Sunday, 29 March 2015

Indigo messages xx

Hi all it is now Sunday and I'm feeling peaceful today maybe I needed a bit of optimism thrown at me from the last messages as well for I know everything will be alright and things will turn out and in divine time all the things we want will come to us.. I've just put a roast and a cake in the oven for dinner tonight so being a bit domesticated today but that is everyday for that is what my soul chose me to be this time around, here to look after others welfare but must take time out to also take care of me which is a job we all must do in the hustle and bustle of life just take a little break from it all and take the time to do the things you enjoy either by yourself or with loved one's.. because if you look after you first, don't forget to have some fun for it helps keep your energy reserved to look after others in return it also raises your vibration..
Don't be pulled into others darkness instead show them your light so they can find their way out of that darkness alone,  but beware when they start to drag you down to their level it is time to let them go and find your light again and hope they can find there way one day, for what is meant to be will be. So stand up for others but also stand up for yourself to remain strong.
After yesterday's message a bit of positivity for today keep looking up, for when you look down you are bound to trip over your negativity for your eyes are closed to all the potential of what it is you could be doing, it's not what you can't do but rather what you can even if you think you have nothing, for all things start with a dream or a little thought and grows for you have planted that seed of hope.
The Indigo cards and message for this week..

AUTHORITY - Just a reminder of why the Indigo's are here they are here to challenge the authority figures that may not always be truthful or be in a position to enforce other rules on people because they do not come from a place of integrity, so you are here to go where others fear to tread in dealing with the authority figures for you have the instincts to root out any problems within any system that seems to be no longer working in society to you are shining the light in the dark places where others fear to go.. Also Indigo's don't like being controlled by others especially those in authority so they may some times hit out in anger when they feel they are being controlled by others which in turn gives the Indigo grief for acting out in anger so they start having self doubts about what happened when faced with situations that challenge those in authority for no-one likes being faced with the truth and some react in hurtful or hateful ways towards the messenger which is most likely an Indigo for they do challenge others with the truth all the time.. so just be wary of your own sensitive nature when having to deal with others try and come in with a less aggressive approach for the answers you seek will come easier if you don't put the authority figures back against the wall..
EMOTIONAL SENSITIVITY - "Honour and respect your deep sensitivity, as it is a gift to us all". So don't be scared off by your sensitive nature as well are your hard exterior for it is our sensitivities that can detect how others are feeling so it is where our intuition and sixth senses come in for you can feel others so can anticipate their reactions when you challenge them and be wary of those that might not be coming from a place of trust. Know yourself and what it is you allow others to get away with in how they treat you.. Open up your empathic heart and you will see others through a compassionate eye even if they seem to be doing the wrong thing, remember they have their own path to walk so will make choices you wouldn't you can mention it but in the end you have to let them face their own consequences because our choices do create our destiny for we either learn from them or do it again so next time we might make a different choice if faced with the same situation.
WRITE ABOUT YOUR THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS - Start a journal or blog and start expressing all the thoughts and feelings you have for you never know what wisdom lies within your soul until you start writing about everything that runs through your heart and mind for that is where our creativity starts and where our messages from our guides and higher self come from, you could try automatic writing where you start of with you or a question you need to ask of your soul and in the beginning it will be you writing but slowly the pen transforms and just flows without you doing much thinking at all, you do filter what is coming through your heart but it will be your pure heart and thought that speaks so your higher self will begin to take over once the flow starts on the page.. You may eventually use these thoughts and feelings for you can refer back to them as you never know what will come through until it lands on the page. Besides that it helps you to release all those pent up emotions so you don't have to burden your soul with them for you can then ask your angels to help let the negativity of your feelings go so all that you are left with are those peaceful ones that are for your higher good so the loving feelings if any will remain with you but the hateful, hurtful ones will be released whether they are about yourself or others for we need to let them go to find our inner peace. My Prayer: Thank you for helping me tap into my God-given creativity and wisdom so I clearly express myself and glean insight, blessing, and healing."
You may also get your guidance and other ideas from writing down all your thoughts for our guides and angels do send us things from time to time to help guide the way to where it is our soul needs to go so they will plant the seeds for you and your freewill can help to make them grow..
ASK FOR A SIGN - Always ask for signs from your guides and angels for they do give them and if you are uncertain ask again to clarify and if the same messages seem to be coming up all the time rest assured it was heaven sent and the answer you had been looking for.
MANIFESTATION POWERS - "Use your spiritual gifts and natural abilities to attract your desired outcome." God equipped us all with the powers to make our dreams come true so we manifest into our life what it is we want or need Indigo's are great at doing this as they are great movers and shakers and know how to get things done that is why they are usually leaders or are able to lead others into doing things as well so they cause a chain reaction by the very actions they do as th ey are very inspiring to others. Jesus was a great at manifesting what it was he needed we are no different for we are also the son or child of God, Jesus was the leader to all men to show them their own power to get what it is they need so if you can dream it you can have it you only have to believe in yourself and being able to manifest and achieve all it is you need. Take it step by step and all will fall into place have faith for doubts cancel out the energy of faith for what you believe is what will happen that is how you manifest by your thoughts then actions and asking for assistance from your spiritual team for they make it happen if you are serious and have great intent on doing what it is you trying to achieve.
BE PROUD - So it is time to stop and celebrate all that you are for you have been through so much all the trials and tribulations, all the ups and down were all meant for a purpose to help your spiritual growth to make you into a strong person that can with stand all life throws at you for the hardest times are meant to make you strong once you get over the other side of all the emotional hurt. So be proud of all you've done for things can only get better after you have a fall for the only way is up once you have been down, so keep your thoughts positive for there is nothing you cannot achieve once you put your mind to it for you are always loved and supported by spirit to fulfil those dreams. On card "It's time to celebrate all that you've achieved, all that you are, and all that you will become!. Every once in a while it's important to stop and acknowledge what you've achieved and to be proud."
Remember in life there are no mistakes, accidents or coincidences for everything is meant to be to teach our soul a lesson for that is why we came here to learn and to balance our karmic energy. You've made it this far keep going for the best times might still be ahead and it will turn out what your soul planned it to be, your struggles might be over now so you can have a life of peace if that is what you chose it to be. So be proud of who you are and be proud of who you are yet to be, be proud to be just the person god made you to be. Love and Light xx
FOCUS CARD - Is the same one that came out last night so you may have a spiritual career ahead of you maybe you just can't picture it yet maybe that is why Archangel Michael wants you to start writing all your thoughts and feelings down for you may start channelling messages in the future to share your wisdom for you may not know your psychic powers just yet, you as an Indigo have a lot of wisdom to share so your spirit team wants you to start recording or writing down all you know bring it up from your soul without much thought for that is how the new energy is working for us, and bringing old souls Akashic record up to explore for every light worker or spiritual person has something different to add for they have their own unique record of all the lives they have lived so a lot of knowledge is to be shared to help all souls reach soul maturity and to help them cope with this new energy for old souls have seen lots of things in all there life times but it is only now we get to share them just to be of service to all of mankind..  So what ever ideas you have been getting lately are what you are meant to be doing whether writing a book, blog or motivational speaking all that you need in the way of finances to help you get the project off the ground will come to you, don't ask how or worry for the spirit team will get them to you by either giving you more ideas or someone will come into your life to assist.. Use your instincts to know who to trust and if this person is heaven sent remember to ask for signs.  78 in angel numbers means "your present focus and actions have tapped into the universal financial flow of abundance. Stick with your current plans, as they're on the money".
Some quotes today to share the love and to
uplift your spirit and soul.

I feel like sharing the love tonight so here is Elton John
and another just because I love you and Celine Dion
Sending love and light
Remember to stay positive
and come from a place of Love
for you are loved and never
alone in life you just
need to believe in your
own self-worth and love
you like you would
love another for you
deserve that in your
Sweet dreams when you
go to sleep tonight
remember your dreams for
you might get some further
insight into the guidance
you need to help your
soul grow and go where
it needs..
Love you always

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