Saturday 27 September 2014

Earth Angels xx

Good afternoon did you know that there are Earth Angels amongst us all, they can be found in many places maybe you know a couple you probably have met more than you realise as they come from many realms to help the earth and to lift up the energy of the planet with the unconditional love that their heart and souls hold...
Make your dreams a reality act on and make choices that are in your heart in the near future if you are stuck on any decisions in your life at the moment.. Ask your Angels to help you with those decisions then listen to your heart/soul for the answer if you listen to your ego it will talk you out of what you know is the right thing to do.. Go with your gut feelings .. I am working on my dream I will share it with you when it happens some times you need to just take one small step at a time to make your dream happen but always keep the faith and trust in God that those dreams you have asked about will come true in divine time when everything is put in it's proper place.. just never give up on your dreams.

Sending Gratitude to all Angels including Earth Angels that help others
without asking for anything in return..
 A beautiful song for Earth Angels
Angel by your side - Francesca Battistelli
Sending Love and Light open
your heart and receive Love from
me and all the Angels that also
walk the Earth or by your side

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