Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Daily Message - Angel protection xx

After working Friday morning scrubbing and cleaning walls and floors for 3hrs, then windows and more floors in the afternoon my legs surely felt that workout on Saturday and still a bit sore today Monday I must of been using muscles in my legs I never knew I had.
On the weekend I picked up my new necklace or the pendant as mum gave me the chain for my last Christmas present (2013)  a sweet Guardian Angel in gold and silver..
 I just logged on to my Facebook account and found out I almost lost my older sister on Friday night they were off on a Harley ride where they raise money for charities and she was being tailgated by a truck on a wet, dark night but I am grateful that the Angels are watching over her .. she is also grateful the bike came off a bit bruised and bent but she said "Broken alright, but on the upside I thank whoever is watching over me that I made it there safely Friday night!! Between the rain, the dark, the lunatic truck driver tailgating me, I am one lucky ducky!!!", and she enjoyed the rest of the weekend and won some of the raffles with her husband.. So thank you Angels for protecting my sister and in turn me and my family from any heartbreak..  Also my boy was home for a week after going to Mudgee for work he worked for one week and was a bit home sick we had to talk him into doing the right thing for himself and start to set his life up as I think he was a bit concerned about money and just starting out and having to pay rent and all those mundane things we actually go to work for, I think he would rather go to work just so he can buy presents for himself all the time, big ego that boy but he will get there as he has much to learn yet about life, bills and all that goes with being an adult he is 19.. my grand daughter and daughter also came for a quick visit on Saturday. This weekend I will be on my own again as I have to work and the boys are going camping so it should be peaceful if only for a night/day..
 Loading her Harley onto the support vehicle
Nicely tucked in amongst the swags a bit bruised and battered.
I just noticed the cemetery behind them so they had plenty of spirits and
Angels watching over them..

My sister loves to get out and about touring on her Harley with her husband she had to go get her own licence and bike after her husband got his as she doesn't like going pillion because she is the sort of person that likes to be in control so she does not make for a good passenger she has to be the driver. I love my sister as growing up she was my protector as she is the extrovert where as I'm the introvert and I never had to worry about being the centre of attention because she had that job and it always gave me confidence that she was around as I never had to speak up because she would always do it for me or be the one that needed the attention because I always did shy away from any attention and felt more comfortable just melding into the background unnoticed. Even now when she comes to visit she gives me that protective confident feeling just to know she is around.. So I am grateful to the Angels today for being my sisters protector and I will be calling on the Angels to continue with that protection every time she hops onto her Harley.. love and light Angels xx
The more you focus on the struggles you have had in your past or in the present the more you are holding onto the things and feelings that no longer serve you.. You need to let go, forgive and forget for your own peace of mind so you can move forward in your life and move onto better things. As long as you are holding onto old emotions you are blocking your heart and mind from new emotions entering your life. The old emotions end up being your base for the fears of being rejected or from even trying again depending on what the situation was that entered your life so you feel this way..
The Angel message this morning is "Clairsentience" so listen to your feelings especially your gut feelings and instincts for you are getting your direct guidance through them but it is up to you and your freewill if you choose to listen to what your heart (emotions) are telling you. Our emotions are our direct contact with spirit and our soul energy runs through the heart so if you always follow your heart in what ever situati...on you find yourself in you will end up where you are meant to be. When we become stuck in a situation is when our mind (ego) is telling us one thing (usually negative) but our heart is saying another so it is our own soul weighing up the pro's and con's of any given situation.. Always go with your feelings so your heart because you know you are getting the right answer to any questions you have of yourself and where it is your soul needs to go.. Trust that your soul has already pre-birth planned your path but it is up to you as the human to navigate the path and the journey ahead that you have chosen with all of life lessons included good and bad and with everyone that has come into your life were supposed to enter to give you those lessons.. Do a life review of where you are now and if you are happy, content and are fulfilled with what and who is in your life you know you are where you are meant to be, if you are unsatisfied it means your soul is still searching for that path you are supposed to be on. Not everything is life will be good and happy unless you make it so we are our own creator of life.. love and light xx
I also just drew a second card from the numerology deck and got music (32) so listen to music to raise your vibration and to how it makes you feel it will put you at ease, and make you feel on top of things depending on what you are listening to as some music touches your soul and brings your feelings to the surface of how you feel about someone or how you feel generally at that time you are listening to a song or tune..32 in Angel numbers means "The ascended master Jesus reminds you to apply his affirmation about the power of faith("with faith, all things are possible") to your own life right now. *** your angel messages will also come through music or lyrics.. call on Archangel Sandalphon is the angel to call on for music, prayers delivering and answers as well as determining unborn babies genders..**
So to end of with some music tonight I've chosen
Keith Urban - My Heart is Open
Sending love and light
May the Angels always be
with you for protection
from harm as you
walk through life.
They will always be
with you, you only
need ask and invite
them into your
life as they love
you unconditionally
no matter what choices
you make or have made
for an Angels love is
always unconditional.
Love you always
keep safe..

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