from me yet at least let him go to school and learn to write his name and that is all the time he had but reading the books I have I believe it was pre-planned that way for when our soul comes in we can chose to die within a certain age range after we learn our lessons or to come in and help others to reach spiritual awareness in theirs which I feel Phillip done for me because on a few occasions I have talked to him through my Medium ship cards and he said he was with our pets and out the bush where the accident happened we put one of our deceased dogs after it got attacked by a neighbours hunting dog of some description, he also said he was my guide  which  I believe as well because of the little hints and messages he left me before and after his death and through dreams and just little things he said and the fact my 2 year old seen his spirit floating above his coffin when we went to view him before his funeral, I did hear footsteps run up the hall way one night but when I checked on the other 2 kids they were both sound asleep tucked up in bed. Then the clock only rocking on special occasions which I blogged about it has now stopped again not sure why.
Here is what I brought a book and a movie.
I've just drawn a card for tonight and guidance for anyone that needs it for the message will always hit the one it is meant for, it could be for anyone that reads my blog they will know and have their own messages so watch for your own thoughts and feelings as you read my post..
Archangel Raziel wants you to "TAKE BACK YOUR POWER" we all have our own power it is held within us as God created us to live in our own power we do this by setting our intentions and knowing when to let go and release emotions that no longer serve us and being able to walk away from situations that we know are dragging us down as they sap all our energy that is when our ego comes in and we start doubting ourselves  and why we are here at all, we lose focus of our true path because we become trapped by our own negativity but it could also be negativity from others that have been judging us or our actions towards others. By getting our power back we can walk away and have the strength and courage to keep on walking because it doesn't matter what others think of us all that matters in the end is what we think of our self and being able to live with our own truth.. If you aren't happy with your truth change it for we as souls are always in charge of our own destiny by our very own choices we don't have to chose to live in a negative energy, we can rise above that and start living in the positive and knowing you can get past any hurdles and pain in our life, because we have done it many times. Our soul is always in charge of how we want to feel when others are coming at us, we can chose to ignore others and listen to our own truth or we can listen to others and let them have our power along with our ego who loves to see us down in the dumps and playing things over in our mind about how bad, or stupid we think we have been to let others walk all over us.. Things don't have to be like that for you have the power to change your feeling and when you find that power no one will ever again make you feel small or used  because you won't let them for you can walk away when you know it is not in your best interest. You also have the power to manifest into your life the things you want, desire or need by simply living your truth and asking for heaven's help to bring to you what you need to help you on your journey for everything will come to you if you stay focused on what it is you need, if you need more money or job security you start by asking and staying positive that all the things you need will come to you in divine time so you always have to believe you are worthy of these things and know that what you think will be the outcome you were hoping for.. If you picture your success already and see your self where you want to be and take things one step at time and stay positive by law of attraction and the energy you are putting into what you want will just come to you when spirit sees you are ready it will just fall in your lap so it could be instant or it could take more time depending on what your intentions are and if it involves other people for with divine time everyone needs to be in sync so things just fall into place.. On the card "Use your God given power and intention to manifest blessings in your life." Call on Archangel Raziel to help you find your power and courage to do what you have to do to bring you some inner peace to regain your power ... love and light xx
 Knowing your own soul is giving you power for you know yourself that well you won't accept or expect things from others so they can't take from you what you are not willing to give.. You will be less of a doormat for you will know your limits and not let anybody hurt you for you can love without conditions and not expect anything in return. So start your soul searching and find out "Who am I?".. It will be worth it and you will discover others on your journey as I have.
An awesome song that was just on the movie sound track of Heaven is for real
Compass by Rascal Flatts..
Sending love and light
Sorry if I said anything to upset
you for my heart is breaking too.
I wish I could  help you
and take your troubles away
the only solution I can find is to
invite the angels into your
life for they help me so
much with mine
 and they led me to you
for a special purpose only you
can find that within it is okay
to feel sad, mad or angry
just know if you were to release
them, all will be okay for
you will be free as no one
will hold their power over you
by clinging onto old emotions.
The only thing I feel is love and compassion
for all you have been through for
you don't deserve any of that when
your only intention is love but you
deserve to have that love returned for
just being the awesome person you
are for I see the god within you that
others may not know for I know
that soul for it is the same god that
is within me.. missing you..
 so I'll go to bed and shed a tear
and hope you will be okay
so sending my prayers and the angels
with their healing divine love
are doing the work for me.
love always


Sunday, 22 March 2015

Intuition - Believe in yourself xx

Good morning it is now Sunday and a beautiful day where I am the weather has warmed up again I do love this time of year but my most favourite time is spring where the weather is at just the right temps and the flowers are making an appearance.. Here are the messages I have been leaving on MSN for those that wish to see the cards as well we have a few days worth so there may be a message in them for others that read my blog. Always listen to your own messages or guidance as you read what is written for we are all individuals and those that are supposed to get this message will for it will be personal to them but also have what they need to know by their own situation or circumstance in life for we are all really the same a soul having a life and lessons on Earth for our own soul growth but we all have the same emotions and want the same things out of life and being loved by the right people is one of those things, but we also have karmic debt to pay back from other life times which are a part of our lessons and the hard times we have to go through are more then likely pre-birth planned by us to help that soul growth because we all have a bigger plan or purpose in life but we have to look within our own soul to find it.. I can see into others souls once I strip away their ego the soul is revealed by their very actions and reactions to how they go about life so maybe with finding my own soul I can detect others and have compassion for all they are going through but I know there is a bigger purpose behind it all which helps but I never have been a judgemental person for I have always known what will be, will be for we are to go with the flow of life and not against it for that only creates drama for your self and those that surround you, I never have been drawn in or attracted to creating drama especially around myself as I said in one other post I was born contented as that is a part of my nature and my soul must of already knew I came to be of service to others once I found my true self,  I know I can't control other people or what they do so I never have tried to change others just accept them for who they are and if my senses or instincts told me they were of not good character I would simply go on my way and leave them to their own devices it is only now I know why I done that, it has taken a lot of soul searching for me to come to where I am in my life but I've had my own lessons as well some not always easy but I am capable of pulling myself out of the negative energy when it comes at me to do this I do need solitude to work my way out of my emotions but I never act out in anger towards anyone because being an empath I wear others feelings so that is why I try to make others happy for it makes me happy to see others find themselves and their inner peace..
"Your body is receiving accurate messages from the Divine"
The angel message for today is much the same as yesterday but from a different deck so trust in your own feelings and act on them without delay is the message, trust you are getting divine guidance listen to your heart speak and act accordingly. Your gut instincts and intuition has more wisdom than you think and you will be led where you need to go.. Trust, faith in yourself and what your own body is telling you is what the angels want you to know.. Don't let your negative 'mind thinking' block what your heart is telling you for we are always being guided by this and the angels through our heart which is really our soul and higher self telling us what we already know in our heart of hearts.. listen to your heart and follow it open up and things will fall into place for you, worrying will only delay what you already know to do, when you always follow your heart you will go with the flow of life and what will be will be and meant to of happened anyway, you can't control everything only what is in your own life so don't clutter your mind with the negatives, clear your mind and your heart will speak take note of all your feeling and what your physical body is saying. Love and light xx
Have a great day I don't know who this is for or why but you need to trust in yourself and believe this is real and you are hearing your guidance correctly, it takes a while for you to trust your own intuition and to follow it but our senses are with us for life and none of us are any different then any other human for we are all souls in a human body having a lesson called life. Our souls are eternal and a lot wiser then you think you just need to learn how to listen to your heart and not your negative ego mind. You have been asking for signs so you are getting them "Trust" you and the angels guiding you..
Saturday message "ATHENA" with being safe in your own power and a link about personal power.. that we all have as long as we are in charge of our own emotions and not give them away to someone else that will use them against us.. We are always given warning signs in relationships when things aren't right but our ego sort of plays with our minds and emotions so we talk our self out of hearing or heeding the warnings our senses are telling us... You really need to watch your ego and know where it comes from in order to not give it power over you... which is also being able to hear your own intuition and acting on it for if something doesn't feel right you can trust that it isn't but when we listen to our ego we have to let things come to a head in order to learn the lesson which led us to the choice of not listening to our inner voice in the first place...

The angel message for this morning is "It is safe for you to be powerful. You know how to be powerful in a loving way that benefits others as well as yourself".. So believe in yourself and don't be dragged into other people's negativity and drama for that will drain your own energy and drag you away from your true purpose in life, that is to be loved and loving to wards yourself and others no matter what situation comes up in your life, you have your own power you don't need others to bring you up for you are the creator of your own life and you have all the power you need to do what it is you need to do.. If you are being dragged into other people's drama set your boundaries so you don't get caught up in them call on Archangel Michael to cut the cords of attachment to that drama and negativity as it doesn't serve you.. It is time for new beginnings with the new energy that the universe is providing cut yourself loose from all drama and take back your own power and learn from your lessons in life whether they be good or bad for everything does happen for a reason and to assist with your soul growth so every choice you make is a lesson not a mistake so learn from it and walk away and feel safe in your own power and what you can create from your own dreams and desires of where it is you want to go in life.. never give up or give in keep striving for what it is you want out of life whether it be in relationships, career or just life in general always call on your angels for guidance and assistance for they will take you where you need to go listen to your heart and you will be led to where your soul needs to go.. Open your heart to love and your mind to hear that guidance don't close yourself off for you will block your true path and purpose .. love and light xx
Have a great weekend and set yourself free from others drama you don't deserve that look inside yourself to your soul for who you really are focusing on love especially for who you are so your own self worth xx love always xx

Sunday message this morning
GIFTS FROM GOD - Archangel Sandalphon "We angels bring you gifts from your creator.. Open your arms to receive"
Good morning xx I hope you have woken up refreshed and ready to start again as it is a beautiful day here it is the sun is out and you have another chance to find what it is you are looking for because the angel message for today is "Gifts from God" you are receiving them so open your arms to receive start by getting your own power back that is to clear your mind of any negative thoughts about yourself for all that you want will come to you by law of attraction so as long as others have your power by holding onto emotions that don't serve you, you are giving that person your power as they have a hold over you while you carry those emotions so let them go and let god carry you through it the other card was "Compassion" so have compassion for that person see things from their point of view and know you done all you could because they are responsible for their own predicament there is nothing more you could of done as you were there and served your purpose for what they needed, have compassion don't get angry for that is a self destructive and negative emotion that comes from your own fears which means your soul needs work to find that fear and to let it go so you can find your inner peace and be free from other people letting you down..

COMPASSION - from Archangel Zadkiel "Soften your heart with respect to this situation, and all the people involved, including yourself."
You also need to have compassion for yourself and forgive your self as it was a soul growth lesson we all have to go through in life, the more emotional pain we feel means the soul growth is working once you reflect on the events and you know in your heart you done the best you could at the time with what you had then forgive and forget and walk away for your job is done.. you know when something ends it makes way for something new in your life to begin so all is not lost as we are always given gifts from god if you know what to look for we are surrounded by them and you won't even notice because even a message of love and support from those that matter are a message from the god within them.. If you look for god's miracles and believe you will see them all around you for you have the love of god within your own soul if you seek it out you will always know you are loved and supported with every event that happens in your life and the more grateful you are the more gifts you will see so that is also why you need to have an open heart and mind and all you ever need in life will be provided for you xx love and light xx
A couple of quotes that might help you see things in a different light..
Everything that has been apart of every choice we make  in life comes with  a consequence so  it is wise to make our choices wisely but in life there are no mistakes only lessons to be learnt at the time they may seem a bit harsh as it  is your emotions and your soul centre that wears the brunt of the lesson that is how our soul grows wiser so we don't let that lesson come to  us again for if we don't learn that lesson the first time we will keep with the same pattern in life until our soul gets the message and  learns what it came here for so our ego plays a big part in the freewill choices we make, follow your heart and your journey will be a bit easier on you, but just to add that our ego is also here to help us with our lessons it is just wise to know where our thoughts are coming from in order we learn the lessons our soul came to learn we are always in control of who we are by the choices we make so we should never blame others for the way we acted for our actions and reactions always come from our emotions or our thoughts so we have 'mind speak' our ego and our 'soul speak' so from love and our hearts the heart speak will keep you honest with yourself and your mind speak will try and justify your actions to make it palpable to you in how you behaved towards someone... Our senses and emotions play a big role in how we think 'heart thinking' is really our sixth sense and our gateway to the divine that is already within us as we are all god's creation and the angels and spirit as a collective are born with us but we have freewill choice  if we are tuned in and willing to listen to the guidance given because we do it unconsciously whether you believe in God or not because you really only  need to believe in yourself and be aware of where our thoughts are coming from. Nothing is ever an accident or coincidence for what is meant to be will be because we are all guided by the same force so we are all messengers of god really only some souls are caught up in their own drama and self importance and caught up in the material false world we created on earth... I did read once we are living in a century of 'fear' which I truly believe because everyone is more concerned about material wealth and their ego's have taken over the true meaning of life and why all our souls are here... It is great to strive for things in life like more money but we shouldn't let it rule our life for the effort we put into what we do will be returned to us in the way of material things because God does create for us all we need in life for the energy we put in will be returned to help keep us alive and with the basics of life a roof over our head, food in our belly and someone to share it with will also be provided at the right time in our lives for the souls we have chosen to be a part of our life have already  pre-planned that life together before we decided to come to earth for soul lessons..
Never give up, or give in for you are the master of who and what you allow to enter your life
don't be a part of others drama and negative shit respect yourself enough to know when to walk away from it so others can learn their own lessons for that is what they came here for...
I will leave you with 2 songs today a couple of favourites from Joe Cocker who must
 of went through some tough life lessons to write these lyrics...

Let the Healing begin.
Have a little faith in me
Sending love and light
have a little faith in me for I will see things
from a different perspective as I know your soul
as well as I know my own  I will pick you up
when you fall as I have been doing it through
every lifetime you have had whether it be from
spirit or from the earth plain while we had lessons together
I've always been there unbeknown to you for
you need to look into your soul to know who you really
are as you go through more soul lessons to bring yourself
to where it is you need to be
love you always
so keep smiling for I will not desert you
ever for one day you will see why and awaken to
who I am and why I stick around