Friday 26 September 2014

Find your Inner Truth, peace xx

Hi all it is now Friday I'm feeling better today I had yesterday off work which was lucky as both my eyes and nose were running I did work this morning though then done the weekly groceries in the afternoon, today it was only the eyes running occasionally so all is good for now..  I received in the post a new set of Past Life Oracle Cards  so looking forward to working with those and hopefully next week I can purchase my Ticket for the course by Doreen Virtue for when she comes to Melbourne in November so I can become certified and learn how to read Tarot and Oracle cards for others or at least give me the confidence to do it, I will continue to do universal readings on my blog for the readers on a Sunday though so if you want to know something ask your angels to relay it to me and the answer may be on my blog. The Angels and God hear our thoughts so there is no need to say out loud your questions, those that have crossed over will also hear your thoughts if you are thinking of them and missing their physical presence in your life as you are still connected through your love for each other you are  only ever a thought away from them and they do hear you.
I always do a lot of soul searching I guess I always have in order to stay true to myself and because I'm shy and have always keep my feelings to myself so in order to pull myself out of  upsetting and tough times I go inside myself and question why I feel a certain way and when I have worked through it I am fine to do this you need alone time.. No one knows you better then you and how you feel and what you have to do in your own mind to make every thing okay with the world when you are faced with adversity or difficult choices you need to make.
To find your inner peace as well as your souls truth it is great to be alone and reflect on your life and how far you have come and if you would of done anything different, reflect on who you are and how you treat others, reflect on your childhood and have you changed much and what lessons from childhood do you still lean on to get you through life as an adult, do others know the real you and do you know the real you?? Archangel Jeremiel helps new souls that cross over with their life review but he can also help us still living to have a review of where we are at now in order to help us move forward on our life journey call on him to help you.. 
Meditation is a great way to clear your mind so you can hear your inner voice, I should do it more often then I do I tend to do it at bed time so fall asleep but sometimes the first thoughts in my head in the morning are the answers I needed to find something out especially if I ask a question to any of the Angels before bed, messages will also come in your dreams.  I had the best dream yesterday most of the time I don't remember my dreams, the ones I remember are the ones I felt, if you want to visit someone in your dreams that you are thinking about put in your prayers before bedtime to see if they can come visit you in your subconscious sleep state..
Love is that bright light that lies within you don't be afraid to shine it on
everyone you meet by just being yourself your true self..

Music one more Michael Buble
You'll never find
I decided to also put up a meditation Youtube for you
Angelic music
Sending Love and Light
open your heart and receive
from me and your Angels
Sweet dreams.

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