Monday, 30 March 2015

Spirituality xx

Hi it is now lunch time and it's another one of those emotionally draining  days I feel so tired and my tears just won't stop, I don't feel like eating but I really should because it is lunchtime and I do have to go back to work soon.. My soul is in shut down I think as it feels like I'm going through grief and feel so alone because I can't help you as you go through this pain and because your not there I feel so alone.. I went for my walk and the tears didn't stop as I came to a fork along my path and thought what a great metaphor for how I feel today so pretty sure it was a message from spirit just for me to say it will be okay it is just a little hiccup he will find his way, but I picked the fork up and threw it away, there is also a message in that I just wrote by throwing the fork away it means release the emotions of what is making you feel this way.. I was listening to Kryon as I walked around the oval Lee Carroll has been at Ullaru so in Australia, I'm pretty sure he was talking to me as he mentioned sharing tunes from your iPod (at 16.50) and about feeling alone right near the end I think what Kryon was saying only made me cry more.. Here is the channelling I was listening too..  I do love Kryon for I get what he means for I have the inner knowing and he has backed a lot of things for me and he gives me spiritual logic and answers a lot of things I question but also teaches me a lot to pass on as I make my discoveries.. So when I looked at my phone and FB all the messages I was getting was LOVE and you are loved from the songs on the radio as I turned the key the radio was singing about love I feel the angels were talking to me to keep going to shine my light but my light goes a bit dim when you are not around.. I know you need to take time off to help your soul grow and my time to will come to do the same for I'm not sure of my path or how things are going to go for I never plan my future just go with the flow, it is in God I always place my trust for he has so far in my life brought me all I need..
Here was the fork on my path as I walked around the oval this morning the photo was taken after I tossed it as I thought about things while I was doing another lap. Here is what I wrote on FB later.
When you get to a fork on your path pick it up and throw it away and keep on heading in the direction your soul knows to go. The fork I came across on my walk this morning a sign to keep on going. Thanks kyron and spirit for sending all these messages. Love and light xx you are never alone and always loved xx I just wondered what would you do with the fork? "The fork being a metaphor for when you come to a difficulty in your life".. Stand stagnant with the same worries while you decide which way to go or toss it aside and keep on going in the direction your heart is telling you to go.?? ** I also mention Kyron because in his book the Journey the man named Michael is going on a journey and after every house he comes to a fork in the road he has a map (the map is blank and he is  to use his intuition) on which way to take to get to the next house as he goes to each house he is equipped with everything he needs to go on his journey he always has freewill to make his choices but if he listen to his intuition he is following his heart. All through his journey there is a dark shadow following him which represents his ego (fear) it is trying to catch up to him and trick him and stop his journey..  Michael's journey is a his life it is a great little book with hidden meanings in it with Kyron's metaphors.. xx

 The card I drew this morning was about "SPIRITUALITY" so this is a card to remind us all to look at who we are and find the God that is within us for all our souls are the same a creation of God so we are all the same, once you find out who you are, you will see you have the power of god within you to help each other and be a compassionate soul and look after your fellow man for we are all here to achieve the lessons for our soul energy, the energy is changing for it is time for all souls to see the wisdom and mastery that is inside you, you don't need outside sources to make you feel a certain way because you are the master or hero of ascertaining into your life all that you need by just believing in yourself and loving who you are for you are like Jesus and can manifest into your life all the love and abundance that you need. LOVE and not FEAR is the base of spirituality for God is love and all that we need for that is the souls aim when it comes here from spirit  to look for what it is we had in heaven that is unconditional love, for with that comes integrity, compassion and empathy so peace..
With spirituality it is all about you not getting others to believe what you say but to help them to discover for themselves that they to have had the miracles in life and angels around for we are all guided by the same spirits with our own special team that guide our soul where we promised to go when we came here to earth to fulfil a mission, and to discover our life purpose it is not easy as there are a lot of emotional roller coasters to ride as you make these discoveries for you may find people that are connected to your soul through current relationship or new ones might be found but in reality we are all connected and really one for the universal energy is something we all are a part of.. To start you on the path of spirituality you have to start with "Who am I".. and go from there your guides and angels will help you find the answers you need so trust in them, trust in yourself and enjoy the journey start that soul searching for you hold all the answers to everything inside for your soul always knows, follow your heart for your true path and never give up when you hit a fork in the road, keep on going for you are never alone.. 77 in Angel numbers means "keep up the great work!  Everything you're doing right now has the midas touch!."
Spirituality is about discovering your soul so your true self so you have power, truth and knowledge of knowing why you are here, spirituality is never about anyone but you for we all have our own truth's of what it is our soul has been through all of the incarnations we have lived through my soul is an old soul so do often feel alone even though I have family and loved one's around but  for these last couple of years I have been about finding out who I was but I was being pushed to discover these things because I do have a higher calling of why I'm here and my soul mission is only love and helping others awaken to find them self as well I was feeling pretty lost as I sat alone up at the cemetery that day crying my little heart out because I knew there was more, I have found it and it has not been easy for I have had many days of how I feel today and things go over in my mind of who I am and why I feel so different to others for in my blue print of life I have a soul energy but I am only half of the whole for we all have a twinflame and when you find them you go through a transformation yourself to do a bigger duty to help lift the energy of the planet so that is the shift we are going through and  a lot of twinflames are finding each other so have to go through a lot of soul growth and finish off with karmic debt from previous life times for this is the final incarnation for them if they connect but they have to connect with themselves first and find the god within before they physically unite so god won't let that happen until both souls are in harmony with them self and god for the love is that intense when they unite they need to be at peace with their own life and who they are for they carry the same blueprint and soul energy so they feel each others pain, they know each other for they are the same so they won't be able to hide a thing from each other in the way of feelings for they are spiritually connected in everyway.. They feel complete as one but when separated they feel disconnected from the other so they are probably going through soul growth or further lesson.. More can be found on the web about the Twinflame relationships google it.. 

Thinking out loud - Ed Sheeran
So today is one of those days
Sending love and light
I am feeling better for writing
that out but not much.
Have a great afternoon
love you always

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