Saturday, 14 March 2015

Magnifying your Intentions xx

Good afternoon it is now Saturday here is the angel message from this morning I drew this card for Michael Smith and bloggers so whoever needs this message will receive it those who don't need it will just have it go over their head as it will always hit the person that needs that message for the day.
Here is my Facebook page if you want to follow it .. I will put up the daily card and message if time permits or when time permits..

The angel message for today was to "Magnify your Intentions" so setting your goal and what it is you want to achieve from that goal (or dream) and working towards it one step at a time and not being to impatient when things are taking a long time to come together for when the time is right everything will just fall into place, but if you are worrying about something it will make and take things longer to come together for worrying is a blocking emotion and thought that will set your mind in a negative tone where your ego loves to play on your fears.. So instead of worrying set your mind on your intentions and work towards them. If your intentions are good it should take no time at all but rely on divine timing for everything to be put in place especially if it also involves others for they have free will so they may also need to be ready. Love and Light xx
The card is from the Flower Therapy deck so it is Baby's Breath  and the little message on the card says..  "Choose a specific goal to work toward. Your energy is spread out among to many ideas. Please bring your focus back to the key intention and let your angels help". So if you have many ideas going on in your head as to your intentions for your future try to only focus on the one that feels right in your heart and focus all your intentions on that one goal and ask your angels for help with bringing your ideas forward..
Well I worked this morning I'm now alone as the boys have all gone camping and the day has just flew by I'm looking forward to next weekend as it will be a girls weekend as I'm going shopping in Wagga with my daughter and grand baby we would of went this weekend but I had to work so my daughter must need some time out and help with bub as she invited me along. I love my new phone and the new features on it I especially love the fitness app that was already installed and I turned on the pedometer about an hour after I already started work so here is 3hrs work and the amount of steps taken to vacuum, mop and clean the club. I also love the quality of the camera and the photo's it takes (below).

Taken with my other camera before the sun came up..
 from my phone half an hour later standing on my front verandah.
Not sure what the red thing is in the photo.
Here is a great quote that was on FB about letting go of things that no longer serve you for we do change who we are as our soul grows and move away from things that cause us distress whether it be people that are sucking all our energy in trying to please them and who they think you are, for once you find your true soul not everything will feel the same to you as your own soul has grown from the lessons of life you came here to learn.. In life every choice we make has a lesson attached and so there are no failures or mistakes as it might of just been the choices you needed to make to help your soul go where it needs to in order to grow and if those choices have ended in emotional pain then reflect on what happened with out blame especially on yourself as that is a form of self harming and it won't let your soul grow if you keep carrying around that pain, if it was a happy ending and you just parted ways if this was a person or situation that you just grew apart such as old class mates the one's that are meant to be with you for the whole journey through life they will stick around and will be a part of your soul group, but if you just drifted away that means you got the lessons you both needed from knowing each other.. Nothing in life is ever an accident or a coincidence as we are meant to have other souls enter into our life when we need them so they are like messengers from god or your soul group that are there for you at the right time in life and when they are no longer needed they will go or be forced to go by an argument or other means they will leave you with your lesson..
The same with your job or career if you are feeling like a change or you can no longer work in a place because it does take all your energy just to get up and go into your place of work and when you get there the atmosphere is draining because of others or it just no longer serves you and you only need to go to pay the bills it might be time to look for another opportunity unless of course it happens by chance you either get put off or the company changes that has happened to my family a few times and it just put us on and me on a different path one I knew I was destined to do as I had plans of moving back to my home town so my kids could start at the same school I went to (I now work there) as it is a close knit community which suits me.. So before we left the other state the company shut down where my husband was working and I had my first 3 kids all under 5 the youngest being 8months old when we moved.. It was hard at the time but everything worked out it always does.. So life just happens and flows as long as you get rid of the things in your life that are draining you and stressing you out, if you can't see a way out of your situation focus your intentions on one thing or goal you want to achieve ask for your angels help and things will fall into place as long as in your mind you don't block anything from being negative for our thoughts are the energy that the universe picks up and also what you are focusing on so that is what will happen.. That may be why I am an optimistic person as I know things always work out and everything does happen for a reason, I have always been an optimistic person though my ego has played with my mind at times but when it happens I try not to give it much air for your ego plays on your fears. I think I've given you enough food for thought I've just cooked some brownies and my dinner I'm having couscous first time I've cooked that not bad but will look up some recipe's as I have just added peas and corn and cooked a piece of fish (basa) on top of it.
One more quote about love for I love - love
I love to give it and receive it unconditionally.
My song for today
Awesome Jesus is one of our Ascended Masters
and the video below stops at 3.33 which in Angel
numbers means "You are completely surrounded,
protected, loved and guided by the benevolent
 ascended masters".. DV angel numbers 101
I believe - Jason Castro
Sending love and light
Set your intentions on
your dreams and desires
call on your angels and guides
trust and believe
in them and yourself
that all will fall into
place when the time
is right and all your
dreams will be
better then you
thought they would
or could be because
God believes in you
with all his wisdom you
will get to where you
want to be.
Love you always


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