Monday, 2 March 2015

Daily Message "LOVE" and "FORGIVENESS" xx

Hi all I thought I would give you all the daily message from this morning that I posted on MSN website.. The card jumped out of the deck this morning so I think it was a message for me as well as those on the MSN blog.. Sometimes I feel unloved and last night/this morning was one of those times, sometimes I think it is just my ego talking because I give so much love and don't know if it is returned at times so I feel like I'm being taken for granted it also depends on others moods around here as I feel them as well.. not to worry I still will be me even if no one understands where I'm coming from as when this happens I do feel alone, so it might just be negative energy attaching it self to me from other sources..
The card was "LOVE" my favourite subject.. The exact message copy and pasted as it downloaded this morning..
For the 1st of the month the angel message is a card that jumped out this morning "LOVE' remember it is the reason we are all here it is everyone's life purpose to give love and to receive love in return it can be from anybody by just being compassionate towards their plight without judging them or their behaviour simply because everything happens for a reason in every ones life as they came here to learn soul lessons and to help their soul grow so it becomes a loving being towards everyone and as souls are at varying stages of soul growth some might choose a different way of doing things it doesn't mean they are any better or worse then you and your choices as what they are doing might be a part of the lesson they needed.. Love is a high vibrational energy so those that don't live in that energy live in fear so don't always take notice of their inner guidance that little voice that tells you 'don't do it', as it isn't in your best interest so they will do things that will corrupt them and act out in fear towards you and others.. Remember also that our souls need to learn self-love as that is also a goal that our soul sets before we come here so some of our lessons the harsh ones are steps towards that goal to be accepting of who we are and then in turn making sure we look after our mind, body and soul in doing the right things for us and making sure we get enough sleep, exercise and eat a balanced diet as we know what is not good for us when we have to much of it, our bodies pay the price.. Love is a great feeling if you have found the one to share your life with or want to share it with as there is someone for everyone they may of not just turned up in your life yet because either of you are not ready for it yet, don't despair ask Archangel Chamuel to find them for you and in divine time you will meet, you will know they are a part of your soul.. remember you are LOVED always especially in those times you feel alone.. Love and light xx Don't forget to tell those in your life how you feel or show them.. Sorry for long post have an awesome Sunday what ever you are doing love you always.xx
When the time is right our soul meets those who are meant to be
in our life for they carry with them lessons for our soul to grow
whether they are here for a short while or for life long joy and love.
Every one will come with love as they want your soul to grow and to even
out energy to pay back karmic debt.. For in spirit only Love is real
so it should be in life on earth our soul school when your time comes
your soul will know it is here for growth and to help humanity evolve.
Music Bon Jovi - Always
I've just drawn the Indigo messages for this week they are
FORGIVE YOURSELF: YOU"VE DONE NOTHING WRONG - Archangel Michael wants you to let go of all past emotions of guilt for something you might of said and done as long as you hold on to these old emotions you can't move forward with any other relationship as you are holding yourself back by clinging on to old anger and blame you might have towards yourself over what transpired or vice versa you still might be holding onto something that causes you pain still when it goes through your mind these feelings are toxic as they are negative energy as long as you hold on to these old emotions you are blocking and new feelings and energy from entering, so holding back what is your next lesson.. Because nothing happens with out reason, cast back and reflect on what it is you learnt from that episode that has you torn up as there is a soul lesson in everything that happens to us or from everyone that does enter our life as we are all messengers from God to one another and are here to help each others soul grow whether through anger,  love and lost love.. To find our inner peace we need  to let go and forgive our self and any others that we may of hurt us along the way or if they have hurt us. Blame and guilt whether you place it on yourself or place it on another is building a wall around your self so you don't have to face your fears whether they be fears of failure on your part or fears of being hurt again there is a reason you don't want to let go because it gives you security so you don't have to face your demons which doesn't help you as you will keep bringing it up in your mind every time you want to run away, the only way to release this old habit is to let it go and release any old emotions that no longer serve you, because these emotions belong in the past and that lesson is over so for you to release any karmic debt owing to you or others is to release it and let your soul grow which is what it came to do on earth anyway...  On card " My Prayer: I ask that you help me let go of self-blame and forgive myself. Please guide me in releasing any toxic anger or fear toward others. Thank you, Archangel Michael, for allowing me to feel centred and at peace."
Find your soul and it will remember why you came.. Follow your heart it will lead you home.
Home is where your heart and soul belong to feel loved, nurtured and protected by the light and love
within and from your beloved true flame.. your soul half part of the whole.
Focus on your "HEART CHAKRA" so the energy centre that brings in your guidance is your heart chakra if it is blocked by the old emotions that still go over in your mind from past events it is time to release those so you can both give and receive love from any future relationship whether romantic or a friendship. Our heart is our soul centre so all message from your soul will come through to help you on your spiritual path if it is fully opened, for when it is open you are coming from a place of love so less likely to upset people because you will have more compassion for others if you heart and mind are both open to facing your truth which only your soul knows.. To clear your chakra's you can go online and find a meditation through video, or you can buy on cd or on other website so google it and go with the one you are drawn to, it is essential to hear your guidance you have both an open mind and an open heart as that is where most of our messages come from.
Relaxing music for tonight as I'm so tired I can't think straight so sweet dreams..
Sending love and light
may the angels visit you
in your dreams tonight
for you are worthy of
feeling love again
as well as to give it
to someone else in your
life that shows up on
your doorstep when you
least expect it for
you have been sent a messenger
from god for a reason
because it is now
time for your soul
to heal old wounds
to make way for the new
energy and what flows with it
all in divine time things
will fall in to place
so feel alone no more
for you are loved
more than you know..
Love you always

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