Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Self Love.. Care ...

I have mentioned love and finding love and your Soulmate on a lot of posts but you also need to Love yourself and accept that God made you perfect the way you are, you need to keep telling yourself  "I am who I am", and no one is perfect.  We are our own worst enemy and critic most of the time we beat our self up about our weight, our looks, what we wear and we always compare ourselves to the images we perceive as beautiful in the media in magazines, TV and in the movies etc. If you love and accept your self first with all your faults than you can find your special partner and love and accept them for who they are, *as well as any one else that crosses your path..  Love unconditionally always and don't forget to look after yourself first with a healthy diet, exercise, plenty of rest (note to self) a great attitude if things don't always turn out how you want.
quotes from FB page
Growing up I was not always self confident on the outside but I was always had that quiet confidence inside of who I was but built a wall up so as not to let anyone in on that probably because I am shy and if I did speak up I usually got "she's coming out of her shell" most the time it was just easier on me to quietly observe what was going on around me and just go with the flow of life even back in my childhood. My big sister was noisy enough for the both of us my mum knew when she wasn't around it must of been relief on my mums ears as my big sister does like to make her presence felt she was my confidence even if she did pick on me at times, I still have that same feeling when she is around put she no longer picks on me we are adults.
So I guess I have been loyal to my own soul through out my life I just had to find my feet and what my life purpose was about and I think I now know through researching in why I am like I am and  coming in to contact with Doreen Virtue has helped me find that purpose as for where it is going I am not sure just yet but I will go with the flow of life like I have always done and let the Angels guide and teach me to fulfil my souls promises.
Music -Free to be me 
Francesca Battistelli
So Love yourself, Love Life
and the rest will follow..
Sending love and light

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