Tuesday 15 April 2014


This song was on the radio on my way to work this morning isn't it awesome and puts you in a good mood..  Enjoy ..
Makes you just want to dance along too..
Happiness comes from within not the materialistic things from around you as you can be happy no matter what anyone says or does even in any situation as you own your feelings and no-one or nothing can take you down unless you give them the power to do so... Money won't make you happy it will pay the bills so you are comfortable but it will never make you happy as you always want more of it.. I like to make those around me happy and if they are cranky or in a mood I either go tell them to go take off their 'cranky pants',  and return to me in a better mood or I will go in my room until their mood changes.. I don't like to be around negative energies as they get me down as well... If I am  in a bad mood myself as it does happen on a rare occasion I will sit it out alone until my own spirits are lifted or give the silent treatment as I hate feeling grumpy as well and don't want to inflict my own bad mood on others.. I don't do conflict or aggression either as it isn't in my nature to do either as it only makes me feel bad inside and that is who I have to live with. I do have a very peaceful household with one Master 18 son send from God to really test my patience at times as he has some growing up to do..
When someone gets you down just 'SMILE' and be so 'HAPPY' they wonder what your on..
Picture from the internet...
 Have a great and a happy day give your bad mood to the Angels they will take away your worries if you ask ..  love always xx

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