Saturday, 28 March 2015

Supported and loved always xx

Hi all it is Saturday night and I've just done a card reading for my blog and anyone that comes to read it I hope you get the messages you need from the Angels to help guide your soul for that is why we have angels within us and surrounding us to support our soul to where it is we need to go, our freewill will always win over so we need to listen to our inner voice and follow our hearts for we will always be on track to where it is our soul knows to go for the lessons we came to learn, however what ever choices we make are not a mistakes just a chance for us to look at and within our self for the answers we need to help us on our way for some of the things that do happen maybe just karmic debt from a prior life time so we came to even up that energy to help our soul growth, for in this world of duality we are to experience all kinds of things and the emotions that come with it that is how our soul grows and evolves otherwise we would be stagnant and always in the same place as a soul and that is not what God or our soul is about or why we chose life..  Today I haven't done a great deal I went and voted then done some housework and reading, it has turned a bit chilly now Autumn is here so we lit the fireplace to take the chill out of the air in the house there is nothing like the warmth of natural wood heating love it.. Today I have been emotionally up and down this energy is also playing havoc with my emotions so the tears have flowed a few times today so I have been feeling a bit melancholy and doing some more soul searching today and sending love energy out to those I feel need it today and everyday.. for we all need some love energy in our life or we do feel alone in this world.. You are loved always xx
We are all connected by the energy that gives us all life so be kind to one another and to yourself for you are perfect in every way and made to be the person you are for a reason, others will judge you or hate you but that is not your problem it is theirs for not seeing the real you only assuming they know the true self or the spirit or the soul of who you really are for only you know who that person is and the journey you have had to walk as you get your life lessons..

The angels, guides and your spirit team want you to know you are fully supported with what ever you decide to do with your life if you are looking at changing jobs or starting fresh in this new energy they are standing by to love and support you as you decide what it is your soul needs.. Our Angels and guides love us unconditionally and see the struggles we go through but they also know it is for a bigger purpose and are always ready to support you in any way all you need to do is ask and have faith they have your back and all your dreams, desires and intentions will be met in divine time we don't ask for specific things for they may even deliver something better then you expect for they know your soul and what it is you came here to learn so they will send messages to us through our thoughts, emotions help with ideas to get us started in where it is we need to go, we do have to put in the effort and do our part but if you believe all things do come to you for a reason even people for they are also messengers of God with the angels and guides within them to help you out when you need it, so accept anything that comes your way for it may be heaven sent to help support you in your time of need..
The next card is #78 spiritual career so if you are looking into starting a career in the mind, body and soul area you will be fully supported and all that you need to start up your business will come to you if you state your intentions and stay positive as to where it is you want to go in life for our spirit team always supports us you only need to ask for help and keep the faith and in divine time all you need will come to you by the law of attraction even your clients are drawn to you by external forces of spirit. 78 in angel numbers means "your present focus and actions have tapped into the universal financial flow of abundance. Stick with your current plans, as they're on the money". So what ever ideas you have been getting whether they are in the spiritual field or not maybe you haven't even thought about going into that field yet with motivational speaking or life coaching for whatever wisdom you have you need to share it with the world as you have been through a lot of struggles maybe so have a lot to share with the world for how you climbed your way back up when you were knocked down, but hidden deep within all our souls in an unknown wisdom just waiting for you to explore and to share your discoveries with the divine for they will help and support you all the way it might even be writing a book for all our creativity comes through our soul and lifts our vibration so we can hear and feel our guidance to help us.. If you have any ideas and don't have the financials just yet try not to worry for all things start with just a dream and then you ask the angels to help you gather the funds and before you know it your dream is up and running. Don't forget to thank all the angels for the blessings they give you in your life, for the more blessed you feel the more things will come to you when you need them..
The final card is from Archangel Michael decide to be happy now. With this new energy and change we are experiencing at the moment a lot of emotional stuff is coming up for us to deal with but it is always up to us and an internal thing to stay happy with who we are and our current circumstances as nothing is ever final so the situation you are in won't last but you need to let go of those negative emotions in order to find you inner peace and happiness if you are having trouble with letting go of that which doesn't serve you call on Archangel Michael to clear the decks and replace them with joy, for negativity will block the positive energy you need to succeed and follow your dreams. Negativity will see your ego have the power so your dreams and desires will be stopped in their tracks until you can see things from a different perspective in your life and the circumstances you have found yourself in at the moment. Change perspective and you will see things just fall into place as spirit is ready to support what it is your soul needs. The prayer on the card "Thank you for helping me open my heart to happiness, joy and bliss. I am now willing to see all of the goodness in my life."
Happiness always comes from within so no matter how you are feeling try and look at things from a different perspective at least for a day, for it only takes one day to change your whole outlook on life if that one day turns into everyday along will come your inner peace. Positivity brings a peace of mind so if when all you feel is a negative energy look for something to be positive about in your life for it only takes one thought to change the way you think.. Optimism brings success for you see yourself out of a difficult situation or you just know everything will be okay because it always is, you just might need to take a detour or a different route to get to where it is you are going..
So many quotes online here are just 3

 When one door closes or something happens in our life it happens for a reason that reason is the universal forces pushing us to where it is we need to go or to change the way we were doing things for it might of taken off our true path, sometimes we get a little nudge from spirit to help wake us up to face who we are and to bring us back to where it  is our soul promised to be in life at any given time.. Our soul is bigger than you think our soul is a part of the universal energy that does push and pull us around sometimes and the lessons we get are hard on us emotionally but that doesn't last as god gave us all the power to overcome the hard times.. and we do get help from spirit if we only learn again to communicate and ask for what it is we need to help us on this journey called life..
Negativity stops our soul from hearing the guidance that comes from within.
The song playing now on my iPod is
Cold Chisel - All for you
Another song Goo Goo Dolls -Iris
From my favourite movie City of Angels for they
are really around us in life guiding us for a bigger
purpose if only you could see. I know you have run
away for it scares you so, but that is okay for I will go
it alone if I must for you always have the freewill to
change your mind and I'm not ready anyway for I
still have spiritual growth to go through it is in God
I trust to lead the way for all our dreams to come
true, I am probably talking to myself as I am
often alone for I am an independent soul with
good intentions and it is only love I need to give and receive.
My love is what brings my light in wanting to help
and nurture your soul for I want to protect it from any
more hurt for I also feel that pain for you see we
carry the same soul energy..
Sending Love and Light
I hope everything is alright for I have faith in you
and fulfilling all your dreams for they will come
true if you have a little faith in who you are and know
nothing in your past matters anymore for you are a new
person with a lot stronger disposition for all you
have learnt is far behind you it is time to put a smile back
on your face for the spirit team is your support in
whatever it is you are destined to do for it
is your soul that has already chosen the plan
and Wendy was your #1 fan she is still standing by
our side as she watches over the world she left behind
she now has a better place to see that everything is as it should be
for you will remain her honeybun forever if you remain having fun.
For love is the only thing she now sees in everything we do and love is
the only thing that matters in the end. So keep on living and loving
for only you know how the  dreams you have will be
fulfilled so hang in there and you will see the angels
are standing by to support you in everyway the only thing
that is stopping you is what goes on in your mind so turn a negative in to
a positive for the best things are waiting for you yet to see.
love always

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