Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Hey you xx

If you are reading my blog even though I don't know you here is a message from me, Doreen and your Guardian Angels..
**Now I have more time as I did a quick post at lunch time 10 mins before I had to leave for job #2.
This morning I decided I would start to walk to work it takes less than 10 minutes to walk to work downhill but I decided to also get more exercise so walked around our local football oval (about 4 times today)whilst reading after I finished work and try lose a bit more weight as I have lost about 10kg since starting work about a year ago I was about 74kg last time I weighed myself so another 8-10 kg would be good, just by exercising more because of manual labour I haven't changed my diet a whole lot as I don't eat a lot of sweet stuff like biscuits or cakes I never have been a sweet eater (besides chocolate, lollies most people love them) I do prefer savoury, salty stuff which is probably not good for my hypertension but old habits die hard.. Did you know that people use food to shield their emotions and from the negative energies off others so if you reach for the chocolate and comfort food when someone has upset you, you will know why maybe you can ask Archangel Michael for your emotional shield instead of chocolate or sweet stuff as I know that is what triggers me to eat it my emotions or when others are in a mood around me as it or has been my shield. See how I go tomorrow with my walking I hope it is a beautiful day like it was today with a blue sky and not a cloud to be seen. I also started another Doreen Virtue class tell you more about it one day..
Let go of your past worries, fears and resentment towards those that hurt you or vice-versa so you can be who you are today as all those that have crossed your path in the past have taught your soul a lesson so you become a better person spiritually as everything happens for a reason and there are no coincidences because we are all divinely guided if you listen more to your heart then your ego you will always end up where you are meant to be..

Also my favourite song at the moment
I've been listening to it this morning
sending my love and light to you
have a great day or what is left of it

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