Sunday, 18 May 2014

Quotes - Positivity and love..

I feel the need for a bit a positivity this morning so here is a quote to start your day and mine..

A quote from the internet while on my net travels if you are looking into spiritually and your soul is awakening to your purpose in life.  *We each have our own individual spiritual journey so how I pick up signs and symbol may not be the way you will receive your guidance,  you will also be taken to the teachers that will suit your needs I relate to John Edwards and Doreen Virtue and others that have been introduced by them your teachers may be other psychics or spiritual beings which you will be led to.
I think the first place you need to start is looking for your inner self (your soul) to find your life purpose while on
Earth in this life time all things spiritual centres on self and your own code of ethics and being responsible for
everything you say and do because we are all connected and everything has a chain reaction and an opposite as we are all energy in a human body (spirit) what drives us is love our ego's bring the opposite fear and hatred towards one another.
I guess you will need to accept everyone as an equal on a soul level and not be judgemental of the choices they have made in this their lifetime as they are also on the  learning curve known as life and their soul has lessons to learn of its own as their path has also been chosen, maybe they have just come to learn the lessons of compassion, consequences from the choices they have made any number of things. Our chosen professions and the life choices we have made along the way will be the lessons our soul has chosen to learn. Some souls are new ones I read last night and have just come for the human experience for the first or second time but most souls are evolving and will continue to do so until they have learnt all lessons then they become the spiritual teachers and guides to help the other souls trying to find their way back home to spirit. When you read through some of this stuff if you are sort of new to spirituality and the meaning of it all it sounds so far fetched but as you go further into your own development of your own souls evolvement it all starts to make sense as your own guides will only give you the lessons when they think you are ready to move ahead and have learnt the lessons they set so you will get all these little messages, symbols etc. but if you still have trouble trusting or not getting the meaning you won't be moving on until the lesson and experiences are learnt. Sometimes it feels like you are in kinder but when you graduate you should of earned your wings or be able to trust in your own intuition and psychic abilities to be able to give others lessons if that is your path. I'm still learning what my path is and not sure of where I am going with it but know I just have to be the student until such time as all is revealed.

I love unconditionally and can't remember having hatred for anyone in my life time even when they hurt me if anything I probably blame myself  for not being who they want me to be, but then those with negative energy I avoid and surround myself with more positive people or block my ears some times ignorance can be bliss especially when you don't want to harbour negative energy off other people.
I love this song of Celine Dion
I'm your Angel
Sending love and light your way if you need it.
Enjoy your Sunday what ever it is you are doing I hope you
get time to relax and do something you enjoy to keep your spirits up.
I have to bath the puppy dog she is a bit dirty.

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