Saturday, 21 June 2014

You're in my soul xx

Once you find your Soulmate  or (twinflame)  the magnetic attraction your souls will feel will be unstoppable you can try and push away but the other soul will feel the resistance as you both are on the same frequency if you have already recognised the familiarity of each others soul.. You can choose to ignore the feelings your heart is saying and let your mind (ego) try and talk you out of those feelings maybe because you have been hurt and heartbroken from other previous relationships or for other fears or for whatever reasons you want to close your heart from feeling love again.. The twinflame relationship is a spiritually based one so you will have a lot stronger soul relationship than a soulmate  one so the resistance will be felt more so. You can try and push these feelings away but they will remain in your heart until you do meet if not in this life time it will be the next depending on how spiritually aware you both are as the connection won't happen until you are both on the same spirit level and frequency soul wise as your souls have been together in previous lifetimes but you still had lessons to learn spiritually to bring you both at the same place at the same time.. Karmic debt also has to be paid back by both partners to any other souls that have come into their path in previous lifetimes.
 Open your heart ready to give and receive love put old hurts and fears aside.
If you feel you are in my soul with divine time destiny awaits for both our souls to connect.
It will be like no other love you have felt before. 
 A message from Archangel Gabriel that found me on Youtube with beautiful images.
Be who you are find the inner you and let it shine for others to see and let them love you for who you are don't let anyone change you to who they want you to be.. that is not love or a friendship worth having.  
Music another favourite of mine (I have so many)
Mariah Carey - Hero 
There is a hero inside all of us open your heart and you can see what I see -  
we are all stronger than we think and we can overcome any hard times life throws
at us when ever we let our fears be replaced with love.
Sending love and light to you
let it fill your heart as it does mine..

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