Sunday 6 April 2014

A Beautiful Day

Well it's a beautiful day here after the rains we've had since Friday.  I went out and took a photo from my front verandah as I have the best view of all the surrounding hills where I live it is now Autumn and the time to light our wood fire has arrived which is usually April.. Daylight saving has ended as well last night so we have to wind our clocks back an hour the phone and computer has done it automatically I will get around to doing the other ones later..

The view I wake up to everyday can't imagine being anywhere else..
It's so peaceful living in a small town.

The sun is up and brilliant I love the strength the sun gives you in it's heat and brightness..

Our life is for ever changing as nothing ever stays the same we move on or change career, start a family, lose a job, lose a loved one, divorce or many other challenges life throws at us. So how do we cope with all these changes I have personally just gone with the flow if you fight it that is when you make it more difficult for yourself. You have to adapt to what ever is going on and look at things from a different perspective if you think things are against you..
 I like to think "Everything happens for a reason" we don't always know what the reason is at the time it happens that won't come clearer until such time as you can reflect back and have a look at how your life has turned out and know you wouldn't have done it any different or you have a feeling you were guided in that direction by divine intervention, your Angels are always communicating with you through your thoughts and feelings and they do send other messages you just have to learn how to hear them and pick up on them the more you do the signs do become more obvious especially if you specifically ask for help the answer will always come it does come in Angel timing or in Divine time as they don't run by the clock as we humans do. I am still on my learning curve on how to do this but the first thing you must do is to be open and receptive of the concept as nothing will come if you have a closed mind you can remain sceptical until you are sure they are signs you are getting and always ask again for confirmation it was a message you got.   The messages will come through songs, repetitive thoughts or feelings that are persistant. also number sequences (I haven't looked into that yet) and you will always get the answer you were looking for .
 "You will always end up where you are supposed to be in your life's journey and learn the lessons you are meant to learn while on your path and the changes you experiences are a part of that and what you need to learn, both good and bad as we need to experience both as much as it hurts or causes emotional pain at the time"..    

The Angels won't interfere as you still have freewill and choices to make they are only your guiding light and can only help if you ask them to ..  

Always remain sceptical of any ideas as that way you will question everything from your own feelings and thoughts to how things work and if they are for real.. I am sceptical by nature and do always question myself more than anything that is what I call soul searching as to why life is the way it is and to what is happening around me "Why?" is the question you then go on and seek out until find the answer that eases your mind.. The internet is a great tool for finding many answers to many questions on any subject..
I always end with a song here is a youtube one I made for anyone having a bad day or struggling..

 Have a great day whatever it is you are doing I've got housework to do ..
xx love always xx

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