Friday, 30 May 2014

xx Good news xx

Some good news my mum texted yesterday after dad had 2 more doses of chemo on Wednesday and Thursday they must of talked to the Doctor as he is in remission but may need more treatment after another Scan in a months time depending on the results from the scan..
Mum said they 'will cross that bridge when they get to it' .. as they may need to travel to Sydney for that treatment.. I must get that attitude from my mum of trying not to worry about what is too far in front of me as I know from experience life can be full of unexpected events that you have no control over so you just have to deal with it when it comes up.. My mum does stress out a bit though where  I tend not to stress so much as things always seem to turn out maybe not always as expected but then I don't place expectations on anything or anyone so I'm rarely disappointed and just go with the flow of life..
 Some quotes from my FB page over the last couple of days.
I decided to put up music that my dad would enjoy along with Slim Dusty he likes George Jones.
A great little story about how the song came about with Vestel Goodman
George was going to give up on life but with Vestals love he came through.
Never give up in the hard times let the Angels carry that load for you and pull you through.
Sending lots of love and light.

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