Wednesday 16 April 2014


I am the 'Eternal Optimist' and always look on the positive side and I  have faith that how things turn out is how it is meant to .. even if it is bad.. I am also a realist and think logically so everything is not all sunshine and lollipops but the minute you think something bad is going to happen you manifest that into the universe and you can guarantee it will end up how you imagined.. 

I follow John Edwards on Facebook so he puts quite a few quotes up that I like to share..
Look him up on the net his tags are on the quote..
I guess I also deal with what hand I have been dealt and just get on with it and not dwell on what could of or should of been when something happens... as we can't predict our future you have to learn to just deal with  life and your souls path as it happens as I believe it has already been set out for you, you just need to find that path as a human being using the freewill and choices you are given along the way.. your Angels and guides will assist but only if you ask and learn to hear those messages..
In saying that I do and have got a lot of Deja Vu moments in my life and have got quick snapshots into my future but I have not always taken much notice until you get that moment as if you have been there before.. even mundane little tasks like leaving comments on  internet forums which I do everyday but it is a different feeling when you get those Deja Vu moments .. there have been others I just can't think of any at the moment as I'm a bit tired.. So I will leave you with a song I'm listening to right now which is a bit sad .. and I might go and get some sleep xx
Sweet dreams - I will maybe see you tomorrow if I have any thing to share love always xx

Also another one ..

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