Sunday, 10 August 2014

Love You like you want others to Love You xx

Some quotes and Katy Perry music today have you seen the big Super Moon out again tonight it is beautiful I can see it out my window.. The more you notice the signs by your Angels the more they will show you they are around.. I don't ask for things everyday of my Angels but if I ask for something I usually get a sign or symbol so I know they are around when I need them sometimes it is just to take some negative or sad feelings I'm having away. I usually ask Archangel Michael  but there are different Archangels for specific purposes I have a list of them on the side of my blog if you want to look them up..

 You usually attract the same sort of soul to you or the same energy as you are because you mirror what you want into your life.. Example if you are someone that hangs out at the pub all day drinking you are most likely to find the same sort of soul doing the same things as you and you will become mates, if one of you stops the pub drinking you will find that you drift apart as friends because drinking all day is no interest to you anymore.. So if you are a party animal you will attract like wise persons to you.. It is like when you first got married but most of your friends were single once you start having kids and do the marriage gig some of your single friends will drift away as they no longer fit in with your energy, the soul mate friends will still be around and stick with you through thick or thin..
And another awesome song by Katy Perry
I love the lyrics
You have to be yourself in order for others to love you for who you are
don't change to fit others criteria of how they want you to be..
No relationship will last based on you not being the real you
the relationship will be based on how the other person perceives you to be.
Sending love and Light to you
open your heart and receive it from me
and your Angels.

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