Sunday, 15 March 2015

Victory and Indigo message xx

Hi all it is now Sunday my message this morning on MSN was this:-
Have a great day for today the angel message is "Victory" from Archangel Sandalphon your prayers have been heard and answered have faith and wait for divine timing when all things will come together, believe and trust in the angels and in yourself for your prayers will never be answered if you don't believe as you actually block the energy that is required to bring your prayers or dreams to fruition for our thoughts are our prayers and what we think happens as you are creating that reality in your mind first and with the universal energy system that is what you wish to happen. So this is an individual thing as everyone has there own wishes and dreams that need to be fulfilled but together it creates what does happen if your dreams involve other people you have to take into account their freewill for the angels won't interfere with any one's freewill choices. So our thoughts are our choices and freewill when it comes to any situation we come to in life as all choices have consequences either good or bad depending on where your intentions lie with those choices. But relax for this is good news your prayers or dreams are working you only need to ask your angels for they won't intervene unless you ask for requests as they have your best interest at heart with what arrives after your prayers.. love and light xx Enjoy your Sunday love you always as that is the energy you need to communicate with your angels and to follow your heart for it is your soul talking.xx
Yesterdays card was about focusing on your Intentions this quote just came on my FB wall about setting your intentions..
I've just drawn some Indigo cards I had a card jump out so that is a message that someone really needs to hear before they act impulsively.
THINK ABOUT IT - So don't make any rash or impulsive decisions at the moment about what actions you should take for you need to contemplate all the consequences of the current path you are on, do your research and weigh up all the pro's and cons before making any decisions as you being sensitive to others actions you will end up hurting your self if all things aren't considered and being an Indigo you do some times charge ahead with out thinking further of any consequences which is okay in some situations but this time any decisions need your attention and maybe a change of thought as to what direction to take in your life and for one that will bring you closer to your life purpose as an Indigo being sensitive to every one's energy you may be feeling a bit off at the moment due to the universal energy shift which is bringing out emotions that need to be dealt with so your mind might not necessarily be in the right place at the moment due to this energy surge to do with solar flares, eclipses and other universal forces which are also bringing out emotions in others that tends to be negative so you could be reacting to their energy as well.. An Indigo's mission is to also be able to turn any negative into a positive and to do that you do sometimes need to change your attitude in how you are seeing things in your life and those around you that are affecting your emotions and your emotional well being as you need to keep your focus on your own welfare so look after your mind, body and soul to be where you need to be and centred to what is going on around you to know where it is you need to go. Always follow your instincts but don't be bull headed and make rash decisions on the spur of the moment this time..
LOVE YOURSELF - Try and see yourself through the eyes of someone else and stop beating yourself up over things that were or are out of your control like other people's feelings as you can't change how they feel if it is about you, for everyone's feelings are their own and if others project anger at you it is because they have their own fears and things to deal with within their own souls, if you intentionally go out to hurt someone, think hard about your own soul and what is inside you and your own fears and feeling as to why you would want to hurt someone for to be at peace with yourself you need to look deep within and fix what needs to be fixed within your own soul so you don't use anger, hatred or make judgements of others. For if you love yourself and see your own flaws and what makes you react a certain way to others.. To love yourself is to also look after yourself and making sure you are eating, sleeping and exercising properly so your energy is where it needs to be so you can hear your guidance and be at your most powerful self.. Others do love you for just being you as you have a heart of a warrior but also one of a pussy cat depending on how you are treated yourself as you do reflect others feelings as you are both tough and sensitive at the same time so others really don't understand you so don't always know how to take you because of this sometimes you may feel like you are alone on this mission but rest assured you are understood and loved for just being the awesome Indigo person you are so don't let your ego control how you want others to see you, just be yourself for you are loveable just the way you are..
ASK ARCHANGEL MICHAEL TO HELP YOU WITH THIS SITUATION - What ever situation you are in at the moment call on Archangel Michael to help you with it and for it to come to a conclusion for it will keep playing with your emotions and dragging you down, call on Archangel Michael to either cut the cords to this attachment you have so you can let go of the negativity and the emotions that are dragging you down this current path as it is  a self destructive one and the only one it hurts is yourself. So Archangel Michael will help you come to a solution to this situation call on him when ever you need answers to what troubles you to also shield you from others negativity or to help you let go of things that no longer serve you or your mission or life purpose. Open your heart and your mind to hear all your guidance from God, angels, ascended masters and your guides who are always with you in spirit any time you need them. On card "Archangel Michael, thank you for assisting me with [describe the situation]. Please help me be filled with faith and peace at all times.
 Just a quote to remember that "God is found within you" and religion and religious houses are where you can learn about his word but some religious houses may also of added their own biases on God's word - God's word will always be positive so a message of love, peace, compassion, empathy, forgiveness and non judgement of everyone and what they believe as every individual has there own truth as to who they are and where God can be found by their own experiences with the divine.
"GOD IS LOVE" and it is found within all our souls for we are all god's children just like Jesus we are all seeded as soul energy from God's creation who is the source of all life force energy.
Unconditional love where you can't solve all your soulmates,  soul problems but you can be by their side to let them know you understand and still love and support them no matter what in the good times and the bad as they go through their own soul growth and lessons.. Soul problems arise from our own fears and things we need to work on within our self and usually by our self so you can be at peace with who you are and in turn be at peace with your partner if you both want the same thing in life if you are true love soulmates your love will be unconditional anyway for when someone tries to change you or not accept you for who you are,  there are warning signs that the relationship isn't going to last for if you need to change a partner it means you don't love them for who they are but rather you only love the parts of them that satisfy what is missing in your own soul, so in the end if you are not happy with who you are it will show up in your relationships which is probably why you got together in the first place as you either had karmic debt or you came to give each other soul lessons to go towards your soul growth which is actually the same thing for all souls are working towards the same goal in the end that is to find the god within so the love that shines from each of us.. Love is the purpose both on Earth and in the afterlife everything is about love and working towards finding the ultimate true twin flame love which is a divine unconditional and intense love of self, god and each other to create the energy of the God within each of your souls.. The twin flame (twin soul) is one soul but in 2 halves so they are opposite in polarity in the duality of life but joined they become whole so a female/male energy, a negative/positive, yin/yang etc..
My song for today that I left on FB was this one
** edit added another Lady Antebellum - "One day you will"
because I love it **
"Just keep holding on"
"You're never alone" by Lady Antebellum
Sending love and light
May your sleep be restful
tonight as you think about
where you are presently in your
 life and you reflect where your
soul is at and what you have
been and who you have
known and the lessons
you have learnt on this
journey of life.
You might also reflect on
where it is you are going.
Know your angels are
always by your side to
help guide you on your
path and will pick you up
when you are feeling down
and in the dark, the love
of God and the Angels
will be there to shine
the light so don't give up
and let go for the light
is always to be found for
you hold that light within
and it is your thoughts
that make it dim so
never lose sight of who
you  are and what you
have been through for
you are a great warrior
of life and you hold all
the love of god within ..
Love you always

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