Tuesday 17 June 2014

Little Angel xx

Some quotes and music tonight I just heard some sad news about some one that committed suicide after his mother died.. Very sad my heart is heavy now to think he was so desperate to give up on his own life after his mothers loss she died of cancer, there are only 2 surviving sisters left and that is the whole family complete one of those sisters found her brother because she hadn't heard from him for a while so she went to his house and found him deceased with a photo of his mum clutched in his hands or close by .. I'm saddened by the whole story of this broken family ...
The mother (Helen) came from a broken family and had to separate from her 2 brothers after their mum abandoned them the boys were 1 and 8 she was 11 after their mum walked out they were with dad who brought in another woman but she abused the kids so the sister called child services (Docs) to try save the younger brothers and they eventually all became wards of the states and grew up in foster homes...  

 If you have to convince someone to love you than that relationship won't last if you find real unconditional love with a soul mate they will want to be with you no matter what, you will have them in your thoughts all day and want to be with them for the rest of your life, when you are apart your heartaches and you just want to be able to hold them.  You will want to be each others support base as you will know your partner as you know yourself and be on the same wavelength as your souls are connected..
Message from Doreen Virtue I just love the photo of the Angel on this quote.
 If you have called upon your Angels for help be patient and wait for the signs they have
heard you, your messages will come as thoughts and feelings, you may hear it through music,
conversations around you with the theme of your enquiry, feathers and butterflies are a symbol from heaven .

A sweet song I heard a snippet of on the radio this morning
Paul Devlin - Hey Little Angel
Sending Love and Light
to those in Heaven may they rest in peace
 and play with the Angels.

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