Friday 13 June 2014

Unconditional xx

Some quotes
If you dream it you can achieve what ever it is you want as all good ideas begin with a single thought that grows and grows until it becomes a reality.. Otherwise nothing would ever get invented and we would not of evolved as a human race this far with all our mod-cons and white elephant inventions that sit in our cupboards unused, I've got a few I drag out occasionally like the bread maker, donut maker I didn't want but was a present one year .. I'm sure glad we had those in our histories pages that started with the simple thought of  electricity, light bulbs and toilets with plumbing where would we be with out those I might feel pretty lost and isolated from you lovely people on the internet if someone didn't invent computers and the internet and being able to connect with the whole world via our keyboards..  You can even dream of being with someone like a soul mate that may become reality someday with a little divine intervention and Angel magic involved.
Not sure if I put this one up before but if I did here it is again if not I hope you have found some one in your life with a beautiful heart it doesn't matter what the exterior (body) looks like as that is just superficial and not who the true person is or their soul that is just the outside mask of who we really are I am who I am and it doesn't or never has worried me if people don't like me as I'm not out to impress any one just stay true to who I am and my own soul.. I don't like fakeness or insincerity in people and can usually pick it a mile off, at school I used to hate having to use my imagination and write made up stories as things need to be real, true and tangible for me...
If you are having a bad day remember I love you and if you can feel me in your heart and soul trust those feelings are real and I will be with you in spirit if not physically and to ask your Angels if you need help or support with anything and I may be able to hear those Angels and pass on a message if you have trouble hearing those messages yourself xx
Alicia keys singing about unconditional love
Lyrics are usually what attracts me to a song as most of
 them come from within the writers and singers soul.
Sending love and light your way

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