Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Daily Guidance Tuesday and Wednesday xx

Hi all well it is Tuesday night I just had craft with the girls I feel better today, yesterday I felt crap as I've been getting to much negative energy thrown at me and things just got on top of me as they do sometimes with my sensitivities rising lately.. I did find this quote on facebook earlier and with my sensitivities increasing as I awaken I am finding negative energy from others really effects me, sometimes it comes at me from what others say and how they act either towards me, or even when it isn't towards me but just being negative. I'm beginning to think that the negative energy builds up inside me and the only way for me to release it is to be alone or I was asking Archangel Michael this morning as I went on my walk to cleanse me of any negative energy which seems to have done the trick as I feel better today then I did yesterday after a good cry and talking to my angels.. I never used to be like this so I believe it is a part of the new energy downloading and having to release old emotions or negative energy that is stored within.  I also done one of those quiz things that comes on FB about your Aura colour mine was blue and the result sounded just like me.
Blue - A blue aura is cool, calm and collected. You're kind and loyal, with a relaxed personality that belies a deeper emotional intelligence.. You're a true empath that is deeply sensitive to your surroundings, which enables you to quickly understand those around you. Your highly evolved intuition is always to be trusted, especially as it guides you to help and support others. You have a remarkable ability to "go with the flow" and you rarely waste energy on anger or frustration. Blue auras have a therapeutic effect on their environments, making it an incredibly important energy!

So now I know why negative energy does get to me as I don't like to cause conflict so I wear all the negative energy from others as well as my own internal dialogue from having to deal with others emotions as well as my own.. So to someone that isn't sensitive to others energy as I am probably thinks it is no big deal to constantly be attacked in a negative way as I know I will never fight back in an angry way, I usually walk away or ignore it and let them deal with it on their own as I know it wasn't me that upset them but rather something they have to deal with internally for their soul needs to grow to a place of contentment and to stop blaming others because their expectations weren't met.
 **I've just been reading up on Psychic attacks maybe someone has been throwing negative thoughts directed at me for their own purposes I don't know what it was that had me so down on Monday but starting to pick up now.. I did have a weird dream the other day where this person was trying to attack me she turned around and had a witches face, red hair and she wondered why I didn't react to her attacks she then wanted to be my best friend and tried to crack onto me this and I told her I wasn't interested as I'm straight, the verbal attack came after I told her I wasn't interested, it was a very strange dream.**
I've just drawn a card for tonight..
MIRACLES - So expect some of your dreams or prayers to come to fruition or something you had been hoping for to happen as all our wishes are answered although we should never expect them to be answered in a way if we order how we think that it ought to turn out, for it may even be better then you expected. Miracles do happen and when you least expect them so always have faith, trust and believe what you want will come true in divine time.
There is a guide book that comes with the cards so here is what this card means "Miracles are occurring all around you right now. Begin to notice them and you will experience even more miracles" ..So once you put your prayers in and notice that they are being answered some may be quick others may take a few years to manifest especially if it involves others as they have freewill choices as well for divine to take into account, but when everything is in the right place divine will intervene and everything will just fall into place.. Miracles don't have to be large as small ones happen everyday and you don't even notice.. Angels step into our life all the time and put a thought in our head so we may change plans and avoid a disaster or to be late if you were to miss being in an accident by only seconds you will be delayed for some reason, because if your time is not up in your soul has not learnt all its lessons you will be spared any oncoming disaster..

It is now Wednesday lunch I just had mine we have an over abundance of home grown tomatoes so I had tomato on toast and I gave some tomatoes to my mum last week to make tomato relish so I had that on another piece with cheese .. yum! she makes great relish, I'm not fond of her cucumber pickles though. I have to go back to work shortly so have to make this a quick post.. I could be back later to add to it..
GIVE BACK - This message came up not long ago so now it is time to give back without expectation of anything in return because if we either take or give all the time we do become un balanced in energy.. Those that take all the time will become self centred and it will be about 'me' all the time so will take advantage of those that do give all the time as they don't expect anything in return so that is usually what is given... You don't have to give much a kind word or just an ear to listen to let them know you care or at least someone does..
Life is an echo of what we give out so give out love and it will be returned, give out negativity and hatred it will be multiplied and returned. Your thoughts and actions are a part of your reaction to how you are feeling inside so when you are in fear of something it means you need to face what ever it is that is making you come from a place of negativity as your soul is not getting the energy it needs to be at peace with it self.. I always carry love in my heart for all of humanity as I am a compassionate soul as that is a part of my mission on earth to carry love and to help those young souls to be where my old soul has already been.. So my biggest mission in life is LOVE and to come from that place as it is the higher frequency where I can connect to the Angels and our spirit guides they are a part of me as much as they are a part of every living soul and creation of God as we are all connected so everything everyone does will affect you one way or another..
Music I've been listening to this morning as I work and walk..
and my other favourite as some days I just want to come
 home to where you are..
Sending Love and Light
I will be back soon
just doing more
soul searching
but nothing or no-one
will ever dim my
light as I love you
so much it is
our souls mission.
Have a great afternoon
Love you always


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