Saturday 20 September 2014

Saturday Quotes xx

Good morning before I go off to work here are a few quotes to share well the boys are off camping this morning so I will just clean some more when I get home from work then see where the day takes me after the house has had a going over and the clothes are washed.
Make your choices wisely the first time around as whatever choices you make will be your destiny..
Listen to your heart for the best guidance if you are at a cross road with any major decisions.
As we are all connected in spiritual truth one's own words and actions will affect others as all the energy is gathered and is reflected back to us creating chaos in the world we live in.

LIVE for the moment,  LAUGH as often as possible and LOVE a lot..

Don't judge others unless you've walked in their shoes, you have no idea what they have been through to get them where they are. Their bad choices are theirs alone and something their own conscience has to deal with. We are all individuals with a life journey to fulfil with lessons for our soul to learn while on this journey.

Are you waiting for something to happen because you can feel it is your destiny as you've put your prayers and your dreams in, have faith that it will happen at the right and Divine Time when all the stars are aligned trust in God's wisdom that it will happen for you when you least expect it.. Whether it is a job your after, meeting a soulmate, or wanting a change in your circumstances never give up or give in just 'hang in there' and keep the faith.

My favourite Celine Song
I Love You
 Sending lots of love and light your way
have a great day I will catch you all later and
finish some posts I've started.

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