Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Changes ..

Changes our life is full of them everything happens for a reason and there are no coincidences it is all set up and planned out by our Creator and written down in our paths plan like pages of a book.. We don't know what that plan is as we are given free-will to make our own choices and to chose our own direction if it is not going to plan that is where "Coincidences, Destiny or Fate" come in and changes our path or gives us new directions to take whether that be a change of job as the other one wasn't working out, your love life, partnerships or marriages as we all change in our journey and what once worked may no longer for many reasons. The Angels and guides won't step in and help us unless you give them permission first by asking you don't have to pray, meditate or anything like that just those thoughts that run through your head about your dreams and wishes be reasonable with your requests and have faith they will come true..
"As you get older everything changes but who you are inside should remain the same (your soul)
 you will get wiser and learn as life itself is the lesson"


I found this quote online by Marilyn Monroe she had a glamorous and hard life from what I've seen on TV and read but she must of learnt a few things in her time on Earth..
I'll put up 2 songs tonight from two ladies that have left their legacy
from the paths they led in their lifetime.
A tribute from Elton John about Norma Jeane Mortenson (aka Marilyn Monroe).
Marilyn was beautiful on screen but I believe she lived a hard life behind the scenes
but she would be at peace now as when we all pass over all that we know in this life is replaced
by love which connects us and all the painful emotions from our present life leave us so there is no hate, fear or despair.. I think you will find your inner peace if you don't fear death ...
Another Classic along with Marilyn Monroe is Aretha Franklin and I say a little prayer for you..
My plans changed today as I was going to be in a hospital waiting room instead here I am blogging
I also got to go shopping and spend the gift voucher my daughter gave me for my Birthday last week
I used it to add to my library and to my knowledge when I get the chance to read them I am very tired though as I got up about 4am and worked first before heading off on our hours drive to get to our destination..
Thankyou my gorgeous daughter and SIL.
Love and light always

Monday, 28 April 2014

So long as I have you .. Thanks..

From the internet xx
Thanks for coming I will continue to write  my blog for anyone that visits also  myself  as a journal of my own spiritual development as some times I may not have much to say as life can get a bit busy at times as School holidays are over so I have to work 2 jobs again to do my 8 hrs a day, I will fill you in one day how my jobs came about as I believe the Angels had a hand in that as well.. I have a busy couple of days coming up so won't be around tomorrow not sure about Wednesday.. So enjoy your day and don't forget to call upon your Angels for any thing you need help with you may not get your answer straight away as they work in Angel hours have faith and your answers will come..

The last song I listened to on my iPod
So Long as I have you in my life in some capacity I'm Happy
Love and Light

Sunday, 27 April 2014

Don't worry ... Be Happy :)

In our life's journey there will be encounters with many people with different views and attitudes how you treat them should be how they treat you - never let anyone tell you that your dreams are not achievable as you need to believe in your self first before you let others decide what you can and can't achieve as you know your own limitations as to your abilities better then anyone.. My mum used to have a saying something about there is no such word as Can't I will have to ask her as I don't remember the whole saying..
This song was just on the radio when I went outside to get some kindling as our wood fire went out over night and it is getting a bit chilly by night fall, it is Autumn at the moment so we are getting nice days and chilly nights.
Bob Marley
Don't worry be happy things will turn out how they are meant to and things will always work out if you need help to get through tough times call upon your angels to help pull you through..
Love and light

Saturday, 26 April 2014

Sweet Dreams & Angel Kisses

I just finished making this how sweet is the drawing of the fairy baby.. I don't draw I wish I could but I rely on the God given talents of others for that  Mo Manning drew this and she does other sweet images and also writes and illustrates childrens books, she sells her images in digital format for people like me to colour and transform.. I just love to colour in the images and make them into cards or sometimes I put them onto a canvas or some other project..  *I've just asked Mo if she can draw some more Angels in her FB group and she said she hasn't done any for a while so looks like some new ones coming up.. yay!
Colouring in the images and creating brings out the little girl in me. When I was a child we used to have to do our jobs to get pocket money.. I used to have my money all the time and my older sister usually spent hers straight away or didn't do her jobs so missed out, anyway when I did spend it I usually brought colouring in pencil, texta's , colouring in books etc.. Now I still buy them as an adult but they are a lot dearer and made for artists and crafty people..

Angels love to play and love for you to play as well - so I hope you are taking some time out of your busy lives occasionally to go do the things you enjoy doing as it revitalises your soul and gives you more energy to do the things you have to do.. it also makes you "HAPPY" the best place to be..

Some music more Rod Steward today
You're in my heart and soul  

Love and light always
I hope you can get out and do something you love and enjoy doing over the weekend
*like having a good nights sleep to get up early and go fishing
Sometimes you need a break to de-stress from daily pressures or
Chill out with friends..

Friday, 25 April 2014

Everything happens for a reason ** in our lives**

This just came up on my Facebook wall shared by someone on my friends list..
 Every one that comes into or out of your life does so for a reason some stay the distance and others just pass by when your lesson is learnt and you have got what you needed from them as they may be just paying back a past souls debt.. Some will leave you with heartaches that will make you stronger or make you see something within yourself you know needs improving or worked on.
There is another saying "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger", chin up and push on if you are struggling with something.. It will all work out.

Today I'm listening to Rob Thomas I love his music and Matchbox 20..
This is from a movie theme.. Little Wonders from
Meet the Robinsons

This one came up earlier on my wall to remind you if you are doing it tough
right now call on your Angel to help take away your pains or worries whether it
be personal or financial struggles..
Things will always work out or work themselves out as long as you believe that in your mind first..


Thursday, 24 April 2014

Missing You ..

Are you missing someone so much your heart breaks and you wish you could be with them?
Mine does that is because your Souls are connected by love and you just want to be with them it is like that when our loved ones depart this life..
Tomorrow is Anzac day in Australia so a lot of serving members in the Armed Forces past and present will be missed greatly by their loved ones ..
Whether they are on Overseas deployment or have left this life in the Call of Duty to protect our freedoms this is for them and those at home that love them and wish they could be together..
.. Lest we Forget..
25th April 
 Still miss you matey..
Love always

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Turn the other cheek ..

Turn the other cheek some times the battle is just not worth all the negative attitude you put out in defending yourself or your beliefs .. Quietly walk away as those projecting just want to see you and your reaction to their spiteful, jealous or guilty behaviour.

This quote came up on my Facebook wall a short while ago so I wanted to share it here if you are in this situation..

Memories - what makes you remember certain things?

What makes us remember certain things or triggers a memory from way in our memory banks I think our feelings at the time of the event gets filed away into our hearts which in turns triggers something within our brains that makes us remember as humans we have to remember a lot of things. Some of it gets filed in our subconscious mind..
 A few times over the last couple of months I have remembered events in my life and a song has triggered the memory of how I felt at the time.. This one is Tie a Yellow Ribbon around the old oak tree by Tony Orlando it brought me back to child hood sitting in the back of a car near Gundagai as my Nan and Pop retired up the Tweed Valley when I was a small child but nearly every school holidays we would go and stay with them just some of the grandkids mainly me and my sister some times other cousins would be allowed to stay as well if their parents permitted it as they were older they didn't go as often as me, anyway sometimes Nan would come down and we would either catch the Train, go by Coach (bus) or Pop would pick us up or drop us off (when it was time to go home so he didn't have to do the trip 4 times) in his car and drive all the way to our place a (my Nan didn't drive) that song must of played whilst driving near Gundagai as I can recall it and the trees that flashed past on the last home stretch as it was near a 2 day drive from our place to theirs.. We had some fun times up the Gold Coast on those holidays with my Nan and Pop they were gentle old souls who loved their grandkids (they had about 30 of us and then the great grandies came and we have lost count of them all).  Mum and dad stayed home mum was probably glad to get rid of a couple of kids for the holidays she still would of had my little sister home most of those times as she is 3yrs younger then me, and one other sister is 12 yrs younger than me (I have 3 sisters and no brothers).

Isn't the Human Body a fascinating and wondrous thing to try and understand it must take a lot of effort and work for experts to write down the findings of the studies they undertake God works in mysterious ways and gives everyone their life's path to try and understand the way we  humans work and how to repair us when our bodies get sick Doctors and Nurses are special kinds of people as I don't think I could tend to sick people as it hurts me to see others in pain.. Thank you to those special people that do that job one of my cousins is a Nurse she is such a bright, bubbly personality and a lovely person to boot I rarely see her though as she lives in another town, I did meet her again at Christmas she hadn't changed a bit..

This Mariah Carey song which was on the Radio a while back reminded me of a sad time whilst grieving as I used to play her Music Box CD over and over after I lost Phillip usually when I was on my own after the kids and hubby went to bed I sat up and either cried until I could cry no more  as  I had no more tears left as I was so emotionally drained but the words in Mariah's songs seemed to say how I was feeling at the time.. I hadn't heard it for such a long time I'd forgotten I'd even had her CD and hadn't even burnt it onto my computer to listen to it again (fixed that but I still don't play it very often now) maybe just a few songs from it as I'm in a different place now from that time in my life.. Once again if you are grieving things do get better and you won't always feel that sadness you will find joy again.. and your baby won't be forgotten. xx

I went for a search on the internet after writing the top bit to see what they had to say about our memories and here it is except the subconscious link I added that after...
Human Memory - click on link to read (If writing is purple in colour it means it is  linked to the source of the information)
Memory is our ability to encode, store, retain and subsequently recall information and past experiences in the human brain. It can be thought of in general terms as the use of past experience to affect or influence current behaviour.

Memory is the sum total of what we remember, and gives us the capability to learn and adapt from previous experiences as well as to build relationships. It is the ability to remember past experiences, and the power or process of recalling to mind previously learned facts, experiences, impressions, skills and habits. It is the store of things learned and retained from our activity or experience, as evidenced by modification of structure or behaviour, or by recall and recognition.

One more song as I hadn't heard this one before I just found it on Youtube whilst searching for Mariah Carey..
When you Believe in Miracles they will happen.
Love always
 I may be  back later as it is still early not midnight when I usually play..
**I thought I would research a bit more as I just wondered where your intuition comes into all this as some people are very intuitive and can see, feel things before they happen or they have a knowing and just know something without having experienced it or read about it..
Your subconscious mind holds your intuitive powers and everyone has these sixth sense powers .. Not everyone is tuned in or even recognises it.. Here is a paragraph from another website - Here

"Consciousness and "unconscious processes" are part of what you are - these are your mind.  Add your body, and that's you!   At any moment, the mind is conscious of certain thoughts, memories, imaginations,  perceptions, sounds, sights, smells, tastes, and/or emotions.  Whatever else is in the mind at that moment is in the "unconscious processes" which are generally referred to as the unconscious or subconscious mind.  For example, memories are in the subconscious mind and can be "shared" with the conscious mind and physical body...memories of past events become thoughts and emotions, or memories of learned activities, such as bicycle riding, become automatic physical behaviors.  Intuitive perceptions also come from the subconscious mind and can be shared with, or communicated to, the conscious mind."

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Ghandi and Spiritual leaders ..

I like Mahatma Ghandi he was a great Spiritual leader and has many quotes a lot of people live by and refer to on their life's journey.. 

 I also get a sense of peace when I  hear the Dalai Llama or watch him when he is being interviewed on the TV he wasn't to worried that the ex-PM Julia Gillard didn't wish to see him and he said this on the 7.30 report in 2013..
LEIGH SALES: How do you interpret the Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard declining to ever meet with you?

DALAI LAMA: OK. No problem. My main concern is meeting with public because my main commitment, main interest is promotion of human value, human affection, compassion and religious harmony. The Prime Minister I think not much (inaudible) in these things. (Laugh) If I have some sort of political agenda and ask Prime Minister, then Prime Minister sort of decline seeing me, then I feel disappointment, but I have nothing to ask her.
 Did you get a chance to watch Metaphysics video yet as I am watching it again and just jotting down a few notes and  quotes.. I recommend it if you wonder what is wrong in the world today when we (most of us) have stopped listening to our inner guides/self and have become lazy and believing every thing at face value therefore those that use fear tatics to try and brainwash us into believing things like Climate Change and any other propaganda from the great media machine where everyone is equal but then they like to divided by either class (how much money you make), race, religion or their belief systems and those 'Truth' tellers are being ridiculed for speaking out.. (not everyone has become lazy or believing in things like climate change, I just had the TV on in a state in the USA they have a green campaign going on after the hurricane hit and wiped out all the town so they are rebuilding using the great green dream of solar, wind power and sustainable living) those that voted it down and tried to speak out against having the Green agenda and rating system awarded to how green your house was built by totally relying on sustainability set by some other human got voted out  and ignored and a  mayor that didn't agree was replaced by one  that would enforce it.
Some teens came on and said they were educating the parents as to how all these grand green dreams work and converting them.. which tells me they start the brainwashing into these green agenda's early when the young ones are still learning about life and things and take in what ever is put in front of them instead of thinking for themselves or researching for the 'Truth'..
The young ones don't see the consequences of their/any actions as for every solar panel/wind turbine built someone in China where they are made is being exploited and poisoned by the process of making these trendy green dream machines, that are unreliable and don't work and will be blown down by the next cyclone that goes through town and flattens it..
More later when I finishing jotting stuff down on the metaphysic video..
Music for today is not Celine enjoy some Nickleback
You Remind me.. or
Lips of an Angel by Hinder
which I also like and found on my search for something different then Celine
They are both about break ups and love as most songs are about one or the other
Remember breakups are also a part of your life's path and lessons are to be learnt by everyone that enters your life as they come into and go out of it they will leave you with some thing and you will learn from your mistakes especially about yourself and if it was meant to be it will be ..
Real love will enter one day never give up your search if you haven't found it yet,  you won't have to change yourself to please your partner as they will accept you warts and all if it is real unconditional love that only a soul mate can provide..
Love always xx.. 

Monday, 21 April 2014

You can't see it!!

I'll just share a quote and song tonight as I'm a bit tired - love makes the world go around and can connect us all as it is our Souls centre and the reason for our being.. 
The last song on my iPod you guessed it Celine again I do like a lot of other music and a variety so I will put up something completely different next time.
I hope you have found your Soulmate and have fallen for them if not keep on searching as they are out there ready to be found you just need to connect and be at the right place at the right time.. Archangel Chamuel is here to help and here is a prayer to find your special person..
No harm in trying and it will happen in Angel/Divine time and when
they can make it happen everything will fall into place
Sweet dreams and love always xxx
P.s. Don't stress if things aren't working out right now as everything
happens for a reason even bad and frustrating stuff..

Sunday, 20 April 2014

Easter Sunday - Metaphysics what is it?

I hope you are having a great Easter and catching up with family members after I worked this morning I did.. My daughter and son-in-law came up after they finished church my Son-in-law plays the organ at the little church they go to about once a month his family are church goers and farmers..
I will do a post on the amount of religion I have been taught later as I am still gathering information on family history to add to it..

Anyway we were going to have a BBQ lunch down at my mums but there were last minute plans this morning as my Dad has Leukaemia and is going through chemo treatment and my Daughter and Son in law both have the flu so we decided it best not to go as dads immunity is a bit low and he doesn't need a dose of the flu right now, so I ended up cooking lunch when I knocked off from work - we had a what was in the fridge meal it comprised of chicken drumsticks, shepherds pie as I had the mince cooked ready before the boys decided to go camping so it was in the fridge and I just needed mashed spud on top, garlic potato as the kids love the way I cook that and corn on the cob, then at the last minute I decided to cook caramel dumplings as I haven't made them for quite a while.. So that was our what to eat last minute lunch (with no plans before hand) .. Then after they went home I went down and visited my parents and gave them their Easter present and mum and I were looking at old photo's so its been a great day to catch up with family.

When I hoped in the car this song was playing an oldie but goodie.
The story of Easter and Jesus resurrection

 So what was I thinking about today I do a lot of thinking while working and listening to my iPod "LOVE" as it is in a lot of songs most songs are about Love lost and break ups, Love how you can love someone so much it hurts especially when you know you can't have them..
Humans are made up of energy all emotions, words and actions all amount to energy mainly yours and there are 2 energies that make the world go around "FEAR and LOVE"..
"LOVE" and "POSITIVE" thinking are the more powerful energies in the Spiritual World they talk a lot about Metaphysics so I decided to seek out what that is and just found this Youtube..
Enjoy!! I might add to this post later when I digest and watch the whole video  in the Angel books and in the psychic world they talk a lot about this subject and I haven't really had a look at it I do know I don't let fear run my life as I know no-one can hurt me as much as the loss of my son so name calling and that doesn't bother me I don't think it ever has as we grew up with the saying "Sticks and Stones will break your bones, names will never hurt you" and I did get teased on the way home from school by some one younger a nasty piece of work she was (probably still is) and her sister was right by her side she now lives 2 doors up from me, but she wasn't the one doing all the stirring they would throw rocks at us and name call but then go  and tell their parents we ( my sisters and I) were teasing them and they would get their dad to come out with an axe..  he did on one occasion we did avoid them whenever possible and walk home an alternate route once though one of their cousins was on a bike and I put my hand out to stop him as he was coming towards me and my hand got caught in the spokes that hurt my hand did swell up lucky none of my fingers broke but me being me probably didn't make a fuss about it at the time not sure if I even told mum .. "Forgive those that hurt you" I don't hold grudges so it doesn't eat away at me.. "One of my sisters holds grudges boy you need to tread on eggs so as not to give her the shits as you don't know what you've done or when as she doesn't exactly tell you either".. I still love her xx
Might leave it there tonight God bless I hope you have a Miracle happen in your life.
Don't let fear stop you from doing what you want to do.
LOVE always xx

Friday, 18 April 2014

Kiss an Angel good morning - **My introduction to Angels**

I caught the tail end of this Charlie Pride song when getting in the car after doing the grocery shopping yesterday afternoon so had to find it on you tube..

Thank you angels

So how did I become aware of the Angel realm?
I was only introduced or noticed them on the 5th of October 2013 which would of been Phillips 21st birthday when waiting in my email inbox was a gift for me from my son a suggestion to go and read a book called "Saved by an Angel" by Doreen Virtue..  It got me reflecting on my own life and my experiences with what I believe have been Angel encounters. I have put the first one in the post on "Who I am" the beginning as soon as my mum told me that story I knew I must of been saved then, I have heard Angel whispers at age 17 when I saw the back of my now husbands head a voice said "that is the man you are going to marry", (it was a loud voice to me as if someone behind me spoke, but I turned around and no one was near me  I can still remember it as clear as day)  I was still in school then and we were down visiting my sister at her block of flats in a different State to ours so I had no idea who's back of the head it was, I didn't meet him until my sisters engagement party the following year but we didn't talk on that occasion just watched each other from across the room. We moved in together probably the year after that and we married 2 or 3 yrs later before baby #1 arrived..
Destiny as my life just seems to happen as if it has been set out I don't know the next chapter as this one is still playing out I have had a couple of snap shots into the future but I will have  to wait and see what destiny/fate has install and if I will get that Deja Vu feeling when it happens.. (*I haven't told anyone these things before your reading it here for the first time, I'll post whatever is in my thoughts at the time, my thoughts come from quotes I've read, music or what is going on around me)..
True Accounts of people who have had extraordinary experiences with Angels

Since reading that book I have read others of Doreen Virtues and I have a few on my Kobo to read yet.  I have just enrolled to do one of Doreens Online courses at the start of next month, it was my birthday treat as I have to buy my own most times, but that doesn't worry me as I would rather give gifts then receive them as it does embarrass me.. One of my grandmothers was like that we would take her up a present at Christmas and she would wait till we left before opening it but she had a heart of gold and would do anything for us her grand kids I probably spent a lot of time with her as when I moved back to my home town she lived across the road so I went with her to Bingo and done her shopping for her, she was very bent over with arthritis and she always told us girls to stand up straight.. I quite often think of my nan everytime I go past her house,  it is looking good at the moment as the person who brought it when she passed away has renovated it he has had it cladded,  the verandah is now fixed which needed doing badly when she lived in it . This is my dads mum she had a totally different personality then my other Nan who was the quiet soul.

Music I was listening to on my iPod this morning while working
I love Celine Dion she has the voice of an Angel and 
 a lot of soul goes into her lyrics..

It is Good Friday I started this post last night so sort of lost my track of thought so God bless and I will see if I can finish a few other posts I have in draft mode over the next few days..
Have a great weekend
 Love and Light Always
Hugs if you are feeling alone

Good Friday - Crucified so our Souls would have Eternal life.. Son of God

Well today is Good Friday I hope you are all enjoying it and spending it with your family.. I did have to work this morning and what a job that was I didn't stop and it took me 5 hrs to clean up the Local RSL after everyone had a top night out with 3 different functions (a seafood raffle, a farewell for an awesome local girl who is starting a new life in another location and a fundraiser raising money for another ex-local whose 15 year old daughter had a horse fall and is now in ICU with brain damage) all going on in the same little place also a lot of beer was drunk as there was a bit of broken glass in a few places to clean up..

**Your Souls Eternal Life** 

** Jesus died for us**
 Some Music
Happy Easter stay safe on the roads
xx love always  xx

Wednesday, 16 April 2014


I am the 'Eternal Optimist' and always look on the positive side and I  have faith that how things turn out is how it is meant to .. even if it is bad.. I am also a realist and think logically so everything is not all sunshine and lollipops but the minute you think something bad is going to happen you manifest that into the universe and you can guarantee it will end up how you imagined.. 

I follow John Edwards on Facebook so he puts quite a few quotes up that I like to share..
Look him up on the net his tags are on the quote..
I guess I also deal with what hand I have been dealt and just get on with it and not dwell on what could of or should of been when something happens... as we can't predict our future you have to learn to just deal with  life and your souls path as it happens as I believe it has already been set out for you, you just need to find that path as a human being using the freewill and choices you are given along the way.. your Angels and guides will assist but only if you ask and learn to hear those messages..
In saying that I do and have got a lot of Deja Vu moments in my life and have got quick snapshots into my future but I have not always taken much notice until you get that moment as if you have been there before.. even mundane little tasks like leaving comments on  internet forums which I do everyday but it is a different feeling when you get those Deja Vu moments .. there have been others I just can't think of any at the moment as I'm a bit tired.. So I will leave you with a song I'm listening to right now which is a bit sad .. and I might go and get some sleep xx
Sweet dreams - I will maybe see you tomorrow if I have any thing to share love always xx

Also another one ..

Tuesday, 15 April 2014


This song was on the radio on my way to work this morning isn't it awesome and puts you in a good mood..  Enjoy ..
Makes you just want to dance along too..
Happiness comes from within not the materialistic things from around you as you can be happy no matter what anyone says or does even in any situation as you own your feelings and no-one or nothing can take you down unless you give them the power to do so... Money won't make you happy it will pay the bills so you are comfortable but it will never make you happy as you always want more of it.. I like to make those around me happy and if they are cranky or in a mood I either go tell them to go take off their 'cranky pants',  and return to me in a better mood or I will go in my room until their mood changes.. I don't like to be around negative energies as they get me down as well... If I am  in a bad mood myself as it does happen on a rare occasion I will sit it out alone until my own spirits are lifted or give the silent treatment as I hate feeling grumpy as well and don't want to inflict my own bad mood on others.. I don't do conflict or aggression either as it isn't in my nature to do either as it only makes me feel bad inside and that is who I have to live with. I do have a very peaceful household with one Master 18 son send from God to really test my patience at times as he has some growing up to do..
When someone gets you down just 'SMILE' and be so 'HAPPY' they wonder what your on..
Picture from the internet...
 Have a great and a happy day give your bad mood to the Angels they will take away your worries if you ask ..  love always xx

Monday, 14 April 2014

A quote and a song today ..

Thanks to all that are a part of my life at this point in time I love you all and I wouldn't be who I am without the part you have played in it.

A song and movie I love

Sunday, 13 April 2014

A Sweet Cherub with an amazing voice..

I just wanted to share this gorgeous little cherub with you as she came to my attention from another blog where I hang out..

Thanks for sharing xx  

She is one to watch out for as she grows up as she has a natural talent and a beautiful voice as if she has been here before, but  all our souls have been incarnated.. I would love to know the former lives of my own soul and who my soul mates were and if they are with me in this lifetime ..
 "Our soul always knows so I think they are as I can feel the connection"..


Friday, 11 April 2014

Send me an Angel

I just knocked off work today and this was the song on the radio

and a quote that was on my Facebook wall this morning
xx message received xx

Angel eyes

This song played on the radio when I finished work today..

 and a quote

I also met my 2 Aunts up the street this morning in the supermarket after finishing my 1st job and asked them about some family history and old photo's I'm chasing up for a future post.. I've also been researching on Trove at old newspapers for any info..

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

"Your Soul always Knows" and the very start of my own Spiritual Journey

Today I wanted to talk about my sons passing as John Edwards mentioned something on his "Evolve" show he airs it every Sunday (USA time) it's only on the internet and you have to subscribe which I only did 5 months ago but I had been following him not religiously but he pops in and out of my life at times and he started his career around the same time as my son passed in 1998 with his first book "One Last Time" which I did read and it helped with my grieving process I also read "Transformed by the Light" a book on near death experiences it was written by Dr Melvin Morse as I had to know and understand where my little boy was going and that he would be safe. John Edwards also had a show called "Crossing over" which I watched while in the grieving stage which can last any amount of time and we all have our own way of coping (mine is to go within myself and sort my feeling out alone and on my own) you can pull yourself through and find that inner peace but if you are having trouble doing that go seek medical help and counselling as it is different for each person how they deal with things..

I think John Edwards is a great spiritual teacher about the "Other side" or what happens when we pass over as he can communicate with the spirit world..

I don't like saying death/dead as it sounds so final but our souls just pass on to another world (the spirit world)  this is what John Edward teaches you by just doing what he does in his readings as a psychic he explains the process along the way of what he sees, feels and thinks and his own experiences.
My own little Angel
Phillip passed away in 1998 at the age of 5 in an accident that was unexpected
 he died instantly and it involved a chain saw, a tree and an active little boy
that is all I will mention on what happened as I don't want to go into any further details 

 "The Soul always knows it is going to leave" , which I can confirm as before Phillip passed away I'm not sure how soon it was before the accident but we had a conversation.. I was reading "That's Life" magazine at the time and in the kids section someone wrote what their kid said when they asked them "where would we put a baby if we had a new addition?', as I wanted another baby at the time I  asked my kids the same question Phillip told me "that the baby can take his place and use his car seat as he wouldn't be here"..  I thought that was a bit of a strange answer at the time as he was only 5, he also done a painting at school which also depicts what happened, as well as that his little brother who was just over 2yrs old at the time was having nightmares and screaming out Phillip and tree he done that on a few different nights they shared a bedroom,  he was also screaming out his brothers name when we hoped in the car to go to where the accident happened  (he had never done that before) Phillip and his sister were in my parents vehicle as they were with us on that fateful day as well  ..
I also had a feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach as if something was going to happen I had that feeling for quite a while before the accident of course I didn't know why I was feeling that way at the time..
The picture Phillip painted at school we had it laminated it looks like his final journey
back to heaven with all the flowers and the one big dark tree near his head.
I believe his Angels were getting him prepared for his final journey as I remember looking back at him while he was sitting in the backseat of the car on the day of the accident and thinking how Angelic he looked with his strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes,  he also had this soft glow about him..
Tears in Heaven -
 Eric Clapton singing about the dark days after losing a child
when you so desperately want to join your child in Heaven because you miss them so much
 and the emotional pain you experience is unbearable but you know you can't join them
as you have other commitments and have to carry on.
In another post I will tell you about some of the signs and messages I get from my son as he does pop in and I know when he comes but I will tell you another day..
Love always xx
 If you are a grieving parent that reads this things do get better and your baby will not be forgotten and is "Safe in Gods hands until you meet again"..