What makes us remember certain things or triggers a memory from way in our memory banks I think our feelings at the time of the event gets filed away into our hearts which in turns triggers something within our brains that makes us remember as humans we have to remember a lot of things. Some of it gets filed in our subconscious mind..
A few times over the last couple of months I have remembered events in my life and a song has triggered the memory of how I felt at the time.. This one is Tie a Yellow Ribbon around the old oak tree by Tony Orlando it brought me back to child hood sitting in the back of a car near Gundagai as my Nan and Pop retired up the Tweed Valley when I was a small child but nearly every school holidays we would go and stay with them just some of the grandkids mainly me and my sister some times other cousins would be allowed to stay as well if their parents permitted it as they were older they didn't go as often as me, anyway sometimes Nan would come down and we would either catch the Train, go by Coach (bus) or Pop would pick us up or drop us off (when it was time to go home so he didn't have to do the trip 4 times) in his car and drive all the way to our place a (my Nan didn't drive) that song must of played whilst driving near Gundagai as I can recall it and the trees that flashed past on the last home stretch as it was near a 2 day drive from our place to theirs.. We had some fun times up the Gold Coast on those holidays with my Nan and Pop they were gentle old souls who loved their grandkids (they had about 30 of us and then the great grandies came and we have lost count of them all). Mum and dad stayed home mum was probably glad to get rid of a couple of kids for the holidays she still would of had my little sister home most of those times as she is 3yrs younger then me, and one other sister is 12 yrs younger than me (I have 3 sisters and no brothers).
Isn't the Human Body a fascinating and wondrous thing to try and understand it must take a lot of effort and work for experts to write down the findings of the studies they undertake God works in mysterious ways and gives everyone their life's path to try and understand the way we humans work and how to repair us when our bodies get sick Doctors and Nurses are special kinds of people as I don't think I could tend to sick people as it hurts me to see others in pain.. Thank you to those special people that do that job one of my cousins is a Nurse she is such a bright, bubbly personality and a lovely person to boot I rarely see her though as she lives in another town, I did meet her again at Christmas she hadn't changed a bit..
I went for a search on the internet after writing the top bit to see what they had to say about our memories and here it is except the subconscious link I added that after...
Human Memory - click on link to read (If writing is purple in colour it means it is linked to the source of the information)
Memory is our ability to encode, store, retain and subsequently recall information and past experiences in the human brain. It can be thought of in general terms as the use of past experience to affect or influence current behaviour.
Memory is the sum total of what we remember, and gives us the capability to learn and adapt from previous experiences as well as to build relationships. It is the ability to remember past experiences, and the power or process of recalling to mind previously learned facts, experiences, impressions, skills and habits. It is the store of things learned and retained from our activity or experience, as evidenced by modification of structure or behaviour, or by recall and recognition.
One more song as I hadn't heard this one before I just found it on Youtube whilst searching for Mariah Carey..
When you Believe in Miracles they will happen.
Love always
I may be back later as it is still early not midnight when I usually play..
**I thought I would research a bit more as I just wondered where your intuition comes into all this as some people are very intuitive and can see, feel things before they happen or they have a knowing and just know something without having experienced it or read about it..
Your subconscious mind holds your intuitive powers and everyone has these sixth sense powers .. Not everyone is tuned in or even recognises it.. Here is a paragraph from another website - Here
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