Sunday 11 May 2014

Happy Mothers day xx

Happy Mothers Day to all the mum's out there especially my own mum who is always there for us her girls and her husband my dad, she never asks for anything in return for all her love and care given to us, most mums don't need awards or rewards just seeing your kids and your other half healthy and happy is all the reward needed..
As a mother of 4 (1 girl and 3 boys)  myself  I wish for my kids to always be Happy, healthy and to always be themselves as I do love you unconditionally just the way you are.. Being a mum is the ultimate gift of  LOVE both given and received from both parties.. Having lost 1 of those 4 children you don't know what heartache and the big hole it leaves in your soul it changes your whole outlook on life and what really matters..  You can't go through the loss of a child and come out the same person at the other end when you finally find yourself again and you will, you realise your kids are your life.. (the other stuff like jobs, money is just trivial and what we need to do to survive in this world) xxx
Sending love and light to all the mums of the World we wouldn't be here without you
to love and guide us to be the best we can be.. Mums don't forget to take care of yourself as well so you can be the best you can be for those you take care of..

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