Saturday, 3 May 2014

Good Morning or evening - Angel messages xx

Most people have a routine or pattern they do every day. What do I do first check my favourite blog MSN with some awesome people on there , news headlines and Facebook where I get a positive start to the day with the Spiritual people I like and follow.. Like John Edwards, Doreen Virtue and our Aussie Ghost Whisperer Suzie she lives in Cessnock and always shares quotes that I like to share here as well so this mornings are..
This one from Suzie who puts all different quotes and pictures up always positive she did put others
but to many for my blog so I will just select the first one I seen.

From Doreen Virtue she always puts up Angel quotes and messages USA time.
From John Edwards FB page, he always asks questions as well here was the last one he put up
Remember never let anyone steal your sunshine! What do you do to keep positive and smiling even when faced with opposition or negativity?
My answer is not to let it get to you as you are the one that can control your feelings don't take other people's negative energies on board as it will eat at you and make you bitter and angry..
 Sometimes if I ask my Angels something pacific I will get answers through these people and quotes they leave, with music usually on the radio, tarot cards (some pictured on my blog) there are other ways but you know they are the answers you were seeking and they come as thoughts and feelings you do have to learn to listen and trust they are angel messages you also need to have an open mind and be receptive as nothing will happen if you are not and always have faith they are your answers and follow them (or they will nag at you) .. My questions are usually about my spiritual development or if my loved ones are being looked after and protected. 
Some music to start your day the last song on my iPod is Keith Urban
But for the Grace of God - great lyrics.
If you ask your Angels anything the answer you are after might even come on my blog.
Sending love and light your way may it fill your heart with love

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