Saturday, 31 May 2014

Positivity and Love

The two highest energies that will change any one's mood are positivity and love. I always look on the upside when everybody only sees the bad I see the good and find the reason why it is not so bad as "everything happens for a reason"... that reason can not always be noticed straight away but with time you will notice why things turned out that way.. It probably comes back to what you were expecting to happen and when it didn't happen that way  you get disappointed which is a negative energy..  Expect nothing of no-one that way you will rarely be disappointed as you can talk your self out of disappointment as everything does happen for a reason (you will find all negative energy is your ego trying to talk you out of seeing the positive). 

I always talk about John Edward (JE) the medium on my blog as he has popped in and out of my life and started doing his psychic work around to same time Phillip past so his book and first TV show in 1999 really helped with my grieving process at the time when I was searching for answers to where my baby went and that he would be looked after as I could no longer do it.  I've followed JE not religiously but watched any other shows or if he came on for interviews on the TV I seen what he had to say in hopes of a message from the other side and they did usually come as some readings it will feel as if the message is also for you.. JE drew my name out once on the Kerri-Anne Kennelly show she had a bingo competition as I was sitting watching I was thinking or asking for Phillip if  JE is for real give me a sign next thing JE drew out  #24(significant as that was the date Phillip passed) and I won a big TV that was about 2004. Any way he has a website called Evolve and you can see his work on that he is having a free 90 day Evolve promotion and it will cost you nothing to see his shows (you usually have to pay a yearly subscription to his site so if you want to access it I did only about Oct last year).. Here is his Facebook page for details on the 90 day Evolution it will be well worth your time if you want to learn more about Otherside .. I believe you can also find details on Twitter.

Some music for today before I have to go do some errands and housework
A New Day has Come
Celine Dion
 Some peaceful music as well to help relax your soul
I had visions of Angels in my dreams last night who always
send love and light so open your heart and let them in
both Angels and Love.

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