Friday, 13 March 2015

You are loved xx

Hi all the Indigo angel message for today which I put up on my Facebook wall this morning before going out with a song and a photo of the sky I took when I got up.. I got myself a new phone on a plan as I was sick of buying credit all the time so I could browse the net I have a Galaxy S5 mini so I can fit it in my pocket, awesome phone I am still navigating it with son's help he had to have a play as well (master 19 is back home again he is like a yo-yo his job in Mudgee was cancelled so he said the contractor who he worked for had the contract cancelled so he is on the job search register again but went for an interview yesterday at a yucky place the abattoir where his girlfriends aunt is one of the bosses, so fingers crossed he finds his feet soon and grows up).. I do like his new girlfriend and I met her mum this morning lovely people..
The morning sky with a bit of a nip in the air and a bit of smoke from
burning off in the bush surrounding us..

Good morning xx today's daily guidance for the Indigo's in this world if you find your way to this message it is for you.. "You are loved" even though sometimes you don't feel it you are much loved for what you do and for who you are, as an Indigo you tend to put yourself down all the time and can't always see what others do, you are here for a specific mission in life and with that you need to have a certain personality that others don't always see eye to eye with. So no matter what is going on inside your own mind with your negative thoughts always remember you are loved, you need to also practice self-love and not be so tough on yourself because you do what you need to do, those that come in and out of your life have done so for a purpose to help your soul growth for this the time in your life with the new energy shift going on it is your time to shine and help break down the systems.. You may feel you have made some wrong choices in the past but nothing you have done has not been without reason for you are a sensitive soul and are here to protect those you feel are the underdog in society.. You are where you are meant to be in this moment of time and when the time is right you will continue with your divine mission of which you know about.. hang in there and know you are always loved by your angels so ask for help if you need it as you can manifest all your desires in life to help you cope with your mission xx love and light xx
Archangel Michael is always by your side as you fulfil your life purpose open your heart to love to give and receive, and to hear your guidance..

This was my song for today
Sending love and light
No matter where you
are remember you are
always loved by
the angels and those
you know are a part
of your soul .
Have a great day
love you always

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