Tuesday 30 September 2014

Back to normal almost xx

Well my half holiday is over as I had to start work at my second job today so I had an early start and worked 7 hours straight cleaning so it has been a long day the same plans are on for tomorrow and Thursday so no peace for the wicked the saying goes.. I really don't mind my job it is only as a cleaner for a while not sure how long as I don't make plans I generally go with the flow and listen to my heart/soul for when it is time to move on  or time for a change.. I do struggle with change being a creature of habit and one who likes familiarity and security around me that comes with being a Taurus I guess..  You know you learn something everyday today I have learnt that yesterday 29th September was Feast day for the Archangel's Michael, Raphael and Gabriel not being Catholic or of a religious nature I did have to google  what feast day was about.. Here is one page I found..
You have to find your own inner voice to know how to love yourself before you can love you or your true self we are all different and beautiful in our own way, some might have the physical looks but be the most ugly person on the inside and it will show by how selfish and ego driven they are.. Another person might be what  some call a plain Jane and not beautiful in some people's eyes but inside they could be the most beautiful soul you would ever meet and would do anything for anyone with out asking anything in return.. You are made perfectly in God image so you are divinely perfect in spiritual truth and how others judge you should not matter it is how you judge yourself that matters more as your own thought are what make your reality..

If you feel stuck where you are at the moment go out and do something you love as it will light up your soul it could be one of your hobbies that brings out the passion in your soul or just being around people may light you up what ever it is you love try to do it often to recharge your own soul..
My clock has stopped rocking today (it has been rocking since I put up this post )and I have had a gut feeling since yesterday I don't know if something bad is going to happen.. I hope not xx
I'm sure "Everything is going to be alright" - Troy Cassar Daley
An awesome song that was on my radio this morning.
Sending Love and Light
Open your heart and receive it
from me and your Guardian Angels.

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