Sunday 17 August 2014

Angel Therapy xx

I've been out for most the day today so in the car whilst traveling I was catching up on some reading I was reading this book below it is very interesting and answered some of my questions from other posts of mine.. Our names - You (your soul) or your Angels whispered your name into your mums ear as each name has a vibrational key that unlocks your souls book that is held by our creator.. We each have our own vibration (or energy frequency) so it is different for others that have the same name  (more info in book). If you were named after a relative you will probably walk a similar path to them. I now wonder if my daughter has thought about what she will call my grandbaby I did see an ultrasound picture of the little peanut she is about 15 weeks along very excited can't wait for cuddles only another 25 weeks to go.. sigh!! 
I was also reading about the 4 "Clairs" - Clairvoyance - (clear seeing) - Clairsentience - (clear feeling) - Claircognizance - (clear thinking) - Clairaudience - (clear hearing) .. We all possess these psychic abilities we just have to learn how to use them we all have a primary "Clair" on reading this today I discovered what my primary Clair is -
Going back to what I wrote the other day "Every person you meet comes in to teach you something even if it is only over the internet and social media sites , nothing will take away the experience of meeting face to face but you still pick up on others energy through the cyber waves with what they say, I know sometimes I can actually feel someone's mood by the comments they make as it is the energy I pick up on (I am still fine tuning my senses and intuition but when negative comments come in I tend to back away as it does affect my own positive psyche and outlook Kevin Hunter said I was like a psychic sponge when I mentioned it one day)." 
" Clairsentience" is my primary ability although I am still working on the others at 17 when I heard the voice telling me whom my future husband would be on just seeing the back of his head that must of been "Clairaudience" .. Clairvoyance you should be able to see visions in your dreams but when you open up your 3rd eye you should see them mentally this is what I've been working on recently so it is a learning curve maybe if you try to hard nothing will happen and you have to go with the flow and when your ready spiritually it will happen if you work with your spirit team and move all that is blocking your 3rd eye visions. Some times I feel as if I have some Claircognizance as I just know stuff from deep within my soul and I will come across something I read and already knew it like when reading "Only Love is Real" some of the spiritual stuff that came from Brian Weiss patient from the masters I knew in my heart. Maybe I need to work on fine tuning all of the Clairs but I think one will still stand out and work best with you as they all will come in as your thoughts I think you just need to be able to tell the difference between your own thoughts and feelings and those that come from others and from the other side or from your spiritual guides, masters and Angels. The big thing is to have trust and faith in yourself that when the thoughts come in that they are from spirit and to watch your ego as it will try and talk you out of what you are hearing, seeing, feeling or thinking.
You should also not forget to have an open mind and open heart to receive these messages and to keep the faith and trust that what you are sensing is real and from the universe or from the divine.
Remain sceptical until you are sure and experience your own miracles as your own spirit team won't let you move ahead until you learn each lesson there is no time limit as I am still learning all this stuff as I go so I'm still a beginner (I started to search for my life purpose in Oct 2013 so have not fully awoken) I said in one of my earlier post it is like going to school but you learn from those that have already experienced this and you will be led to where you need to go by your team and when you are ready yourself to advance to the next lesson it will happen. **I have a feeling you have to unblock and unlock all your own psychic abilities that we are born with as we do use our instincts and gut feelings all the time but I think we don't realise just where the messages are coming from and our ego also plays a big part in talking us down and out of what we are sensing then life and our freewill takes us in the directions we find ourselves in because of the freewill choices we make, also the beliefs we grew up with have accustomed our brains into a certain way of thinking which blocks these natural abilities.
Let the real you shine so people will love you for just being yourself.

Let go and let God or your Angels take away any fears, worries or negative energies
as they will block your spiritual path and affect your health in the long run.

 Music - Katy Perry
You are deep in my soul I can feel you..
So much love .
It is real - so very spiritual..
Sending Love and Light to you
open your heart and receive from me and
your Angels.

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