Friday 19 September 2014

Reading and Priorities xx

I thought I would show you what I'm reading on the spiritual front at the moment I think I have so much going around in my head at any one time I think I need to step back and make a list of priorities of finishing one book at a time that will help me achieve where I'm going spiritually as I have so much I want to learn as I already feel  where I'm going and know what my soul is saying to me, I am being guided where I need to go sometimes it feels like nothing is happening, but it is really..
If others that read my blog are also looking into where their own soul is going or where their life is heading one thing you need to do is let go of all the mistakes you think you have made in your past as they were not mistakes they were stepping stones to bring you to where you are now. All that you have done was all divinely guided we do have freewill choices so maybe some things were not the best choice but you done the best you could at the time, it is time to rise above that and keep on stepping forward with out looking back as it is in the past it can't be changed no matter how hard you try.
 So here is a selection of books I'm reading I should finish one book at a time but I tend to pick up a book and read a chapter or 2 then go back to it later so I have quite a few books I've started.
I've started a post on something I've read in this book that I will share later on I love Kevin Hunters style of writing and in the 2nd chapter it has a message channelled from Nathaniel that hit home last month with the energy we put out via the internet and social media sites.
I picked this one to read on the way to Albury last weekend  it is very interesting so far it covers the energy we consist of  (our aura's which is the field of energy that surrounds us) so it goes into quantum physics, our soul, Jungian psychology and ancient mystery traditions. The author of this is Constance Rodriguez Ph.D.
 Here are the books I have stacked up to get to if I can keep my eyes open long enough when I go to bed as I tend to only read a couple of pages and my eyes close they have always done this when reading I tend to be able to keep them open longer if reading ebooks which I  have some on the go as well they are on the iPod/Pad so if I have 5/10 minutes to spare I'll read some.

Some books by the Dalai Lama and some of his speeches and talks as well as
The Heart of Budha's path.
Soul Survivor is about a 2 year old boy that could recall his souls past live as a World War II pilot and he has met up with some of the blokes he served with I should be able to tell you more when I read it. Return to Life is about other childhood cases where kids could  recall some of their souls past lives.

I do have other political books I'm reading as well, now I only need to prioritise what little time I get and read some more so I can catch up on all I want to read. Kevin Hunter has just released another book as well I shall add that to my list but will purchase it later after I have read some of these one's..
I'm a better today my energy seems to have returned I'll see if I nod off later though.
How cute is this bird .. I believe in Love and Angels do you??
The last song I listened to on iPod
Falling into you - Celine Dion
Some reading music
Sending love and light
Enjoy your weekend I will be back tomorrow sometime
get out and do something that will make you happy.

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